17. GNAT language extensions

The GNAT compiler implements a certain number of language extensions on top of the latest Ada standard, implementing its own extended superset of Ada.

There are two sets of language extensions:

  • The first is the curated set. The features in that set are features that we consider being worthy additions to the Ada language, and that we want to make available to users early on.

  • The second is the experimental set. It includes the first, but also experimental features, that are here because they’re still in an early prototyping phase.

17.1. How to activate the extended GNAT Ada superset

There are two ways to activate the extended GNAT Ada superset:

pragma Extensions_Allowed (On)

As a configuration pragma, you can either put it at the beginning of a source file, or in a .adc file corresponding to your project.

  • The -gnatX option, that you can pass to the compiler directly, will activate the curated subset of extensions.


You can activate the extended set of extensions by using either the -gnatX0 command line flag, or the pragma Extensions_Allowed with All as an argument. However, it is not recommended you use this subset for serious projects, and is only means as a playground/technology preview.

17.2. Curated Extensions

17.2.1. Local Declarations Without Block

A basic_declarative_item may appear at the place of any statement. This avoids the heavy syntax of block_statements just to declare something locally.

Link to the original RFC: https://github.com/AdaCore/ada-spark-rfcs/blob/master/prototyped/rfc-local-vars-without-block.md For example:

if X > 5 then
   X := X + 1;

   Squared : constant Integer := X**2;

   X := X + Squared;
end if;

17.2.2. Conditional when constructs

This feature extends the use of when as a way to condition a control-flow related statement, to all control-flow related statements.

To do a conditional return in a procedure the following syntax should be used:

procedure P (Condition : Boolean) is
   return when Condition;

This will return from the procedure if Condition is true.

When being used in a function the conditional part comes after the return value:

function Is_Null (I : Integer) return Boolean is
   return True when I = 0;
   return False;

In a similar way to the exit when a goto ... when can be employed:

procedure Low_Level_Optimized is
   Flags : Bitmapping;
   Do_1 (Flags);
   goto Cleanup when Flags (1);

   Do_2 (Flags);
   goto Cleanup when Flags (32);

   --  ...

   --  ...

To use a conditional raise construct:

procedure Foo is
   raise Error when Imported_C_Func /= 0;

An exception message can also be added:

procedure Foo is
   raise Error with "Unix Error"
     when Imported_C_Func /= 0;

Link to the original RFC: https://github.com/AdaCore/ada-spark-rfcs/blob/master/prototyped/rfc-conditional-when-constructs.rst

17.2.3. Fixed lower bounds for array types and subtypes

Unconstrained array types and subtypes can be specified with a lower bound that is fixed to a certain value, by writing an index range that uses the syntax <lower-bound-expression> .. <>. This guarantees that all objects of the type or subtype will have the specified lower bound.

For example, a matrix type with fixed lower bounds of zero for each dimension can be declared by the following:

type Matrix is
  array (Natural range 0 .. <>, Natural range 0 .. <>) of Integer;

Objects of type Matrix declared with an index constraint must have index ranges starting at zero:

M1 : Matrix (0 .. 9, 0 .. 19);
M2 : Matrix (2 .. 11, 3 .. 22);  -- Warning about bounds; will raise CE

Similarly, a subtype of String can be declared that specifies the lower bound of objects of that subtype to be 1:

subtype String_1 is String (1 .. <>);

If a string slice is passed to a formal of subtype String_1 in a call to a subprogram S, the slice’s bounds will “slide” so that the lower bound is 1.

Within S, the lower bound of the formal is known to be 1, so, unlike a normal unconstrained String formal, there is no need to worry about accounting for other possible lower-bound values. Sliding of bounds also occurs in other contexts, such as for object declarations with an unconstrained subtype with fixed lower bound, as well as in subtype conversions.

Use of this feature increases safety by simplifying code, and can also improve the efficiency of indexing operations, since the compiler statically knows the lower bound of unconstrained array formals when the formal’s subtype has index ranges with static fixed lower bounds.

Link to the original RFC: https://github.com/AdaCore/ada-spark-rfcs/blob/master/prototyped/rfc-fixed-lower-bound.rst

17.2.4. Prefixed-view notation for calls to primitive subprograms of untagged types

When operating on an untagged type, if it has any primitive operations, and the first parameter of an operation is of the type (or is an access parameter with an anonymous type that designates the type), you may invoke these operations using an object.op(...) notation, where the parameter that would normally be the first parameter is brought out front, and the remaining parameters (if any) appear within parentheses after the name of the primitive operation.

