5.10. Concurrency and Ravenscar Profile
Concurrency in SPARK requires enabling the Ravenscar profile (see Guide for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems by Alan Burns, Brian Dobbing, and Tullio Vardanega). This profile defines a subset of the Ada concurrency features suitable for hard real-time/embedded systems requiring stringent analysis, such as certification and safety analyses. In particular, it is concerned with determinism, analyzability, and memory-boundedness.
In addition to the subset defined by the Ravenscar profile, concurrency in SPARK
also requires that tasks do not start executing before
the program has been completely elaborated, which is expressed by setting
pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy
to the value Sequential
. Together
with the requirement to apply the Ravenscar profile, this means that a concurrent
SPARK program should define the following configuration pragmas, either in a
configuration pragma file (see Setting the Default SPARK_Mode for an
example of defining a configuration pragma file in your project file) or at the
start of files:
pragma Profile (Ravenscar);
pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy (Sequential);
GNATprove also supports the Jorvik profile, as defined in Ada 2022 RM, D.13. To
use this profile simply replace Ravenscar
with Jorvik
in the pragma
in the above code. The extended profile is intended for hard
real-time/embedded systems that may require schedulability analysis but not the
most stringent analyses required for other domains.
In particular, to increase expressive power the Jorvik profile relaxes certain restrictions defined by the standard Ravenscar profile. Notably, these relaxed constraints allow multiple protected entries per protected object, multiple queued callers per entry, and more expressive protected entry barrier expressions. The profile also allows the use of relative delay statements in addition to the absolute delay statements allowed by Ravenscar. The two forms of delay statement are processed by GNATprove based on the type of their expression, as follows (absolute and relative delays, respectively):
If the expression is of the type Ada.Real_Time.Time then for the purposes of determining global inputs and outputs the absolute delay statement is considered just like the relative delay statement, i.e., to reference the state abstraction Ada.Real_Time.Clock_Time as an input (see SPARK RM 9(17) for details).
If the expression is of the type Ada.Calendar.Time then it is considered to reference the state abstraction Ada.Calendar.Clock_Time, which is defined similarly to Ada.Real_Time.Clock_Time but represents a different time base.
5.10.1. Tasks and Data Races
Requires Ravenscar/Jorvik profile
Concurrent Ada programs are made of several tasks, that is, separate threads of control which share the same address space. In Ravenscar, only library-level, nonterminating tasks are allowed. Task Types and Task Objects
Like ordinary objects, tasks have a type in Ada and can be stored in composite
objects such as arrays and records. The definition of a task type looks like
the definition of a subprogram. It is made of two parts: a declaration, usually
empty as Ravenscar does not allow tasks to have entries (for task rendezvous),
and a body containing the list of statements to be executed by objects of the
task type. The body of nonterminating tasks (the only ones allowed in
Ravenscar) usually takes the form of an infinite loop. For task objects of a
given type to be parameterized, task types can have discriminants. As an
example, a task type Account_Management
can be declared as follows:
package Account is
Num_Accounts : Natural := 0;
task type Account_Management;
end Account;
package body Account is
task body Account_Management is
Num_Accounts := Num_Accounts + 1;
end loop;
end Account_Management;
end Account;
Then, tasks of type Account_Management
can be created at library level,
either as complete objects or as components of other objects:
package Bank is
Special_Accounts : Account_Management;
type Account_Type is (Regular, Premium, Selective);
type Account_Array is array (Account_Type) of Account_Management;
All_Accounts : Account_Array;
end Bank;
If only one object of a given task type is needed, then the task object can be
declared directly giving a declaration and a body. An anonymous task type is
then defined implicitly for the declared type object. For example, if we only
need one task Account_Management
then we can write:
package Account is
Num_Accounts : Natural := 0;
task Account_Management;
end Account;
package body Account is
task body Account_Management is
Num_Accounts := Num_Accounts + 1;
end loop;
end Account_Management;
end Account; Preventing Data Races
In Ravenscar, communication between tasks can only be done through shared
