.. _Working_with_mails: ****************** Working with mails ****************** .. _Sending_e-mail: .. highlight:: ada Sending e-mail ============== .. index:: Sending e-mail .. index:: SMTP .. index:: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol `AWS` provides a complete API to send e-mail using `SMTP` protocol. You need to have access to an SMTP server to use this feature. The API covers sending simple mail with text message and/or with `MIME` attachments (base64 encoded). Here are the steps to send a simple e-mail: * Initialize the SMTP server :: SMTP_Server : SMTP.Receiver := SMTP.Client.Initialize ("smtp.hostname"); Here `AWS` uses the default SMTP port to create an SMTP mail server but it is possible to specify a different one. The hostname specified must be a valid SMTP server. * Send the e-mail To send an e-mail there is many different API. Let's send a simple text mail:: Status : SMTP.Status; SMTP.Client.Send (SMTP_Server, From => SMTP.E_Mail ("Pascal Obry", "p.obry@wanadoo.fr"), To => SMTP.E_Mail ("John Doe", "john.doe@here.com"), Subject => "About AWS SMTP protocol", Message => "AWS can now send mails", Status => Status); Here Status will contain the SMTP returned status. * Check that everything is ok Using above status data it is possible to check that the message was sent or not by the server. The status contain a code and an error message, both of them can be retrieved using specific routines, see :ref:`AWS.SMTP`. It is also possible to check that the call was successful with `SMTP.Is_Ok` routine:: if not SMTP.Is_Ok (Status) then Put_Line ("Can't send message: " & SMTP.Status_Message (Status)); end if; In the above example, the message content was given as a string but it is possible to specify a disk file. `AWS` can also send MIME messages either from disk files or with in memory base64 encoded binary data. The API provides also a way to send messages to multiple recipients at the same time and to send messages with alternative contents (text and HTML for example). These features are not described here, complete documentation can be found on the spec see :ref:`AWS.SMTP` and :ref:`AWS.SMTP.Client`. .. _Retrieving_e-mail: Retrieving e-mail ================= .. index:: Retrieving e-mail .. index:: POP .. index:: Post Office Protocol `AWS` provides an API to retrieve e-mails from a `POP` mailbox. `POP` stands for *Post Office Protocol* and is the main protocol used by Internet Service Providers around the world. `IMAP` is another well known protocol in this area but it is not supported by `AWS`. We describes here the `POP` API. For a complete description see :ref:`AWS.POP`. * Opening the mailbox The first step is to authenticate using a user name and password. `AWS` supports two methods one called `Clear_Text` which is the most used and another one `APOP` which is more secure but almost not supported by `ISP` for the moment (and will probably never be supported as a more secure protocol named `SPA` -Secure Password Authentication- could be used instead):: Mailbox : POP.Mailbox := POP.Initialize ("pop.hostname", "john.does", "mysuperpwd"); The default Authentication method is `Clear_Text`. * Getting mailbox information When the connection is opened it is possible to get information about the mailbox like the number of messages or the total number of bytes in the mailbox:: N : constant Natural := POP.Message_Count (Mailbox); Bytes : constant Natural := POP.Size (Mailbox); * Retreiving individual e-mail Each message is numbered starting from 1. A function named `Get` will return a message given its mailbox's number:: Message : constant POP.Message := POP.Get (Mailbox, 2, Remove => True); Remove can be set to `False` for the message to stay on the mailbox. The default value is `False`. * Iterating through the mailbox content Another way to retreive message is by using an iterator:: procedure Print_Subject (Message : in POP.Message Index : in Positive; Quit : in out Boolean) is begin Text_IO.Put_Line (POP.Subject (Message)); end Print_Message; procedure Print_All_Subjects is new POP.For_Every_Message (Print_Subject); ... Print_All_Subjects (Mailbox, Remove => True); It exists a set of routines on a `POP.Message` object to get the subject the content, the date or any headers. It is also possible to work with attachments. See point below. * Working with attachments A message can have a set of `MIME` attachments. The number of attachments can be retrieved using `Attachment_Count`:: Message : constant POP.Message := ...; A_Count : constant Natural := POP.Attachment_Count (Message); As for messages it is possible to get a single attachment using its index in the message or by using an iterator:: First_Attachment : constant POP.Attachment := POP.Get (Message, 1); procedure Write_Attachment (Attachment : in POP.Attachment Index : in Positive; Quit : in out Boolean) is begin POP.Write (Attachment, Directory => "."); end Print_Message; procedure Write_All_Attachments is new POP.For_Every_Attachment (Write_Attachment); ... Write_All_Attachments (Message); It is also possible to retrieve the attachment's filename, the content as a memory stream. See :ref:`AWS.POP`. * Closing the connection :: POP.Close (POP_Server);