************************** Applying SPARK in Practice ************************** |SPARK| tools offer different levels of analysis, which are relevant in different contexts. This section starts with a description of the five :ref:`Levels of Software Assurance` that can be achieved with SPARK. It continues with a description of the main :ref:`Objectives of Using SPARK`. This list gathers the most commonly found reasons for adopting |SPARK| in industrial projects, but it is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Whatever the objective(s) of using |SPARK|, any project fits in one of four possible :ref:`Project Scenarios`: * the `brown field` scenario: :ref:`Maintenance and Evolution of Existing Ada Software` * the `green field` scenario: :ref:`New Developments in SPARK` * the `migration` scenario: :ref:`Conversion of Existing SPARK Software to SPARK 2014` * the `frozen` scenario: :ref:`Analysis of Frozen Ada Software` The end of this section examines each of these scenarios in turn and describes how |SPARK| can be applied in each case. Levels of Software Assurance ============================ .. The text of this section is largely borrowed from the Guidance document for the adoption of SPARK. Changes there should be reflected here when possible. SPARK analysis can give strong guarantees that a program: * does not read uninitialized data, * accesses global data only as intended, * does not contain concurrency errors (deadlocks and data races), * does not contain run-time errors (e.g., division by zero or buffer overflow), except for ``Storage_Error``, which is not covered by SPARK analysis (see also section :ref:`Dealing with Storage_Error` below) * respects key integrity properties (e.g., interaction between components or global invariants), * is a correct implementation of software requirements expressed as contracts. SPARK can analyze either a complete program or :ref:`those parts that are marked as being subject to analysis`, but it can only be applied to code that follows :ref:`some restrictions designed to facilitate formal verification`. In particular, tasking is restricted to the Ravenscar or Jorvik profiles and use of pointers should follow a strict ownership policy aiming at preventing aliasing of allocated data. Pointers and tasking are both features that, if supported completely, make formal verification, as done by SPARK, infeasible, either because of limitations of state-of-the-art technology or because of the disproportionate effort required from users to apply formal verification in such situations. The large subset of Ada that is analyzed by SPARK is also called the SPARK language subset. SPARK builds on the strengths of Ada to provide even more guarantees statically rather than dynamically. As summarized in the following table, Ada provides strict syntax and strong typing at compile time plus dynamic checking of run-time errors and program contracts. SPARK allows such checking to be performed statically. In addition, it enforces the use of a safer language subset and detects data flow errors statically. .. csv-table:: :header: "", "Ada", "SPARK" :widths: 1, 1, 1 "Contract programming", "dynamic", "dynamic / static" "Run-time errors", "dynamic", "dynamic / static" "Data flow errors", "--", "static" "Strong typing", "static", "static" "Safer language subset","--", "static" "Strict clear syntax", "static", "static" The main benefit of formal program verification as performed by SPARK is that it allows verifying properties that are difficult or very costly to verify by other methods, such as testing or reviews. That difficulty may stem from the complexity of the software, the complexity of the requirements, and/or the unknown capabilities of attackers. Formal verification allows giving guarantees that some properties are always verified, however complex the context. The latest versions of international certification standards for avionics (DO-178C / ED-12C) and railway systems (CENELEC EN 50128:2011) have recognized these benefits by increasing the role that formal methods can play in the development and verification of critical software. Levels of SPARK Use ------------------- The scope and level of SPARK analysis depend on the objectives being pursued by the adoption of SPARK. The scope of analysis may be the totality of a project, only some units, or only parts of units. The level of analysis may range from simple guarantees provided by flow analysis to complex properties being proved. These can be divided into five easily remembered levels: #. `Stone level` - valid SPARK #. `Bronze level` - initialization and correct data flow #. `Silver level` - absence of run-time errors (AoRTE) #. `Gold level` - proof of key integrity properties #. `Platinum level` - full functional proof of requirements Platinum level is defined here for completeness, but it is seldom applicable due to the high cost of achieving it. Each level builds on the previous one, so that the code subject to the Gold level should be a subset of the code subject to Silver level, which itself is a subset of the code subject to Bronze level, which is in general the same as the code subject to Stone level. We advise using: * Stone level only as an intermediate level during adoption, * Bronze level for as large a part of the code as possible, * Silver level as the default target for critical software (subject to costs and limitations), * Gold level only for a subset of the code subject to specific key integrity (safety/security) properties, * Platinum level only for those parts of the code with the highest integrity (safety/security) constraints. Our starting point is a program in Ada, which could be thought of as the Brick level: thanks to the use of Ada programming language, this level already provides some confidence: it is the highest level in The Three Little Pigs fable! And indeed languages with weaker semantics could be thought of as Straw and Sticks levels. However, the adoption of SPARK allows us to get stronger guarantees, should the wolf in the fable adopt more aggressive means of attack than simply blowing. A pitfall when using tools for automating human tasks is to end up "pleasing the tools" rather than working around the tool limitations. Both flow analysis and proof, the two technologies used in SPARK, have known limitations. Users should refrain from changing the program for the benefit of only getting fewer messages from the tools. When relevant, users should justify tool messages through appropriate pragmas. See the sections on :ref:`Suppressing Warnings` and :ref:`Justifying Check Messages` for more details. GNATprove can be run at the different levels mentioned in this document, either through the Integrated Development Environments (IDE) :ref:`GNAT Studio`, :ref:`Visual Studio Code` or :ref:`Eclipse`, or :ref:`on the command line`. Use of the command-line interface at a given level is facilitated by convenient synonyms: * use switch ``--mode=stone`` for Stone level (synonym of ``--mode=check_all``) * use switch ``--mode=bronze`` for Bronze level (synonym of ``--mode=flow``) * use switch ``--mode=silver`` for Silver level (synonym of ``--mode=all``) * use switch ``--mode=gold`` for Gold level (synonym of ``--mode=all``) Note that levels Silver and Gold are activated with the same switches. Indeed, the difference between these levels is not on how GNATprove is run, but on the objectives of verification. This is explained in the section on :ref:`Gold Level `. Platinum level is not given a separate switch value, as it would be the same. Sections :ref:`Stone Level ` to :ref:`Platinum Level ` present the details of the five levels of software