objects (tasks cannot communicate through rendezvous as task entries are not
allowed in Ravenscar). In SPARK, the language is further restricted to avoid
the possibility of erroneous concurrent access to shared data (a.k.a. data
races). More precisely, tasks can only share synchronized objects, that is,
objects that are protected against concurrent accesses. These include atomic
objects, protected objects (see Protected Objects and Deadlocks), and
suspension objects (see Suspension Objects). As an example, our previous
definition of the Account_Management
task type was not in SPARK. Indeed,
data races could occur when accessing the global variable Num_Accounts
, as
detected by GNATprove:
medium: overflow check might fail, cannot prove upper bound for Num_Accounts + 1
--> account1.adb:15:39
15 | Num_Accounts := Num_Accounts + 1;
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~
+ reason for check: result of addition must fit in a 32-bits machine integer
+ possible fix: loop at line 13 should mention Num_Accounts in a loop invariant
13 | loop
| ^
high: possible data race when accessing variable "account1.num_accounts"
--> bank1.ads:5:04
5 | Special_Accounts : Account_Management;
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ task "bank1.special_accounts" accesses "account1.num_accounts"
+ task "bank1.all_accounts" accesses "account1.num_accounts"
To avoid this problem, shared variable Num_Account
can be declared atomic:
package Account is
Num_Accounts : Natural := 0 with Atomic;
task type Account_Management;
end Account;
With this modification, GNATprove now alerts us that the increment of
is not legal, as a volatile variable (which is the case of
atomic variables) cannot be read as a subexpression of a larger expression in
error: volatile object in interfering context is not allowed in SPARK (SPARK RM 7.1.3(9)) [E0004]
--> account2.adb:15:26
15 | Num_Accounts := Num_Accounts + 1;
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~
+ violation of aspect SPARK_Mode at line 2
2 | SPARK_Mode
| ^
+ launch "gnatprove --explain=E0004" for more information
gnatprove: error during flow analysis and proof
This can be fixed by copying the current value of Num_Account
in a
temporary before the increment:
Tmp : constant Natural := Num_Accounts;
Num_Accounts := Tmp + 1;
But note that even with that fix, there is no guarantee that Num_Accounts
incremented by one each time an account is created. Indeed, two tasks may read
the same value of Num_Accounts
and store this value in Tmp
before both
updating it to Tmp + 1
. In such a case, two accounts have been created but
has been increased by 1 only. There is no data race in this
program, which is confirmed by running GNATprove with no error, but there is
by design a race condition on shared data that causes the program to
malfunction. The correct way to fix this in SPARK is to use Protected Types and Protected Objects.
As they cannot cause data races, constants and variables that are constant after
elaboration (see Aspect Constant_After_Elaboration) are considered as
synchronized and can be accessed by multiple tasks. For example, we can declare
a global constant Max_Accounts
and use it inside Account_Management
without risking data races:
package Account is
Num_Accounts : Natural := 0 with Atomic;
Max_Accounts : constant Natural := 100;
task type Account_Management;
end Account;
package body Account is
task body Account_Management is
Tmp : constant Natural := Num_Accounts;
if Tmp < Max_Accounts then
Num_Accounts := Tmp + 1;
end if;
end loop;
end Account_Management;
end Account;
It is possible for a task to access an unsynchronized global variable only if
this variable is declared in the same package as the task and if there is a
single task accessing this variable. To allow this property to be statically
verified, only tasks of an anonymous task type are allowed to access
unsynchronized variables and the variables accessed should be declared to
belong to the task using aspect Part_Of
. Global variables declared to
belong to a task are handled just like local variables of the task, that is,
they can only be referenced from inside the task body. As an example, we can
state that Num_Accounts
is only accessed by the task object
in the following way:
package Account is
task Account_Management;
Num_Accounts : Natural := 0 with Part_Of => Account_Management;
end Account;
5.10.2. Task Contracts
Specific to SPARK
Dependency contracts can be specified on tasks. As tasks should not terminate in SPARK, such contracts specify the dependencies between outputs and inputs of the task updated while the task runs:
The data dependencies introduced by aspect
specify the global data read and written by the task.The flow dependencies introduced by aspect
specify how task outputs depend on task inputs.
