.. _Introduction: ************ Introduction ************ This User's Guide describes several software tools that use the GNAT project facility to drive their behavior. GNAT projects are stored in text files with the extension :samp:`.gpr`, commonly called *GPR files*. These GPR tools use a common facility, the GNAT Project Manager, that is fully described in :ref:`GNAT_Project_Manager`. The main GPR tool is :samp:`GPRbuild`, a multi-language builder for systems organized into subsystems and libraries. This tool is described in :ref:`Building with GPRbuild`. The other GPR tools are described in :ref:`GPRbuild_Companion_Tools`: * :samp:`GPRconfig` A configuration project file generator (see :ref:`Configuring with GPRconfig`). * :samp:`GPRclean` A tool to remove compilation artifacts created by GPRbuild (see :ref:`Cleaning up with GPRclean`). * :samp:`GPRinstall` Executable and library installer using GPR files (see :ref:`Installing with GPRinstall`). * :samp:`GPRname` Naming scheme generator (see :ref:`Specifying a Naming Scheme with GPRname`). * :samp:`GPRls` Library browser (see :ref:`The Library Browser GPRls`).