assurance. Each section consists in a short description of three key aspects of adopting SPARK at that level: * `Benefits` - What is gained from adopting SPARK? * `Impact on Process` - How should the process (i.e., the software life cycle development and verification activities) be adapted to use SPARK? * `Costs and Limitations` - What are the main costs and limitations for adopting SPARK? Additionally, the index of this document contains entries for all levels (from `Stone level` to `Platinum level`) which point to parts of the User's Guide relevant for reaching a specific level. .. index:: Stone level .. _Stone Level: Stone Level - Valid SPARK ------------------------- .. include:: source/stone_level.rst .. index:: Bronze level .. _Bronze Level: Bronze Level - Initialization and Correct Data Flow --------------------------------------------------- .. include:: source/bronze_level.rst .. index:: Silver level .. _Silver Level: Silver Level - Absence of Run-time Errors (AoRTE) ------------------------------------------------- .. include:: source/silver_level.rst .. index:: Gold level .. _Gold Level: Gold Level - Proof of Key Integrity Properties ---------------------------------------------- .. include:: source/gold_level.rst .. index:: Platinum level .. _Platinum Level: Platinum Level - Full Functional Correctness -------------------------------------------- Platinum level is achieved when contracts fully cover the functional requirements. Achieving the Platinum level is rare in itself, and usually done for small parts of an application. .. rubric:: Benefits The SPARK code is guaranteed to correctly implement its specification, including being free from all the defects already detected at the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. These strong guarantees can be used as arguments in a safety/security case for the overall software system, providing steps are taken for :ref:`Managing Assumptions`. .. rubric:: Impact on Process The impact on process is mostly the same as for Gold level. When manual proof is used, which is very likely at this level, there is an associated activity to maintain these proofs as the code evolves. Typically a dedicated verification engineer with enough experience of formal program verification in SPARK should be tasked with this activity. .. rubric:: Costs and Limitations These are the same as for Gold level, plus the cost of applying manual proof more systematically. Depending on the manual proof technique used and the complexity of the proof, this might be more or less costly initially and during maintenance: * :ref:`Manual Proof Using SPARK Lemma Library` is the least costly of all, only requiring to use the right lemma from the library. * :ref:`Manual Proof Using Ghost Code` is more costly, as it requires expertise and interactions with the tool to guide automatic provers. * :ref:`Manual Proof Using Coq` is the most costly, as it require expertise in interactive proof as well as knowledge of the syntax of the Coq interactive prover. While the use of manual proof allows to prove any provable property in principle, a balance needs to be found between the higher cost of manual proof techniques and the benefits they bring compared to testing or manual justification. Objectives of Using SPARK ========================= .. index:: Stone level; safe coding standard Safe Coding Standard for Critical Software ------------------------------------------ |SPARK| is a subset of Ada meant for formal verification, by excluding features that are difficult or impossible to analyze automatically. This means that |SPARK| can also be used as a coding standard to restrict the set of features used in critical software. As a safe coding standard checker, |SPARK| allows both to prevent the introduction of errors by excluding unsafe Ada features, and it facilitates their early detection with |GNATprove|'s flow analysis. Exclusion of Unsafe Ada Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once the simple task of :ref:`Identifying SPARK Code` has been completed, one can use |GNATprove| in ``check`` mode to verify that |SPARK| restrictions are respected in |SPARK| code. Here we list some of the most error-prone Ada features that are excluded from |SPARK| (see :ref:`Excluded Ada Features` for the complete list). * All expressions, including function calls, are free of side-effects. Expressions with side-effects are problematic because they hide interactions that occur in the code, in the sense that a computation will not only produce a value but also modify some hidden state in the program. In the worst case, they may even introduce interferences between subexpressions of a common expression, which results in different executions depending on the order of evaluation of subexpressions chosen by the compiler. * The use of access types and allocators is restricted to pool specific access types and subject to an ownership policy ensuring that a mutable memory cell has a single owner. In general, pointers can introduce aliasing, that is, they can allow the same object to be visible through different names at the same program point. This makes it difficult to reason about a program as modifying the object under one of the names will also modify the other names. What is more, access types come with their own load of common mistakes, like double frees and dangling pointers. * |SPARK| also prevents dependencies on the elaboration order by ensuring that no package can write into variables declared in other packages during its elaboration. The use of controlled types is also forbidden as they lead to insertions of implicit calls by the compiler. Finally, backward goto statements are not permitted as they obfuscate the control flow. .. index:: Bronze level; early detection of errors Early Detection of Errors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |GNATprove|'s flow analysis will find all the occurrences of the following errors: * uses of uninitialized variables (see :ref:`Data Initialization Policy`) * aliasing of parameters that can cause interferences, which are often not accounted for by programmers (see :ref:`Absence of Interferences`) It will also warn systematically about the following suspicious behaviors: * wrong parameter modes (can hurt readability and maintainability or even be the sign of a bug, for example if the programmer forgot to update a parameter, to read the value of an out parameter, or to use the initial value of a parameter) * unused variables or statements (again, can hurt readability and maintainability or even be the sign of a bug) .. index:: Silver level; absence of run-time errors Prove Absence of Run-Time Errors (AoRTE) ---------------------------------------- With Proof Only ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |GNATprove| can be used to prove the complete absence of possible run-time errors corresponding to: * all possible explicit raising of unexpected exceptions in the program, * raising exception ``Constraint_Error`` at run time, and * all possible failures of assertions corresponding to raising exception ``Assert_Error`` at run time. AoRTE is important for ensuring safety in all possible operational conditions for safety-critical software (including boundary conditions, or abnormal conditions) or for ensuring availability of a service (absence of DOS attack that can crash the software). When run-time checks are enabled during execution, Ada programs are not vulnerable to the kind of attacks like buffer overflows that plague programs in C and C++, which allow attackers to gain control over the system. But in the case where run-time checks are disabled (in general for efficiency, but it