This is a difference between tasks and subprograms, for which such contracts describe the dependencies between outputs and inputs when the subprogram returns. Data Dependencies on Tasks
Data dependencies on tasks follow the same syntax as the ones on subprograms
(see Data Dependencies). For example, data dependencies can be specified
for task (type or object) Account_Management
as follows:
package Account is
Num_Accounts : Natural := 0 with Atomic;
task type Account_Management with
Global => (In_Out => Num_Accounts);
end Account; Flow Dependencies on Tasks
Flow dependencies on tasks follow the same syntax as the ones on subprograms
(see Flow Dependencies). For example, flow dependencies can be specified
for task (type or object) Account_Management
as follows:
package Account is
Num_Accounts : Natural := 0 with Atomic;
task type Account_Management with
Depends => (Account_Management => Account_Management,
Num_Accounts => Num_Accounts);
end Account;
Notice that the task unit itself is both an input and an output of the task:
It is an input because task discriminants (if any) and task attributes may be read in the task body.
It is an output so that the task unit may be passed as in out parameter in a subprogram call. But note that the task object cannot be modified once created.
The dependency of the task on itself can be left implicit as well, as follows:
package Account is
Num_Accounts : Natural := 0 with Atomic;
task type Account_Management with
Depends => (Num_Accounts => Num_Accounts);
end Account;
5.10.3. Protected Objects and Deadlocks
Requires Ravenscar/Jorvik profile
In Ada, protected objects are used to encapsulate shared data and protect it against data races (low-level unprotected concurrent access to data) and race conditions (lack of proper synchronization between reads and writes of shared data). They coordinate access to the protected data guaranteeing that read-write accesses are always exclusive while allowing concurrent read-only accesses. In Ravenscar, only library-level protected objects are allowed. Protected Types and Protected Objects
Definitions of protected types resemble package definitions. They are made of
two parts, a declaration (divided into a public part and a private part) and a
body. The public part of a protected type’s declaration contains the
declarations of the subprograms that can be used to access the data declared in
its private part. The body of these subprograms are located in the protected
type’s body. In Ravenscar, protected objects should be declared at library
level, either as complete objects or as components of other objects. As an
example, here is how a protected type can be used to coordinate concurrent
accesses to the global variable Num_Accounts
package Account is
protected type Protected_Natural is
procedure Incr;
function Get return Natural;
The_Data : Natural := 0;
end Protected_Natural;
Num_Accounts : Protected_Natural;
Max_Accounts : constant Natural := 100;
task type Account_Management;
end Account;
package body Account is
protected body Protected_Natural is
procedure Incr is
The_Data := The_Data + 1;
end Incr;
function Get return Natural is (The_Data);
end Protected_Natural;
task body Account_Management is
if Num_Accounts.Get < Max_Accounts then
end if;
end loop;
end Account_Management;
end Account;
Contrary to the previous version using an atomic global variable (see
Preventing Data Races), this version prevents also any race condition
when incrementing the value of Num_Accounts
. But note that there is still a
possible race condition between the time the value of Num_Accounts
is read
and checked to be less than Max_Accounts
and the time it is incremented. So
this version does not guarantee that Num_Accounts
stays below
. The correct way to fix this in SPARK is to use protected
entries (see Protected Subprograms).
Note that, in SPARK, to avoid initialization issues on protected objects, both private variables and variables belonging to a protected object must be initialized at declaration (either explicitly or through default initialization).
Just like for tasks, it is possible to directly declare a protected object if
it is the only one of its type. In this case, an anonymous protected type is
implicitly declared for it. For example, if Num_Account
is the only
we need, we can directly declare:
package Account is
protected Num_Accounts is
procedure Incr;
function Get return Natural;
The_Data : Natural := 0;
end Num_Accounts;
end Account;
package body Account is
protected body Num_Accounts is
procedure Incr is
The_Data := The_Data + 1;
end Incr;
function Get return Natural is (The_Data);
end Num_Accounts;
end Account; Protected Subprograms
The access mode granted by protected subprograms depends on their kind:
Protected procedures provide exclusive read-write access to the private data of a protected object.
