20. How to transition from GPS to GNAT Studio

GPS has been renamed to GNAT Studio. If you were a GPS user, this section describes any adaptation needed your end to handle this transition.

20.1. User Settings

The GPS settings were stored in directory in the .gps directory in your home directory (%USERPROFILE on Windows; $HOME on Linux).

The GNAT Studio settings are stored in the .gnatstudio directory instead.

The first time GNAT Studio is launched, the GPS settings will be automatically copied over to the GNAT Studio directory.

20.2. Environment Variables

GPS was reading the environment varibles GPS_HOME, GPS_DOC_PATH and GPS_CUSTOM_PATH. These have been respectively renamed to GNATSTUDIO_HOME, GNATSTUDIO_DOC_PATH and GNATSTUDIO_CUSTOM_PATH.

As a convenience, GNAT Studio falls back to reading the GPS_* variables if the GNATSTUDIO_* ones are not defined.

20.3. Change of executable name

The executables gps[.exe] and gps_cli[.exe] are now called gnatstudio[.exe] and gnatstudio_cli[.exe].

If you have any scripts or links referring them, the scripts will need to be adjusted.

If this is convenient to you, you can create a link called gps pointing to gnatstudio.

20.4. Custom Scripts and Plugins

20.4.1. GPS.Entity removal

The GPS.Entity is now obsolete and has been removed. If your custom plugins were making use of this class, you should now use use the libadalang Python API (available in the GNAT Studio Python interpreter) instead to get information about entities present in your source code.

More information about libadalang and its Python API can be found here.

Here is an example that shows how to retrieve the enclosing subprogram of a given location.

import libadalang as lal

def current_subprogram(self):
   # Return the LAL node corresponding to the subprogram enclosing the
   # current context, or None
   curloc = self.location()
   buf = GPS.EditorBuffer.get(curloc.file(), open=False)
   if not buf:
      return False
   unit = buf.get_analysis_unit()
   node = unit.root.lookup(lal.Sloc(curloc.line(), curloc.column()))
   return get_enclosing_subprogram(node)