could be for other reasons), proving their absence with |GNATprove| also prevents such attacks. This is specially important for ensuring security when some inputs may have been crafted by an attacker. Few subprogram contracts (:ref:`Preconditions` and :ref:`Postconditions`) are needed in general to prove AoRTE, far fewer than for proving functional properties. Even fewer subprogram contracts are needed if types are suitably constrained with :ref:`Type Contracts`. Typically, 95% to 98% of run-time checks can be proved automatically, and the remaining checks can be either verified with manual provers or justified by manual analysis. |GNATprove| supports this type of combination of results in the summary table of :ref:`The Analysis Results Summary File`. Multiple columns display the number of checks automatically verified, while the column `Justified` displays the number of checks manually justified. The column `Unproved` should be empty for all checks to be verified. .. index:: executable contracts; combining proof and test With a Combination of Proof and Test ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is not always possible to achieve 100% proof of AoRTE, for multiple reasons: #. Formal verification is only applicable to the part of the program that is in |SPARK|. If the program includes parts in Ada that are not in |SPARK|, for example, then it is not possible to prove AoRTE on those parts. #. Some run-time checks may not be proved automatically due to prover shortcomings (see :ref:`Investigating Prover Shortcomings` for details). #. ``Storage_Error`` exceptions are not covered by SPARK analysis. #. It may not be cost-effective to add the required contracts for proving AoRTE in a less critical part of the code, compared to using testing as a means of verification. For all these reasons, it is important to be able to combine the results of formal verification and testing on different parts of a codebase. Formal verification works by making some assumptions, and these assumptions should be shown to hold even when formal verification and testing are combined. Certainly, formal verification cannot guarantee the same properties when part of a program is only tested, as when all of a program is proved. The goal then, when combining formal verification and testing, is to reach a level of confidence as good as the level reached by testing alone. At the Level of Individual Run-Time Checks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One way to get confidence that unproved run-time checks cannot fail during execution is to exercise them during testing. Test coverage information allows guaranteeing a set of run-time checks have been executed successfully during a test run. This coverage information may be gathered from the execution of a unit testing campaign, an integration testing campaign, or the execution of a dedicated testsuite focussing on exercising the run-time checks (for example on boundary values or random ones). This strategy is already applied in other static analysis tools, for example in the integration between the |CodePeer| static analyzer and the VectorCAST testing tool for Ada programs. Between Proof and Integration Testing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contracts can also be exercised dynamically during integration testing. In cases where unit testing is not required (either because proof has been applied to all subprograms, or because the verification context allows it), exercising contracts during integration testing can complement proof results, by giving the assurance that the actual compiled program behaves as expected. This strategy has been applied at Capgemini Engineering on UK military projects submitted to Def Stan 00-56 certification: AoRTE was proved on all the code, and contracts were exercised during integration testing, which allowed to scrap unit testing. Between Proof and Unit Testing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contracts on subprograms provide a natural boundary for combining proof and test: * If proof is used to demonstrate that a subprogram is free of run-time errors and respects its contract, this proof depends on these properties being respected at the call site: * the precondition of the subprogram; * all inputs (including global variables) of the subprogram contain valid data for their types; * the Anti-Aliasing rules in SPARK RM 6.4.2 are respected. This verification can be achieved by proving the caller too, or, in the case of the precondition, by checking it dynamically during unit testing of the caller. * If proof is used to demonstrate that a subprogram is free of run-time errors and respects its contract, and this subprogram calls other subprograms, this proof depends on the postconditions of the called subprogram being respected at call sites. This verification can be achieved by proving the callees too, or by checking dynamically the postcondition of the called subprograms during their unit testing. Thus, it is possible to combine freely subprograms that are proved and subprograms that are unit tested, provided subprogram contracts (:ref:`Preconditions` and :ref:`Postconditions`) are exercised during unit testing. This can be achieved by compiling the program with assertions for testing (for example with switch ``-gnata`` in |GNAT Pro|), or by using GNATtest to create the test harness (see section 7.10.12 of |GNAT Pro| User's Guide on `Testing with Contracts`). When combining proof and test on individual subprograms, one should make sure that the assumptions made for proof are justified at the boundary between proved subprograms and tested subprograms (see section on :ref:`Managing Assumptions`). To help with this verification, special switches are defined in |GNAT Pro| to add run-time checks that verify dynamically the assumptions made during proof: * ``-gnateA`` adds checks that parameters are not aliased * ``-gnateV`` adds checks that parameters are valid, including parameters of composite types (arrays, records) * ``-gnatVa`` adds checks that objects are valid at more places than -gnateV, but only for scalar objects This strategy is particularly well suited in the context of the DO-178C certification standard in avionics, which explicitly allows proof or test to be used as verification means on each module. .. index:: Gold level; correct component integration Prove Correct Integration Between Components -------------------------------------------- Correct Integration In New Developments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |GNATprove| can be used to prove correct integration between components, where a component could be a subprogram, a unit or a set of units. Indeed, even if components are verified individually (for example by proof or test or a combination thereof), their combination may still fail because of unforeseen interactions or design problems. |SPARK| is ideally equipped to support such analysis, with its detailed :ref:`Subprogram Contracts`: * With :ref:`Data Dependencies`, a user can specify exactly the input and output data of a subprogram, which goes a long way towards uncovering unforeseen interactions. * With functional contracts (:ref:`Preconditions` and :ref:`Postconditions`), a user can specify precisely properties about the behavior of the subprogram that are relevant for component integration. In general, simple contracts are needed for component integration, which means that they are easy to write and to verify automatically. See section on :ref:`Writing Contracts for Program Integrity` for examples of such contracts. When using data dependencies, |GNATprove|'s flow analysis is sufficient to check correct