.. _Fixture: ******* Fixture ******* .. index:: see: Test fixture; Fixture .. index:: Fixture Tests need to run against the background of a set of known entities. This set is called a *test fixture*. When you are writing tests you will often find that you spend more time writing code to set up the fixture than you do in actually testing values. You can make writing fixture code easier by sharing it. Often you will be able to use the same fixture for several different tests. Each case will send slightly different messages or parameters to the fixture and will check for different results. When you have a common fixture, here is what you do: * Create a *Test Case* package as in previous section. * Declare variables or components for elements of the fixture either as part of the test case type or in the package body. * According to the Test_Case type used, override its ``Set_Up`` and/or ``Set_Up_Case`` subprogram: .. index:: AUnit.Simple_Test_Cases.Set_Up procedure * ``AUnit.Simple_Test_Cases``: ``Set_Up`` is called before ``Run_Test``. .. index:: AUnit.Test_Cases.Set_Up procedure .. index:: AUnit.Test_Cases.Set_Up_Case procedure * ``AUnit.Test_Cases``: ``Set_Up`` is called before each test routine while ``Set_Up_Case`` is called once before the routines are run. .. index:: AUnit.Test_Fixtures.Set_Up_Case procedure * ``AUnit.Test_Fixtures``: ``Set_Up`` is called before each test case created using ``Aunit.Test_Caller``. * You can also override ``Tear_Down`` and/or ``Tear_Down_Case`` that are executed after the test is run. For example, to write several test cases that want to work with different combinations of 12 Euros, 14 Euros, and 26 US Dollars, first create a fixture. The package spec is now: .. code-block:: ada with AUnit; use AUnit; package Money_Tests is use Test_Results; type Money_Test is new Test_Cases.Test_Case with null record; procedure Register_Tests (T: in out Money_Test); -- Register routines to be run function Name (T : Money_Test) return Test_String; -- Provide name identifying the test case procedure Set_Up (T : in out Money_Test); -- Set up performed before each test routine -- Test Routines: procedure Test_Simple_Add (T : in out Test_Cases.Test_Case'Class); end Money_Tests; The body becomes: .. code-block:: ada package body Money_Tests is use Assertions; -- Fixture elements EU_12, EU_14 : Euro; US_26 : US_Dollar; -- Preparation performed before each routine procedure Set_Up (T: in out Money_Test) is begin EU_12 := 12; EU_14 := 14; US_26 := 26; end Set_Up; procedure Test_Simple_Add (T : in out Test_Cases.Test_Case'Class) is X, Y : Some_Currency; begin Assert (EU_12 + EU_14 /= US_26, "US and EU currencies not differentiated"); end Test_Simple_Add; -- Register test routines to call procedure Register_Tests (T: in out Money_Test) is use Test_Cases.Registration; begin -- Repeat for each test routine: Register_Routine (T, Test_Simple_Add'Access, "Test Addition"); end Register_Tests; -- Identifier of test case function Name (T: Money_Test) return Test_String is begin return Format ("Money Tests"); end Name; end Money_Tests; Once you have the fixture in place, you can write as many test routines as you like. Calls to ``Set_Up`` and ``Tear_Down`` bracket the invocation of each test routine. Once you have several test cases, organize them into a Suite. .. index:: AUnit.Test_Fixtures You can find a compilable example of fixture set up using ``AUnit.Test_Fixtures`` in your AUnit installation directory: :samp:`{}/share/examples/aunit/test_fixture/` or from the AUnit source distribution :samp:`aunit-{}-src/examples/test_fixture/`.