This same notation is already available for tagged types. This extension allows for untagged types. It is allowed for all primitive operations of the type independent of whether they were originally declared in a package spec or its private part, or were inherited and/or overridden as part of a derived type declaration occuring anywhere, so long as the first parameter is of the type, or an access parameter designating the type.

For example:

   type Elem_Type is private;
package Vectors is
    type Vector is private;
    procedure Add_Element (V : in out Vector; Elem : Elem_Type);
    function Nth_Element (V : Vector; N : Positive) return Elem_Type;
    function Length (V : Vector) return Natural;
    function Capacity (V : Vector) return Natural;
       --  Return number of elements that may be added without causing
       --  any new allocation of space

    type Vector is ...
      with Type_Invariant => Vector.Length <= Vector.Capacity;
end Vectors;

package Int_Vecs is new Vectors(Integer);

V : Int_Vecs.Vector;

pragma Assert (V.Length = 2);
pragma Assert (V.Nth_Element(1) = 42);

Link to the original RFC: https://github.com/AdaCore/ada-spark-rfcs/blob/master/prototyped/rfc-prefixed-untagged.rst

17.2.5. Expression defaults for generic formal functions

The declaration of a generic formal function is allowed to specify an expression as a default, using the syntax of an expression function.

Here is an example of this feature:

   type T is private;
   with function Copy (Item : T) return T is (Item); -- Defaults to Item
package Stacks is

   type Stack is limited private;

   procedure Push (S : in out Stack; X : T); -- Calls Copy on X
   function Pop (S : in out Stack) return T; -- Calls Copy to return item

   -- ...
end Stacks;

Link to the original RFC: https://github.com/AdaCore/ada-spark-rfcs/blob/master/prototyped/rfc-expression-functions-as-default-for-generic-formal-function-parameters.rst

17.2.6. String interpolation

The syntax for string literals is extended to support string interpolation.

Within an interpolated string literal, an arbitrary expression, when enclosed in { ... }, is expanded at run time into the result of calling 'Image on the result of evaluating the expression enclosed by the brace characters, unless it is already a string or a single character.

Here is an example of this feature where the expressions Name and X + Y will be evaluated and included in the string.

procedure Test_Interpolation is
   X    : Integer := 12;
   Y    : Integer := 15;
   Name : String := "Leo";
   Put_Line (f"The name is {Name} and the sum is {X + Y}.");
end Test_Interpolation;

In addition, an escape character (\) is provided for inserting certain standard control characters (such as \t for tabulation or \n for newline) or to escape characters with special significance to the interpolated string syntax, namely ", {, },and \ itself.



























Note that, unlike normal string literals, doubled characters have no special significance. So to include a double-quote or a brace character in an interpolated string, they must be preceded by a \. For example:

  (f"X = {X} and Y = {Y} and X+Y = {X+Y};\n" &
   f" a double quote is \" and" &
   f" an open brace is \{");

Finally, a syntax is provided for creating multi-line string literals, without having to explicitly use an escape sequence such as \n. For example:

  (f"This is a multi-line"
    "string literal"
    "There is no ambiguity about how many"
    "spaces are included in each line");

Here is a link to the original RFC : https://github.com/AdaCore/ada-spark-rfcs/blob/master/prototyped/rfc-string-interpolation.rst

17.2.7. Constrained attribute for generic objects

The Constrained attribute is permitted for objects of generic types. The result indicates whether the corresponding actual is constrained.

17.2.8. Static aspect on intrinsic functions

The Ada 202x Static aspect can be specified on Intrinsic imported functions and the compiler will evaluate some of these intrinsics statically, in particular the Shift_Left and Shift_Right intrinsics.

17.3. Experimental Language Extensions

17.3.1. Pragma Storage_Model

This feature proposes to redesign the concepts of Storage Pools into a more efficient model allowing higher performances and easier integration with low footprint embedded run-times.

It also extends it to support distributed memory models, in particular to support interactions with GPU.