integration between components. When using functional contracts, |GNATprove|'s proof should also be applied. In Replacement of Comments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is good practice to specify properties of a subprogram that are important for integration in the comments that are attached to the subprogram declaration. Comments can be advantageously replaced by contracts: * Comments about the domain of the subprogram can be replaced by :ref:`Preconditions`. * Comments about the effects of the subprogram can be replaced by :ref:`Postconditions` and :ref:`Data Dependencies`. * Comments about the result of functions can be replaced by :ref:`Postconditions`. * |GNATprove| can use the contracts to prove correct integration between components, as in new developments. Contracts are less ambiguous than comments, and can be accompanied by (or interspersed with) higher level comments that need not be focused on the finer grain details of which variables must have which values, as these are already specified concisely and precisely in the contracts. In Replacement of Defensive Coding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In existing Ada code that is migrated to |SPARK|, defensive coding is typically used to verify the correct integration between components: checks are made at the start of a subprogram that inputs (parameters and global variables) satisfy expected properties, and an exception is raised or the program halted if an unexpected situation is found. Defensive code can be advantageously replaced by preconditions: * The dynamic checks performed by defensive code at run time can be performed equally by preconditions, and they can be enabled at a much finer grain thanks to :ref:`Pragma Assertion_Policy`. * |GNATprove| can use the preconditions to prove correct integration between components, as in new developments. .. index:: Gold level; functional correctness Prove Functional Correctness ---------------------------- Functional Correctness In New Developments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |GNATprove| can be used to prove functional correctness of an implementation against its specification. This strongest level of verification can be applied either to specific subprograms, or specific units, or the complete program. For those subprograms whose functional correctness is to be checked, the user should: #. express the specification of the subprogram as a subprogram contract (see :ref:`Preconditions` and :ref:`Postconditions`); #. use |GNATprove| to prove automatically that most checks (including contracts) always hold; and #. address the remaining unproved checks with manual justifications or testing, as already discussed in the section on how to :ref:`Prove Absence of Run-Time Errors (AoRTE)`. As more complex contracts are required in general, it is expected that achieving that strongest level of verification is also more costly than proving absence of run-time errors. Typically, |SPARK| features like :ref:`Quantified Expressions` and :ref:`Expression Functions` are needed to express the specification, and features like :ref:`Loop Invariants` are needed to achieve automatic proof. See section on :ref:`Writing Contracts for Functional Correctness` for examples of such contracts, and section on :ref:`How to Write Loop Invariants` for examples of the required loop invariants. When the functional specification is expressed as a set of disjoint cases, the |SPARK| feature of :ref:`Contract Cases` can be used to increase readability and to provide an automatic means to verify that cases indeed define a partitioning of the possible operational contexts. In Replacement of Unit Testing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In existing Ada code that is migrated to |SPARK|, unit testing is typically used to verify functional correctness: actual outputs obtained when calling the subprogram are compared to expected outputs for given inputs. A `test case` defines an expected behavior to verify; a `test procedure` implements a `test case` with specific given inputs and expected outputs. Test cases can be used as a basis for functional contracts, as they define in general a behavior for a set of similar inputs. Thus, a set of test cases can be transformed into :ref:`Contract Cases`, where each case corresponds to a test case: the test input constraint becomes the guard of the corresponding case, while the test output constraint becomes the consequence of the corresponding case. |GNATprove| can be used to prove this initial functional contract, as in new developments. Then, cases can be progressively generalized (by relaxing the conditions in the guards), or new cases added to the contract, until the full functional behavior of the subprogram is specified and proved. Ensure Correct Behavior of Parameterized Software ------------------------------------------------- In some domains (railway, space), it is common to develop software which depends on parameterization data, which changes from mission to mission. For example, the layout of railroads or the characteristics of the payload for a spacecraft are mission specific, but in general do not require developing completely new software for the mission. Instead, the software may either depend on data definition units which are subject to changes between missions, or the software may load at starting time (possibly during `elaboration` in Ada) the data which defines the characteristics of the mission. Then, the issue is that a verification performed on a specific version of the software (for a given parameterization) is not necessarily valid for all versions of the software. In general, this means that verification has to be performed again for each new version of the software, which can be costly. |SPARK| provides a better solution to ensure correct behavior of the software for all possible parameterizations. It requires defining a getter function for every variable or constant in the program that represents an element of parameterization, and calling this getter function instead of reading the variable or constant directly. Because |GNATprove| performs an analysis based on contracts, all that is known at analysis time about the value returned by a getter function is what is available from its signature and contract. Typically, one may want to use :ref:`Scalar Ranges` or :ref:`Predicates` to constrain the return subtype of such getter functions, to reflect the operational constraints respected by all parameterizations. This technique ensures that the results of applying |GNATprove| are valid not only for the version of the software analyzed, but for any other version that satisfies the same operational constraints. This is valid whatever the objective(s) pursued with the use of |SPARK|: :ref:`Prove Absence of Run-Time Errors (AoRTE)`, :ref:`Prove Correct Integration Between Components`, :ref:`Prove Functional Correctness`, etc. It may be the case that changing constants into functions makes the code illegal because the constants were used in representation clauses that require static values. In that case, compilation switch ``-gnatI`` should be specified when analyzing the modified code with |GNATprove|, so that representation clauses are ignored. As representation clauses have no effect on |GNATprove|'s analysis, and their validity is checked by |GNAT Pro| when compiling the original code, the formal verification results are valid for the original code. For constants of a non-scalar type (for example, constants of record or array type), an alternative way to obtain a similar result as the getter function is to define the constant as a deferred constant, whose