Command Line Invocation

The following is an overview over the GNATprove commandline options. See also the section Running GNATprove from the Command Line for more detailed information for many of the switches.

Usage: gnatprove -Pproj [switches] [-cargs switches]

proj is a GNAT project file
-cargs switches are passed to gcc

All main units in proj are analyzed by default. Switches to change this:
 -u [files]            Analyze only the given files
    [files]            Analyze given files and all dependencies
 -U                    Analyze all files (including unused) of all projects
                       (can also be used with "--limit-*" switches to analyze
                       all instances of a generic)

gnatprove basic switches:
 -aP=p                 Add path p to project path
     --assumptions     Output assumptions information
     --clean           Remove GNATprove intermediate files, and exit
     --cwe             Include CWE ids in message output
     --explain=Ennnn   Output explanation for explain code Ennnn
                       associated to a message (error, warning or check)
 -f                    Force recompilation/analysis of all units
 -h, --help            Display this usage information
     --info            Output info messages about the analysis
 -j N                  Use N parallel processes (default: 1; N=0 will use
                       all cores of the machine)
 -k                    Do not stop analysis at the first error
     --level=n         Set the level of proof (0 = faster to 4 = more powerful)
     --list-categories Output a list of all message categories and exit
 -m                    Minimal reanalysis
     --mode=m          Set the mode of GNATprove (m=check, check_all, flow,
                       prove, all*, stone, bronze, silver, gold)
     --no-subprojects  Do not analyze subprojects, only the root project
     --output-msg-only Do not run any provers, output current flow and proof
 -q, --quiet           Be quiet/terse
     --replay          Replay proofs, do not attempt new proofs
     --report=r        Set the report mode of GNATprove (r=fail*, all,
                       provers, statistics)
     --subdirs=p       Create all artifacts in this subdir
 -v, --verbose         Output extra verbose information
     --version         Output version of the tool and exit
     --warnings=w      Set the warning mode of GNATprove
                       (w=off, continue*, error)

 * Main mode values
   . check               - Fast partial check for SPARK violations
   . check_all, stone    - Full check for SPARK violations
   . flow, bronze        - Prove correct initialization and data flow
   . prove               - Prove absence of run-time errors and contracts
   . all, silver, gold   - Activates all modes (default)

 * Report mode values
   . fail          - Report failures to prove checks (default)
   . all           - Report all results of proving checks
   . provers       - Same as all, plus prover usage information
   . statistics    - Same as provers, plus timing and steps information

 * Warning mode values
   . off           - Do not issue warnings
   . continue      - Issue warnings and continue (default)
   . error         - Treat warnings as errors

gnatprove advanced switches:
                      Enable or disable checking of counterexample (c=on*,off)
 --checks-as-errors=c Treat unproved check messages as errors (c=on,off*)
 --ce-steps=nnn       Set the maximum number of proof steps for counterexamples.
                      This replaces the use of timeout for counterexamples.
 --counterexamples=c  Enable or disable counterexamples (c=on,off*)
 -d, --debug          Debug mode
 --debug-save-vcs     Do not delete intermediate files for provers
 --debug-exec-rac     Only execute runtime assertion checking (RAC) and exit
 --flow-debug         Extra debugging for flow analysis (requires graphviz)
                      Enable or disable the generation of guards for axioms
                      providing contracts of functions (c=on*,off)
 --limit-line=f:l     Limit analysis to given file and line
 --limit-line=f:l:c:k Limit analysis to given file, line, column and kind of
 --limit-lines=file   Limit analysis to lines specified in file (one per line)
 --limit-name=s       Limit analysis to subprogram with the specified name
 --limit-region=f:l:l Limit analysis to given file and range of lines
 --limit-subp=f:l     Limit analysis to subprogram declared at the specified
                      Specify a memcached instance that will be used for
                      caching of proof results.
                      Use the fixed string "file" for part before the colon.
                      The cache will be stored in the directory after the
                      colon. Best for CI integration.
 --memlimit=nnn       Set the prover memory limit in MB. Use value 0 for
                      no limit (default when no level set)
                      Do not generate Global and Initializes contracts from
                      code, instead assume "null". Note that this option also
                      implies --no-inlining.
 --no-inlining        Do not inline calls to local subprograms for proof
 --no-loop-unrolling  Do not unroll loops with static bounds and no
                      (in)variant for proof
 --output=o           Set the output mode of GNATprove (o=brief, oneline,
 --output-header      Add a header with extra information in the generated
                      output file
 --pedantic           Use a strict interpretation of the Ada standard
 --proof-warnings=c   Issue warnings by proof (c=on,off*)
                      Set the timeout for proof warnings
 --proof=g[:l]        Set the proof modes for generation of formulas
                      (g=per_check*, per_path, progressive) (l=lazy*, all)
 --prover=s[,s]*      Use given provers (s=altergo, cvc5*, z3, ..., or s=all
                      for using all built-in provers)
 --RTS=dir            Specify the Ada runtime name/location
 --steps=nnn          Set the maximum number of proof steps (prover-specific)
                      Use value 0 for no steps limit.
 --target=target_name Specify the name of the target platform
 --timeout=nnn        Set the prover timeout in seconds. Use value 0 for
                      no timeout (default when no level set)
 --why3-conf=f        Specify a configuration file for why3

 * Output mode values
   . brief         - Output minimal check message on a single line
   . oneline       - Output rich check message on a single line
   . pretty        - Pretty-print check messages for command-line use (default)

 * Proof mode values for generation
   . per_check     - Generate one formula per check (default when no level set)
   . per_path      - Generate one formula per path for each check
   . progressive   - Start with one formula per check, then split into
                     paths when needed

 * Proof mode values for laziness
   . lazy          - Stop at first unproved formula for each check
                     (most suited for fully automatic proof) (default)
   . all           - Attempt to prove all formulas
                     (most suited for combination of automatic and manual proof)

 * Prover name values
   (Default prover is cvc5.)
   . altergo       - Use Alt-Ergo
   . colibri       - Use Colibri
   . cvc5          - Use CVC5
   . z3            - Use Z3
   . ...           - Any other prover configured in your .why3.conf file