Protected functions offer concurrent read-only access to the private data of a protected object.
Protected entries are conceptually procedures with a barrier. When an entry is called, the caller waits until the condition of the barrier is true to be able to access the protected object.
So that scheduling is deterministic, Ravenscar requires that at most one entry
is specified in a protected unit and at most one task is waiting on a given
entry at every time. To ensure this, GNATprove checks that no two tasks can
call the same protected object’s entry. As an example, we could replace the
procedure Incr
of Protected_Natural
to wait until The_Data
smaller than Max_Accounts
before incrementing it. As only simple Boolean
variables are allowed as entry barriers in Ravenscar, we add such a Boolean
flag Not_Full
as a component of the protected object:
package Account is
protected type Protected_Natural is
entry Incr;
function Get return Natural;
The_Data : Natural := 0;
Not_Full : Boolean := True;
end Protected_Natural;
Num_Accounts : Protected_Natural;
Max_Accounts : constant Natural := 100;
task type Account_Management;
end Account;
package body Account is
protected body Protected_Natural is
entry Incr when Not_Full is
The_Data := The_Data + 1;
if The_Data = Max_Accounts then
Not_Full := False;
end if;
end Incr;
function Get return Natural is (The_Data);
end Protected_Natural;
task body Account_Management is
end loop;
end Account_Management;
end Account;
This version fixes the remaining race condition on this example, thus ensuring
that every new account created bumps the value of Num_Accounts
by 1, and
that Num_Accounts
stays below Max_Accounts
To avoid data races, protected subprograms should not access unsynchronized
objects (see Tasks and Data Races). Like for tasks, it is still possible
for subprograms of a protected object of an anonymous protected type to access
an unsynchronized object declared in the same package as long as it is not
accessed by any task or subprogram from other protected objects. In this case,
the unsynchronized object should have a Part_Of
aspect referring to the
protected object. It is then handled as if it was a private variable of the
protected object. This is typically done so that the address in memory of the
variable can be specified, using either aspect Address
or a corresponding
representation clause. Here is how this could be done with Num_Account
package Account is
protected Protected_Num_Accounts is
procedure Incr;
function Get return Natural;
end Protected_Num_Accounts;
Num_Accounts : Natural := 0 with
Part_Of => Protected_Num_Accounts,
Address => ...
end Account;
As it can prevent access to a protected object for an unbounded amount of time,
a task should not be blocked or delayed while inside a protected subprogram.
Actions that can block a task are said to be potentially blocking. For
example, calling a protected entry, explicitly waiting using a delay_until
statement (note that delay
statements are forbidden in Ravenscar), or
suspending on a suspension object (see Suspension Objects) are
potentially blocking actions. In Ada, it is an error to do a potentially
blocking action while inside a protected subprogram. Note that a call to a
function or a procedure on another protected object is not considered to be
potentially blocking. Indeed, such a call cannot block a task in the absence of
deadlocks (which is enforced in Ravenscar using the priority ceiling protocol,
see Avoiding Deadlocks and Priority Ceiling Protocol).
GNATprove verifies that no potentially blocking action is performed from inside a protected subprogram in a modular way on a per subprogram basis. Thus, if a subprogram can perform a potentially blocking operation, every call to this subprogram from inside a protected subprogram will be flagged as a potential error. As an example, the procedure Incr_Num_Accounts is potentially blocking and thus should not be called, directly or indirectly, from a protected subprogram:
package Account is
protected type Protected_Natural is
entry Incr;
The_Data : Natural := 0;
end Protected_Natural;
Num_Accounts : Protected_Natural;
procedure Incr_Num_Accounts;
end Account;
package body Account is
procedure Incr_Num_Accounts is
end Incr_Num_Accounts;
end Account; Avoiding Deadlocks and Priority Ceiling Protocol
To ensure exclusivity of read-write accesses, when a procedure or an entry of a protected object is called, the protected object is locked so that no other task can access it, be it in a read-write or a read-only mode. In the same way, when a protected function is called, no other task can access the protected object in read-write mode. A deadlock happens when two or more tasks are unable to run because each of them is trying to access a protected object that is currently locked by another task.
