4. Writing Your Own Rules

All the predefined rules in GNATcheck are implemented via a pattern matching language called LKQL (LangKit Query Language) which is a functional, Turing-complete language, and provides as an advanced usage the ability to write an infinite number of custom checks.

The general description of this language can be found in the LKQL Language Reference. The APIs available in LKQL are described in the LKQL API.

In addition to the examples available in this document, you will find all the predefined checks implemented in GNATcheck under the share/lkql directory which can be used as examples and starting points for your own rules.

This chapter gives some additional information on how to use this language to create your own rules and checkers.

4.1. How To Write Rules

Rules are written in the LKQL language, and put either in the predefined share/lkql directory or under any other directory specified via the --rules-dir switch. Each .lkql file found in these directories will be loaded by gnatcheck and represents a distinct rule (or a set of helper functions). The naming convention of the rules is lowercase_with_underscores.

Here is a simple rule example, that will just flag every body node:

fun bodies(node) = node is BodyNode

Adding this source in the bodies.lkql file in a directory listed via --rules-dir will add a rule to GNATcheck dynamically, without the need to modify GNATcheck itself. For example:

$ gnatcheck -Pprj --rules-dir=. -rules +Rbodies

4.1.1. Boolean Rules

Boolean rules are functions that take a node and return a boolean and are marked with the @check decorator. They usually contain an is pattern match as the main expression:

fun goto(node) = node is GotoStmt

But are not limited to this, and can contain arbitrary expressions as long as they return a boolean, e.g:

fun goto_or_loop(node) =
    match node
    | GotoStmt     => true
    | BaseLoopStmt => true
    | *            => false

4.1.2. Unit Rules

Unit rules are functions that take an analysis unit and return a list of objects containing a message and a location. They’re meant to be ultimately flexible, and fulfill the needs that boolean rules can’t fulfill, for example:

  • Customizing messages.

  • Having a non 1 to 1 relationship between messages and nodes.

  • Having token based rules.

The returned objects must have two keys:

  • message: Contains the message to be displayed.

  • loc: Either a node or a token, used as the source location for the error message.

These functions are marked with the @unit_check decorator:

fun goto_line(unit) = [
      "go to line " &
    loc: node.f_label_name}
   for node in (from unit.root select GotoStmt)

The above rule will find each goto statement and generate a message for each, listing the line where the target label of the goto is defined.

For example given this code:

1procedure Go_To is
3   goto Foo;
4   ...
6   ...
7end Go_To;

The following gnatcheck call (assuming the file goto_line.lkql is found in the current directory) will output:

$ gnatcheck -d go_to.adb --rules-dir=. -rules +Rgoto_line
go_to.adb:3:09: go to line 5

4.1.3. Rule Arguments

Rules can take different optional arguments:

  • message: The custom message that is to be shown for a given rule on the command line. Defaults to the name of the rule if not specified.

  • help: The help message that is to be shown via gnatcheck -h. Defaults to message if not specified.

  • follow_generic_instantiations: Whether to follow generic instantiations during the traversal of given Ada units. If true, generic instantiations will be traversed in instantiated form. Defaults to false.

  • category, subcategory: The category (and subcategory) associated with this rule, used by gnatcheck as part of its -hx output. Defaults to Misc.

  • remediation: A string with the following possible values:

    • EASY

    • MEDIUM

    • MAJOR

    Used by gnatcheck -h and by the SonarQube integration to compute technical debt. Defaults to MEDIUM.

Here is an example rule:

@check(message="integer object declaration", follow_generic_instantiations=true)
fun int_obj_decl(node) =
    |" Will flag object declarations for which the type is the standard
    |" ``Integer`` type
    node is o@ObjectDecl(
        p_type_expression() is SubtypeIndication(
            p_designated_type_decl() is t@* when t == o.p_std_entity("Integer")))

4.2. Debugging Your Rules

When writing new rules, you should first enable the gnatcheck switch -d so that any LKQL runtime error (such as type mismatches, wrong nodes or syntax errors) are reported as part of the gnatcheck output.

You can then use one (or a mix) of the approaches described in the following sections.

4.2.1. The LKQL REPL

LKQL comes with a REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) which allows you to elaborate and verify all your LKQL expressions line by line, as well as explore the available properties and functions via the code completion provided by this interactive environment.

The REPL is a python script called lkql_repl.py which is found in the bin directory of your GNATcheck installation. In order to execute it, you need a Python 64bits installation (3.7 or later, available from https://www.python.org/downloads/), along with the prompt_toolkit and pygments modules installed (you need to have the pip and python executables in your PATH):

$ pip install prompt_toolkit pygments

You then need to setup the proper environment by adding the directory install root/lib/python to the PYTHONPATH environment variable. For example under a Linux shell, assuming GNATcheck is installed under /opt/gnatcheck:

$ export PYTHONPATH=/opt/gnatcheck/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH

and similarly under a Windows cmd, assuming that python is in your PATH already and GNATcheck is installed under \opt\gnatcheck:

$ set PYTHONPATH=\opt\gnatcheck\lib\python

Once done, you should be able to run lkql_repl.py:

$ lkql_repl.py -Pprj

where prj is your project file prj.gpr. From there you have access to an interactive shell which provides a history of commands available via e.g. the up and down keys, as well as automatic completion. To exit this shell, you can use the Control-D key combination.