initial declaration in the visible part of a package spec does not specify the value of the constant. Then, the private part of the package spec which defines the completion of the deferred constant must be marked ``SPARK_Mode => Off``, so that clients of the package only see the visible constant declaration without value. In such a case, the analysis of client units with |GNATprove| is valid for all possible values of the constant. .. index:: Silver level; optimize run-time checks Safe Optimization of Run-Time Checks ------------------------------------ Enabling run-time checks in a program usually increases the running time by around 10%. This may not fit the timing schedule in some highly constrained applications. In some cases where a piece of code is called a large number of times (for example in a loop), enabling run-time checks on that piece of code may increase the running time by far more than 10%. Thus, it may be tempting to remove run-time checking in the complete program (with compilation switch ``-gnatp``) or a selected piece of code (with pragma ``Suppress``), for the purpose of decreasing running time. The problem with that approach is that the program is not protected anymore against programming mistakes (for safety) or attackers (for security). |GNATprove| provides a better solution, by allowing users to prove the absence of all run-time errors (or run-time errors of a specific kind, for example overflow checks) in a piece of code, provided the assumptions on which their proof relies are respected. This includes in particular the fact that the precondition of the enclosing subprogram is respected. Then, all run-time checks (or run-time errors of a specific kind) can be suppressed in that piece of code using pragma ``Suppress``, knowing that they will never fail at run time, provided the corresponding assumptions are checked. For example, this can be done for the precondition of the enclosing subprogram by using :ref:`Pragma Assertion_Policy`. For more details, see :ref:`Choosing Which Run-time Checking to Keep`. By replacing many checks with a few checks, we can decrease the running time of the application by doing safe and controlled optimization of run-time checks. .. index:: Bronze level; data and control coupling Address Data and Control Coupling --------------------------------- As defined in the avionics standard DO-178, data coupling is `"The dependence of a software component on data not exclusively under the control of that software component"` and control coupling is `"The manner or degree by which one software component influences the execution of another software component"`, where a software component could be a subprogram, a unit or a set of units. Although analysis of data and control coupling are not performed at the same level of details in non-critical domains, knowledge of data and control coupling is important to assess impact of code changes. In particular, it may be critical for security that some secret data does not leak publicly, which can be rephrased as saying that only the specified data dependencies are allowed. |SPARK| is ideally equipped to support such analysis, with its detailed :ref:`Subprogram Contracts`: * With :ref:`Data Dependencies`, a user can specify exactly the input and output data of a subprogram, which identifies the `"data not exclusively under the control of that software component"`: * When taking the subprogram as component, any variable in the data dependencies is in general not exclusively under the control of that software component. * When taking the unit (or sets of units) as component, any variable in the data dependencies that is not defined in the unit itself (or the set of units) is in general not exclusively under the control of that software component. * With :ref:`Flow Dependencies`, a user can specify the nature of the `"dependence of a software component on data not exclusively under the control of that software component"`, by identifying how that data may influence specific outputs of a subprogram. * With :ref:`Flow Dependencies`, a user can also specify how `"one software component influences the execution of another software component"`, by identifying the shared data potentially written by the subprogram. * With functional contracts (:ref:`Preconditions` and :ref:`Postconditions`), a user can specify very precisely the behavior of the subprogram, which defines how it `"influences the execution of another software component"`. These contracts need not be complete, for example they could describe the precedence order rules for calling various subprograms. When using data and flow dependencies, |GNATprove|'s flow analysis is sufficient to check that the program implements its specifications. When using functional contracts, |GNATprove|'s proof should also be applied. .. index:: portability Ensure Portability of Programs ------------------------------ Using |SPARK| enhances portability of programs by excluding language features that are known to cause portability problems, and by making it possible to obtain guarantees that specific portability problems cannot occur. In particular, analyses of |SPARK| code can prove the absence of run-time errors in the program, and that specified functional properties always hold. Still, porting a |SPARK| program written for a given compiler and target to another compiler and/or target may require changes in the program. As |SPARK| is a subset of Ada, and because in general only some parts of a complete program are in |SPARK|, we need to consider first the issue of portability in the context of Ada, and then specialize it in the context of |SPARK|. Note that we consider here portability in its strictest sense, whereby a program is portable if its observable behavior is exactly the same across a change of compiler and/or target. In the more common sense of the word, a program is portable if it can be reused without modification on a different target, or when changing compiler. That is consistent with the definition of portability in WikiPedia: "Portability in high-level computer programming is the usability of the same software in different environments". As an example of a difference between both interpretations, many algorithms which use trigonometry are portable in the more common sense, not in the strictest sense. Portability of Ada Programs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Programs with errors cause additional portability issues not seen in programs without errors, which is why we consider them separately. Portability of Programs Without Errors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Ada Reference Manual defines precisely which features of the language depend on choices made by the compiler (see Ada RM 1.1.3 "Conformity of an Implementation with the Standard"): * *Implementation defined behavior* - The set of possible behaviors is specified in the language, and the particular behavior chosen in a compiler should be documented. An example of implementation defined behavior is the size of predefined integer types (like ``Integer``). All implementation defined behaviors are listed in Ada RM M.2, and GNAT documents its implementation for each of these points in section 7 "Implementation Defined Characteristics" of the GNAT Reference Manual. * *Unspecified behavior* - The set of possible behaviors is specified in the language, but the particular behavior chosen in a compiler need not be documented. An example of unspecified behavior is the order of evaluation of arguments in a subprogram call. Changes of compiler and/or target may lead to different implementation defined and unspecified behavior, which