To ensure absence of deadlocks on a single core, Ravenscar requires the use of the Priority Ceiling Protocol. This protocol ensures that no task can be blocked trying to access a protected object locked by another task. It relies on task’s priorities. The priority of a task is a number encoding its urgency. On a single core, scheduling ensures that the current running task can only be preempted by another task if it has a higher priority. Using this property, the Priority Ceiling Protocol works by increasing the priorities of tasks accessing a protected object to a priority that is at least as high as the priorities of other tasks accessing this object. This ensures that, while holding a lock, the currently running task cannot be preempted by a task which could later be blocked by this lock.
To enforce this protocol, every task is associated with a base priority,
either given at declaration using the Priority
aspect or defaulted. This
base priority is static and cannot be modified after the task’s declaration. A
task also has an active priority which is initially the task’s base priority
but will be increased when the task enters a protected action. For example, we
can set the base priority of Account_Management
to 5 at declaration:
package Account is
task type Account_Management with Priority => 5;
end Account;
Likewise, each protected object is associated at declaration with a ceiling
priority which should be equal or higher than the active priority of any task
accessing it. The ceiling priority of a protected object does not need to be
static, it can be set using a discriminant for example. Still, like for tasks,
Ravenscar requires that it is set once and for all at the object’s declaration
and cannot be changed afterwards. As an example, let us attach a ceiling
priority to the protected object Num_Accounts
. As Num_Accounts
will be
used by Account_Management
, its ceiling priority should be no lower than 5:
package Account is
protected Num_Accounts with Priority => 7 is
procedure Incr;
function Get return Natural;
The_Data : Natural := 0;
end Num_Accounts;
task type Account_Management with Priority => 5;
end Account;
5.10.4. Suspension Objects
Requires Ravenscar/Jorvik profile
The language-defined package Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control
provides a type
for semaphores called suspension objects. They allow lighter synchronization
mechanisms than protected objects (see Protected Objects and Deadlocks).
More precisely, a suspension object has a Boolean state which can be set
atomically to True using the Set_True
procedure. When a task suspends on a
suspension object calling the Suspend_Until_True
procedure, it is blocked
until the state of the suspension object is True. At that point, the state of
the suspension object is set back to False and the task is unblocked. Note that
is potentially blocking and therefore should not be
called directly or indirectly from within Protected Subprograms. In the
following example, the suspension object Semaphore
is used to make sure
has initialized the shared data by the time T2
begins processing it:
Semaphore : Suspension_Object;
task T1;
task T2;
task body T1 is
Set_True (Semaphore);
end loop;
end T1;
task body T2 is
Suspend_Until_True (Semaphore);
end loop;
end T2;
In Ada, an exception is raised if a task tries to suspend on a suspension
object on which another task is already waiting on that same suspension
object. Like for verifying that no two tasks can be queued on a protected
entry, this verification is done by GNATprove by checking that no two tasks
ever suspend on the same suspension object. In the following example, the
suspension objects Semaphore1
and Semaphore2
are used to ensure that
and T2
never call Enter_Protected_Region
at the same
time. GNATprove will successfully verify that only one task can suspend on
each suspension object:
Semaphore1, Semaphore2 : Suspension_Object;
task T1;
task T2;
task body T1 is
Suspend_Until_True (Semaphore1);
Set_True (Semaphore2);
end loop;
end T1;
task body T2 is
Suspend_Until_True (Semaphore2);
Set_True (Semaphore1);
end loop;
end T2;
5.10.5. State Abstraction and Concurrency
Specific to SPARK
Protected objects, as well as suspension objects, are effectively volatile
which means that their value as seen from a given task may change at any time
due to some other task accessing the protected object or suspension object. If
they are part of a state abstraction, the volatility of the abstract state must
be specified by using the External
aspect (see External State Abstraction). Note that task objects, though they can be part of a package’s
hidden state, are not effectively volatile and can therefore be components of
normal state abstractions. For example, the package
defines two abstract states, one for external
objects, containing the atomic variable V
, the suspension object S
, and
the protected object P
, and one for normal objects, containing the task
package Synchronous_Abstractions with
Abstract_State => (Normal_State, (Synchronous_State with External))
end Synchronous_Abstractions;
package body Synchronous_Abstractions with
Refined_State => (Synchronous_State => (P,V,S), Normal_State => T)
task T;
S : Suspension_Object;
V : Natural := 0 with Atomic, Async_Readers, Async_Writers;
protected P is
function Read return Natural;
V : Natural := 0;
end P;
protected body P is
function Read return Natural is (V);
end P;
task body T is ...