Here is a link to the full RFC: https://github.com/AdaCore/ada-spark-rfcs/blob/master/prototyped/rfc-storage-model.rst

17.3.2. Simpler accessibility model

The goal of this feature is to restore a common understanding of accessibility rules for implementers and users alike. The new rules should both be effective at preventing errors and feel natural and compatible in an Ada environment while removing dynamic accessibility checking.

Here is a link to the full RFC: https://github.com/AdaCore/ada-spark-rfcs/blob/master/prototyped/rfc-simpler-accessibility.md

17.3.3. Case pattern matching

The selector for a case statement (but not yet for a case expression) may be of a composite type, subject to some restrictions (described below). Aggregate syntax is used for choices of such a case statement; however, in cases where a “normal” aggregate would require a discrete value, a discrete subtype may be used instead; box notation can also be used to match all values.

Consider this example:

type Rec is record
   F1, F2 : Integer;
end record;

procedure Caser_1 (X : Rec) is
   case X is
      when (F1 => Positive, F2 => Positive) =>
      when (F1 => Natural, F2 => <>) | (F1 => <>, F2 => Natural) =>
      when others =>
   end case;
end Caser_1;

If Caser_1 is called and both components of X are positive, then Do_This will be called; otherwise, if either component is nonnegative then Do_That will be called; otherwise, Do_The_Other_Thing will be called.

In addition, pattern bindings are supported. This is a mechanism for binding a name to a component of a matching value for use within an alternative of a case statement. For a component association that occurs within a case choice, the expression may be followed by is <identifier>. In the special case of a “box” component association, the identifier may instead be provided within the box. Either of these indicates that the given identifier denotes (a constant view of) the matching subcomponent of the case selector.


Binding is not yet supported for arrays or subcomponents thereof.

Consider this example (which uses type Rec from the previous example):

procedure Caser_2 (X : Rec) is
   case X is
      when (F1 => Positive is Abc, F2 => Positive) =>
         Do_This (Abc)
      when (F1 => Natural is N1, F2 => <N2>) |
           (F1 => <N2>, F2 => Natural is N1) =>
         Do_That (Param_1 => N1, Param_2 => N2);
      when others =>
   end case;
end Caser_2;

This example is the same as the previous one with respect to determining whether Do_This, Do_That, or Do_The_Other_Thing will be called. But for this version, Do_This takes a parameter and Do_That takes two parameters. If Do_This is called, the actual parameter in the call will be X.F1.

If Do_That is called, the situation is more complex because there are two choices for that alternative. If Do_That is called because the first choice matched (i.e., because X.F1 is nonnegative and either X.F1 or X.F2 is zero or negative), then the actual parameters of the call will be (in order) X.F1 and X.F2. If Do_That is called because the second choice matched (and the first one did not), then the actual parameters will be reversed.

Within the choice list for single alternative, each choice must define the same set of bindings and the component subtypes for for a given identifer must all statically match. Currently, the case of a binding for a nondiscrete component is not implemented.

If the set of values that match the choice(s) of an earlier alternative overlaps the corresponding set of a later alternative, then the first set shall be a proper subset of the second (and the later alternative will not be executed if the earlier alternative “matches”). All possible values of the composite type shall be covered. The composite type of the selector shall be an array or record type that is neither limited nor class-wide. Currently, a “when others =>” case choice is required; it is intended that this requirement will be relaxed at some point.

If a subcomponent’s subtype does not meet certain restrictions, then the only value that can be specified for that subcomponent in a case choice expression is a “box” component association (which matches all possible values for the subcomponent). This restriction applies if:

  • the component subtype is not a record, array, or discrete type; or

  • the component subtype is subject to a non-static constraint or has a predicate; or:

  • the component type is an enumeration type that is subject to an enumeration representation clause; or

  • the component type is a multidimensional array type or an array type with a nonstatic index subtype.

Support for casing on arrays (and on records that contain arrays) is currently subject to some restrictions. Non-positional array aggregates are not supported as (or within) case choices. Likewise for array type and subtype names. The current implementation exceeds compile-time capacity limits in some annoyingly common scenarios; the message generated in such cases is usually “Capacity exceeded in compiling case statement with composite selector type”.

Link to the original RFC: https://github.com/AdaCore/ada-spark-rfcs/blob/master/prototyped/rfc-pattern-matching.rst