may or not have a visible effect. For example, changing the order of evaluation of arguments in a subprogram call only has a visible effect if the evaluation of arguments itself has some side-effects. Section 18.4 "Implementation-dependent characteristics" of the GNAT Reference Manual gives some advice on how to address implementation defined behavior for portability. A particular issue is that the Ada Reference Manual gives much implementation freedom to the compiler in the implementation of operations of fixed-point and floating-point types: * The small of a fixed-point type is implementation defined (Ada RM 3.5.9(8/2)) unless specified explicitly. * The base type of a fixed-point type is implementation defined (Ada RM 3.5.9(12-16)), which has an impact on possible overflows. * The rounded result of an ordinary fixed-point multiplication or division is implementation defined (Ada RM G.2.3(10)). * For some combinations of types of operands and results for fixed-point multiplication and division, the value of the result belongs to an implementation defined set of values (Ada RM G.2.3(5)). * The semantics of operations on floating-point types is implementation defined (Ada RM G.2). It may or may not follow the IEEE 754 floating point standard. * The precision of elementary functions (exponential and trigonometric functions) is implementation defined (Ada RM G.2.4). Section 18.1 "Writing Portable Fixed-Point Declarations" of the GNAT Reference Manual gives some advice on how to reduce implementation defined behavior for fixed-point types. Use of IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic can be enforced in GNAT by using the compilation switches "-msse2 -mfpmath=sse", as documented in section "Floating Point Operations" of the |GNAT Pro| User's Guide. Note that a number of restrictions can be used to prevent some features leading to implementation defined or unspecified behavior: * Restriction ``No_Fixed_Point`` forbids the use of fixed-point types. * Restriction ``No_Floating_Point`` forbids the use of floating-point types. * Restriction ``No_Implementation_Aspect_Specifications`` forbids the use of implementation defined aspects. * Restriction ``No_Implementation_Attributes`` forbids the use of implementation defined attributes. * Restriction ``No_Implementation_Pragmas`` forbids the use of implementation defined pragmas. .. note:: SPARK defines a few constructs (aspects, pragmas and attributes) that are not defined in Ada. While |GNAT Pro| supports these constructs, care should be exercised to use these constructs with other compilers, or older versions of |GNAT Pro|. This issue is detailed in section :ref:`Portability Issues`. Portability of Programs With Errors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In addition to the portability issues discussed so far, programs with errors cause specific portability issues related to whether errors are detected and how they are reported. The Ada Reference Manual distinguishes between four types of errors (see Ada RM 1.1.5 "Classification of Errors"): * *Compile-time errors* - These errors make a program illegal, and should be detected by any Ada compiler. They do not cause any portability issue, as they must be fixed before compilation. .. index:: run-time error * *Run-time errors* - These errors are signaled by raising an exception at run time. They might be a cause of portability problems, as a change of compiler and/or target may lead to new run-time errors. For example, a new compiler may cause the program to use more stack space, leading to an exception ``Storage_Error``, and a new target may change the size of standard integer types, leading to an exception ``Constraint_Error``. .. index:: bounded error * *Bounded errors* - These errors need not be detected either at compiler time or at run time, but their effects should be bounded. For example, reading an uninitialized value may result in any value of the type to be used, or to ``Program_Error`` being raised. Like for run-time errors, they might be a cause of portability problems, as a change of compiler and/or target may lead to new bounded errors. .. index:: erroneous execution * *Erroneous execution* - For the remaining errors, a program exhibits erroneous execution, which means that the error need not be detected, and its effects are not bounded by the language rules. These errors might be a cause of portability problems. Portability issues may arise in a number of cases related to errors: * The original program has an error that is not detected (a run-time error, bounded error or erroneous execution). Changing the compiler and/or target causes the error to be detected (an exception is raised) or to trigger a different behavior. Typically, reads of uninitialized data or illegal accesses to memory that are not detected in the original program may result in errors when changing the compiler and/or the target. * The original program has no error, but changing the compiler and/or target causes an error to appear, which may or not be detected. Typically, uses of low-level constructs like ``Unchecked_Conversion`` which depend on the exact representation of values in bits may lead to errors when changing the compiler and/or the target. Some run-time errors like overflow errors or storage errors are also particularly sensitive to compiler and target changes. To avoid portability issues, errors should be avoided by using suitable analyses and reviews in the context of the original and the new compiler and/or target. Whenever possible, these analyses and reviews should be automated by tools to guarantee that all possible errors of a given kind have been reported. Benefits of Using SPARK for Portability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :ref:`Language Restrictions` in |SPARK| favor portability by excluding problematic language features (see :ref:`Excluded Ada Features`): * By excluding side-effects in expressions, |SPARK| programs cannot suffer from effects occurring in different orders depending on the order of evaluation of expressions chosen by the compiler. * By excluding aliasing, the behavior of |SPARK| programs does not depend on the parameter passing mechanism (by copy or by reference) or the order of assignment to out and in-out parameters passed by copy after the call, which are both chosen by the compiler. * By excluding controlled types, |SPARK| programs cannot suffer from the presence and ordering of effects taking place as part of the initialization, assignment and finalization of controlled objects, which depend on choices made by the compiler. As permitted by the |SPARK| language rules (see section 1.4.1 "Further Details on Formal Verification" of the SPARK Reference Manual), |GNATprove| rejects with an error programs which may implicitly raise a ``Program_Error`` in parts of code that are in |SPARK|. For example, all static execution paths in a |SPARK| function should end with a return statement, a raise statement, or a ``pragma Assert (False)``. |GNATprove|'s analysis can be further used to ensure that dynamic executions can only end in a return. |GNATprove| reduces portability issues related to the use of fixed-point and floating-point values: * |GNATprove| supports a subset of fixed-point types and operations that ensures that the result of an operation always belongs to the *perfect result set* as defined in Ada RM G.2.3. Note that the perfect result set still contains in general two values (the two model fixed-point values above and below the perfect mathematical result), which means that two compilers may give two different results for multiplication and division. Users should thus avoid