end Synchronous_Abstractions;
To avoid data races, task bodies, as well as protected subprograms, should only
access synchronized objects (see Preventing Data Races). State
abstractions containing only synchronized objects can be specified to be
synchronized using the Synchronous
aspect. Only synchronized state
abstractions can be accessed from task bodies and protected subprograms. For
example, if we want the procedure Do_Something
to be callable from the task
, then the state abstraction Synchronous_State
must be annotated using the Synchronous
package Synchronous_Abstractions with
Abstract_State => (Normal_State,
(Synchronous_State with Synchronous, External))
procedure Do_Something with Global => (In_Out => Synchronous_State);
end Synchronous_Abstractions;
task body Use_Synchronized_State is
end loop;
end Use_Synchronized_State;
5.10.6. Project-wide Tasking Analysis
Tasking-related analysis, as currently implemented in GNATprove, is subject to two limitations:
First, the analysis is always done when processing a source file with task objects or with a subprogram that can be used as a main subprogram of a partition (i.e. is at library level, has no parameters, and is either a procedure or a function returning an integer type).
In effect, you might get spurious checks when:
a subprogram satisfies conditions for being used as a main subprogram of a partition but is not really used that way, i.e. it is not specified in the Main attribute of the GNAT project file you use to build executables, and
it “withs” or is “withed” (directly or indirectly) from a library-level package that declares some task object, and
both the fake “main” subprogram and the task object access the same resource in a way that violates tasking-related rules (e.g. suspends on the same suspension object).
As a workaround, either wrap the fake “main” subprogram in a library-level package or give it a dummy parameter.
Second, the analysis is only done in the context of all the units “withed” (directly and indirectly) by the currently analyzed source file.
In effect, you might miss checks when:
building a library that declares tasks objects in unrelated source files, i.e. files that are never “withed” (directly or indirectly) from the same file, and those tasks objects access the same resource in a way that violates tasking-related rules, or
using a library that internally declares some tasks objects, they access some tasking-sensitive resource, and your main subprogram also accesses this resource.
As a workaround, when building library projects add a dummy main subprogram that “withs” all the library-level packages of your project.
5.10.7. Interrupt Handlers
SPARK puts no restrictions on the Ada interrupt handling and GNATprove merely checks that interrupt handlers will be safely executed. In Ada interrupts handlers are defined by annotating protected procedures, for example:
with Ada.Interrupts.Names; use Ada.Interrupts.Names;
protected P is
procedure Signal with Attach_Handler => SIGINT;
end P;
Currently GNATprove emits a check for each handler declaration saying that the corresponding interrupt might be already reserved. In particular, it might be reserved by either the system or the Ada runtime; see GNAT pragmas Interrupt_State and Unreserve_All_Interrupts for details. Once examined, those checks can be suppressed with pragma Annotate.
If pragma Priority or Interrupt_Priority is explicitly specified for a protected type, then GNATprove will check that its value is in the range of the System.Any_Priority or System.Interrupt_Priority, respectively; see Ada RM D.3(6.1/3).
For interrupt handlers whose bodies are annotated with SPARK_Mode => On, GNATprove will additionally check that:
the interrupt handler does not call (directly or indirectly) the Ada.Task_Identification.Current_Task routine, which might cause a Program_Error runtime exception; see Ada RM C.7.1(17/3);
all global objects read (either as an Input or a Proof_In) by the interrupt handler are initialized at elaboration;
there are no unsynchronized objects accessed both by the interrupt handler and by some task (or by some other interrupt handler);
there are no protected objects locked both by the interrupt handler and by some task (or by some other interrupt handler).