Note that under Windows, the Command Prompt (cmd) is required by the prompt_toolkit module.

Here is an example session:

$ lkql_repl.py -Pprj

.-.   .-. .-..----. .-.
| |   | |/ //  {}  \| |        Welcome to LKQL repl
| `--.| |\ \\      /| `--.     type 'help' for more information
`----'`-' `-'`-----``----'

 > val root=select first AdaNode
 > print(root)
<CompilationUnit file1.adb:1:1-41:11>
 > root.dump
|  AdaNodeList[1:1-1:1]: <empty list>
|  LibraryItem[1:1-41:11]
 > val ops=select BinOp
 > print ops
[<BinOp file1.adb:3:54-3:59>, <RelationOp file1.adb:6:56-6:62>, ...]
 > ops[1].dump
|  Id[3:54-3:55]: L
|  OpMinus[3:56-3:57]
|  Id[3:58-3:59]: R
 > print ops[1].f_left
<Id "L" file1.adb:3:54-3:55>
 > print ops[1].f_left.p_referenced_decl()
<ParamSpec ["L", "R"] file1.adb:3:19-3:33>
 > select ParamSpec
[<ParamSpec ["L", "R"] file1.adb:2:19-2:33>, <ParamSpec ["L", "R"] file1.adb:3:19-3:33>, ...]
 > select p@ParamSpec when [n for n in p.f_ids.children if n.f_name.p_name_is("Str")]
[<ParamSpec ["Str"] file1.adb:1:18-1:37>, <ParamSpec ["Str"] file2.adb:1:18-1:37>]
 > ^D
Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)? y

4.3. A Complete Step By Step Example

In this section, we will implement step by step a rule to detect integer types that could be replaced by an enumeration type.

To find such types, we first need to define a @check looking for all type declarations, with an associated message:

@check(message="integer type may be replaced by an enumeration")
fun integer_types_as_enum(node) = node is TypeDecl

Then let’s refine the rule to only consider integer type declarations, by using the libadalang p_is_int_type property:

@check(message="integer type may be replaced by an enumeration")
fun integer_types_as_enum(node) = node is TypeDecl(p_is_int_type() is true)

Now, we’ll add a first criteria to consider: there should be no use of any arithmetic or bitwise operator on this type anywhere in the sources. To achieve that, we need to perform a global query on the whole project, which is done via a select query, to find all the references to arithmetic operators:

select BinOp(f_op is OpDiv or OpMinus or OpMod or OpMult or
                     OpPlus or OpPow or OpRem or OpXor or
                     OpAnd or OpOr)
    or UnOp(f_op is OpAbs or OpMinus or OpPlus or OpNot)

we then create a function that will compute all the types associated with these expressions in a list:

fun arithmetic_ops() =
    |" Return a list of all types referenced in any arithmetic operator
     for op in select
         BinOp(f_op is OpDiv or OpMinus or OpMod or OpMult or
                       OpPlus or OpPow or OpRem or OpXor or
                       OpAnd or OpOr) or
         UnOp(f_op is OpAbs or OpMinus or OpPlus or OpNot)].to_list

and we update our rule accordingly to find all integer types for which no arithmetic operator is found. To achieve that, we use a list comprehension to iterate over the list returned by arithmetic_ops and take advantage of the semantic of list comprehensions when used in a boolean expression: a list with no element evaluates to false, and a list with at least one element evaluates to true:

fun integer_types_as_enum(node) =
     node is TypeDecl(p_is_int_type() is true)
     when not [t for t in arithmetic_ops() if t == node]

Running this rule we realize that it finds some interesting matches, but also too many false positives. In particular types referenced in type conversions also need to be filtered out. So let’s define another helper function that will list all types referenced as a target of a type conversion. In the libadalang tree, a type conversion appears as a CallExpr whose referenced declaration (p_referenced_decl property) is a type declaration (TypeDecl). We perform another global select query:

fun types() =
     for c in select CallExpr(p_referenced_decl() is TypeDecl)].to_list

And we update our rule accordingly:

fun integer_types_as_enum(node) =
     node is TypeDecl(p_is_int_type() is true)
     when not [t for t in arithmetic_ops() if t == node]
      and not [t for t in types() if t == node]

So we’re now filtering target types in type conversions, but that’s not enough, we also need to filter source types in type conversions, so let’s refine our types function by also using the f_suffix which is a ParamAssocList in this context with a single element, where we compute the type of the expression via the p_expression_type property:


We then use the concat builtin function to concatenate the previous result with this new one and create a single dimension list of type declarations with both source and target types of conversions:

fun types() =
    concat([[c.p_referenced_decl(), c.f_suffix[1].f_r_expr.p_expression_type()]
            for c in select CallExpr(p_referenced_decl() is TypeDecl)].to_list)

This gives much better results and much fewer false positives! We then realize that we need to perform a similar filtering on subtype declarations: types references in subtype declarations should not be flagged. We use another global select on subtype declarations, and list all the referenced types:

[s.f_subtype.f_name.p_referenced_decl() for s in select SubtypeDecl]

We combine this with the previous results:

fun types() =
    |" Return a list of TypeDecl matching all type conversions (both as source
    |" and target) and subtype declarations in the project.
    concat([[c.p_referenced_decl(), c.f_suffix[1].f_r_expr.p_expression_type()]
            for c in select CallExpr(p_referenced_decl() is TypeDecl)].to_list)
    & [s.f_subtype.f_name.p_referenced_decl() for s in select SubtypeDecl].to_list

We’re getting even less false positives now, and quickly realize that we need to do the same for type derivations:

 for c in select TypeDecl(f_type_def is DerivedTypeDef)].to_list

We combine again the results, which gives us our final types function:

fun types() =
    |" Return a list of TypeDecl matching all type conversions (both as source
    |" and target), subtype declarations and type derivations in the project.
    concat([[c.p_referenced_decl(), c.f_suffix[1].f_r_expr.p_expression_type()]
            for c in select CallExpr(p_referenced_decl() is TypeDecl)].to_list)
    & [s.f_subtype.f_name.p_referenced_decl() for s in select SubtypeDecl].to_list
    & [c.f_type_def.f_subtype_indication.f_name.p_referenced_decl()
       for c in select TypeDecl(f_type_def is DerivedTypeDef)].to_list

Running our rule again, we find a final source of false positives: types referenced as parameter of generic instantiations also need to be filtered out, so we define a new function to compute all declarations referenced as parameters of a generic instantiation, via two select: a global query returning all generic instantiations:

select GenericInstantiation

and we then inject the result of this query into another select to list all identifiers referenced by all these instantiations:

from (select GenericInstantiation) select Identifier

which gives us the following function:

fun instantiations() =
    |" Return a list of all declarations referenced in any generic instantiation
     for id in from (select GenericInstantiation) select Identifier].to_list

Updating our rule this gives us:

fun integer_types_as_enum(node) =
     node is TypeDecl(p_is_int_type() is true)
     when not [t for t in arithmetic_ops() if t == node]
      and not [t for t in types() if t == node]
      and not [t for t in instantiations() if t == node]

That’s good enough in terms of results, but we also realize that running this rule is very slow, so let’s look at how to optimize it.

The first thing to do is to avoid repeated calls to the very costly global select contained in functions arithmetic_ops, types and instantiations. We achieve that easily by marking our functions with the @memoized decorator, so that these function calls will be cached after the first evaluation. In addition, to avoid checking multiple times the same type declarations, we can take advantage of the unique builtin in each of our helper function, e.g:

fun instantiations() =
            for id in from (select GenericInstantiation) select Identifier].to_list)

Finally, we notice that there are many more arithmetic operators to check in a project than type conversion or generic instantiations, so we swap the order of the tests:

fun integer_types_as_enum(node) =
     node is TypeDecl(p_is_int_type() is true)
     when not [t for t in types() if t == node]
      and not [t for t in instantiations() if t == node]
      and not [t for t in arithmetic_ops() if t == node]

which gives us this complete rule:

fun arithmetic_ops() =
    |" Return a list of all types referenced in any arithmetic operator
            for op in select
                BinOp(f_op is OpDiv or OpMinus or OpMod or OpMult or
                              OpPlus or OpPow or OpRem or OpXor or
                              OpAnd or OpOr) or
                UnOp(f_op is OpAbs or OpMinus or OpPlus or OpNot)].to_list)

fun instantiations() =
    |" Return a list of all declarations referenced in any generic instantiation
            for id in from (select GenericInstantiation) select Identifier].to_list)

fun types() =
    |" Return a list of TypeDecl matching all type conversions (both as source
    |" and target), subtype declarations and type derivations in the project.
                   for c in select CallExpr(p_referenced_decl() is TypeDecl)].to_list) &
           [s.f_subtype.f_name.p_referenced_decl() for s in select SubtypeDecl].to_list &
            for c in select TypeDecl(f_type_def is DerivedTypeDef)].to_list)

@check(message="integer type may be replaced by an enumeration")
fun integer_types_as_enum(node) =
     node is TypeDecl(p_is_int_type() is true)
     when not [t for t in types() if t == node]
      and not [t for t in instantiations() if t == node]
      and not [t for t in arithmetic_ops() if t == node]