multiplication and division of fixed-point values for maximal portability. See :ref:`GNATprove Limitations`. * |GNATprove| assumes IEEE 754 standard semantics for basic operations of floating-point types (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). With GNAT, this is achieved by using compilation switches "-msse2 -mfpmath=sse". Users should still avoid elementary functions (exponential and trigonometric functions) for maximal portability. See :ref:`Semantics of Floating Point Operations`. Additionally, |GNATprove| can detect all occurrences of specific portability issues in |SPARK| code (that is, parts of the program for which ``SPARK_Mode=On`` is specified, see section on :ref:`Identifying SPARK Code`) when run in specific modes (see :ref:`Effect of Mode on Output` for a description of the different modes): * In all modes (including mode ``check``), when switch ``--pedantic`` is set, |GNATprove| issues a warning for every arithmetic operation which could be re-ordered by the compiler, thus leading to a possible overflow with one compiler and not another. For example, arithmetic operation ``A + B + C`` can be interpreted as ``(A + B) + C`` by one compiler, and ``A + (B + C)`` (after re-ordering) by another compiler. Note that GNAT always uses the former version without re-ordering. See :ref:`Parenthesized Arithmetic Operations`. * In modes ``flow``, ``prove`` and ``all``, |GNATprove| issues high check messages on possible parameter aliasing, when such an aliasing may lead to interferences. This includes all cases where the choice of parameter passing mechanism in a compiler (by copy or by reference) might influence the behavior of the subprogram. See :ref:`Absence of Interferences`. * In modes ``flow``, ``prove`` and ``all``, |GNATprove| issues check messages on possible reads of uninitialized data. These messages should be reviewed with respect to the stricter :ref:`Data Initialization Policy` in |SPARK| rather than in Ada. Hence, it is possible when the program does not conform to the stricter |SPARK| rules to manually validate them, see section :ref:`Justifying Check Messages`. * In modes ``prove`` and ``all``, |GNATprove| issues check messages on all possible run-time errors corresponding to raising exception ``Constraint_Error`` at run time, all possible failures of assertions corresponding to raising exception ``Assert_Error`` at run time, and all possible explicit raising of unexpected exceptions in the program. The analysis of |GNATprove| can take into account characteristics of the target (size and alignment of standard scalar types, endianness) by specifying a :ref:`Target Parameterization`. How to Use |SPARK| for Portability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |GNATprove|'s analysis may be used to enhance the portability of programs. Note that the guarantees provided by this analysis only hold for the source program. To ensure that these guarantees extend to the executable object code, one should independently provide assurance that the object code correctly implements the semantics of the source code. Avoiding Non-Portable Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As much as possible, uses of non-portable language features should be avoided, or at least isolated in specific parts of the program to facilitate analyses and reviews when changing the compiler and/or the target. This includes in particular language features that deal with machine addresses, data representations, interfacing with assembler code, and similar issues (for example, language attribute ``Size``). When changing the compiler and/or the target, the program logic should be carefully reviewed for possible dependences on the original compiler behavior and/or original target characteristics. See also the section 18.4.5 "Target-specific aspects" of the GNAT Reference Manual. In particular, features that bypass the type system of Ada for reinterpreting values (``Unchecked_Conversion``) and memory locations (``Address`` clause overlays, in which multiple objects are defined to share the same address, something that can also be achieved by sharing the same ``Link_Name`` or ``External_Name``) have no impact on |SPARK| analysis, yet they may lead to portability issues. By using the following restrictions (or a subset thereof), one can ensure that the corresponding non-portable features are not used in the program: .. code-block:: ada pragma No_Dependence (Ada.Unchecked_Conversion); pragma No_Dependence (System.Machine_code); Similarly, the program logic should be carefully reviewed for possible dependency on target characteristics (for example, the size of standard integer types). |GNATprove|'s analysis may help here as it can take into account the characteristics of the target. Hence, proofs of functional properties with |GNATprove| ensure that these properties will always hold on the target. In the specific case that the target is changing, it might be useful to run |GNATprove|'s analysis on the program in ``proof`` mode, even if it cannot prove completely the absence of run-time errors and that the specified functional properties (if any) hold. Indeed, by running |GNATprove| twice, once with the original target and once with the new target, comparing the results obtained in both cases might point to parts of the code that are impacted by the change of target, which may require more detailed manual reviews. Apart from non-portable language features and target characteristics, non-portability in |SPARK| may come from a small list of causes: * Possible re-ordering of non-parenthesized arithmetic operations. These can be detected by running |GNATprove| (see :ref:`Benefits of Using SPARK for Portability`). Then, either these operations may not be re-ordered by the compiler (for example, GNAT ensures this property), or re-ordering may not lead to an intermediate overflow (for example, if the base type is large enough), or the user may introduce parentheses to prevent re-ordering. * Possible aliasing between parameters (or parameters and global variables) of a call causing interferences. These can be detected by running |GNATprove| (see :ref:`Benefits of Using SPARK for Portability`). Then, either aliasing is not possible in reality, or aliasing may not cause different behaviors depending on the parameter passing mechanism chosen in the compiler, or the user may change the code to avoid aliasing. When |SPARK| subprograms are called from non-|SPARK| code (for example Ada or C code), manual reviews should be performed to ensure that these calls cannot introduce aliasing between parameters, or between parameters and global variables. * Possible different choices of base type for user-defined integer types (contrary to derived types or subtypes, which inherit their base type from their parent type). |GNATprove| follows |GNAT Pro| in choosing as base type the smallest multiple-words-size integer type that contains the type bounds (see :ref:`Base Type of User-Defined Integer Types` for more information). * Issues related to errors. See section :ref:`Avoiding Errors to Enhance Portability`. * Issues related to the use of fixed-point or floating-point operations. See section :ref:`Portability of Fixed-Point and Floating-Point Computations` below. Avoiding Errors to Enhance Portability ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because errors in a program make portability particularly challenging (see :ref:`Portability of Programs With Errors`), it is important to ensure that a program is error-free for portability. |GNATprove|'s analysis can help by ensuring that the |SPARK| parts of a program are free from broad kinds of errors: * all possible reads of uninitialized data * all possible explicit raise of unexpected exceptions in the program * all possible run-time errors except raising exception ``Storage_Error``, corresponding to raising exception ``Program_Error``, ``Constraint_Error`` or ``Tasking_Error`` at run time * all possible failures of assertions corresponding to raising exception ``Assert_Error`` at run time When parts of the program are not in |SPARK| (for example, in Ada or C), the results of |GNATprove|'s analysis depend on assumptions on the correct behavior of the non-|SPARK| code. For example, callers of a |SPARK| subprogram should only pass initialized input values, and non-|SPARK| subprograms called from |SPARK| code should respect their postcondition. See section :ref:`Managing Assumptions` for more details on assumptions. In particular, when changing the target characteristics, |GNATprove|'s analysis can be used to show that no possible overflow can occur as a result of changing the size of standard integer types. |GNATprove|'s analysis does not detect possible run-time errors corresponding to raising exception ``Storage_Error`` at run time, which should be independently assessed. Portability of Fixed-Point and Floating-Point Computations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Portability issues related to the use of fixed-point or floating-point operations can be avoided altogether by ensuring that the program does not use fixed-point or floating-point values, using: .. code-block:: ada pragma Restrictions (No_Fixed_Point); pragma Restrictions (No_Floating_Point); When fixed-point values are used, the value of the small and size in bits for the type should be specified explicitly, as documented in section 18.1 "Writing Portable Fixed-Point Declarations" of the GNAT Reference Manual: .. code-block:: ada My_Small : constant := 2.0**(-15); My_First : constant := -1.0; My_Last : constant := +1.0 - My_Small; type F2 is delta My_Small range My_First .. My_Last; for F2'Small use my_Small; for F2'Size use 16; The program should also avoid multiplication and division of fixed-point values to ensure that the result of arithmetic operations is exactly defined. When floating-point values are used, use of IEEE 754 standard semantics for basic operations of floating-point types (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) should be enforced. With GNAT, this is achieved by using compilation switches "-msse2 -mfpmath=sse". The program should also avoid elementary functions (exponential and trigonometric functions), which can be ensured with a restriction: .. code-block:: ada pragma No_Dependence (Ada.Numerics); If elementary functions are used, subject to reviews for ensuring portability, |GNATprove|'s proof results may depend on the fact that elementary functions can be modeled as mathematical functions of their inputs that always return the same result when taking the same values in arguments. GNAT compiler was modified to ensure this property (see https://blog.adacore.com/how-our-compiler-learnt-from-our-analyzers), which may not hold for other Ada compilers. Project Scenarios ================= The workflow for using |SPARK| depends not only on the chosen :ref:`Objectives of Using SPARK`, but also on the context in which |SPARK| is used: Is it for a new development? Or an evolution of an existing codebase? Is the existing codebase in Ada or in a version of SPARK prior to SPARK 2014? We examine all these project scenarios in this section. .. index:: migration from Ada; project scenario Maintenance and Evolution of Existing Ada Software -------------------------------------------------- Although |SPARK| is a large subset of Ada, it contains a number of :ref:`Language Restrictions` which prevent in general direct application of |GNATprove| to an existing Ada codebase without any modifications. The suggested workflow is to: #. Identify violations of |SPARK| restrictions. #. For each violation, either rewrite the code in |SPARK| or mark it ``SPARK_Mode => Off`` (see section on :ref:`Identifying SPARK Code`). #. Perform the required analyses to achieve the desired objectives (see section on :ref:`Formal Verification with GNATprove`), a process which likely involved writing contracts (see in particular section on :ref:`How to Write Subprogram Contracts`). #. Make sure that the assumptions made for formal verification are justified at the boundary between |SPARK| and full Ada code (see section on :ref:`Managing Assumptions`). Identifying Violations of |SPARK| Restrictions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A simple way to identify violations of |SPARK| restrictions is by :ref:`Setting the Default SPARK_Mode` to ``SPARK_Mode => On``, and then running |GNATprove| either in ``check`` mode (to report basic violations) or in ``flow`` mode (to report violations whose detection requires flow analysis). If only a subset of the project files should be analyzed, one should create a project file for :ref:`Specifying Files To Analyze` or :ref:`Excluding Files From Analysis`. Finally, one may prefer to work her way through the project one unit at a time by :ref:`Using SPARK_Mode in Code`, and running |GNATprove| on the current unit only. Rewriting the Code in |SPARK| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Depending on the violation, it may be more or less easy to rewrite the code in |SPARK|: * Unsupported types should in general be rewritten as private types of a package whose public part is marked ``SPARK_Mode => On`` and whose private part is marked ``SPARK_Mode => Off``. Thus, the body of that package cannot be analyzed by |GNATprove|, but clients of the package can be analyzed. * Functions with side-effects should be rewritten as procedures, by adding an additional out parameter for the result of the function. * Aliasing should be either explicitly signed off by :ref:`Justifying Check Messages` or removed by introducing a copy of the object to pass as argument to the call. * Controlled types cannot be rewritten easily. .. _Using SPARK_Mode to Select or Exclude Code: Using ``SPARK_Mode`` to Select or Exclude Code ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Depending on the number and location of remaining violations, ``SPARK_Mode`` can be used in different ways: * If most of the codebase is in |SPARK|, :ref:`Setting the Default SPARK_Mode` to ``SPARK_Mode => On`` is best. Violations should be isolated in parts of the code marked ``SPARK_Mode => Off`` by either :ref:`Excluding Selected Unit Bodies` or :ref:`Excluding Selected Parts of a Unit`. * Otherwise, ``SPARK_Mode => On`` should be applied selectively for :ref:`Verifying Selected Subprograms` or :ref:`Verifying Selected Units`. Violations are allowed outside the parts of the code marked ``SPARK_Mode => On``. * Even when most of the code is in |SPARK|, it may be more cost effective to apply ``SPARK_Mode => On`` selectively rather than by default. This is the case in particular when some units have non-|SPARK| declarations in the public part of their package spec. Rewriting the code of these units to isolate the non-|SPARK| declarations in a part that can be marked ``SPARK_Mode => Off`` may be more costly than specifying no ``SPARK_Mode`` for these units, which allows |SPARK| code elsewhere in the program to refer to the |SPARK| entities in these units. When analyzing a unit for the first time, it may help to gradually mark the code ``SPARK_Mode => On``: #. Start with the unit spec marked ``SPARK_Mode => On`` and the unit body marked ``SPARK_Mode => Off``. First run |GNATprove| in ``flow`` mode, then in ``proof`` mode, until all errors are resolved (some unproved checks may remain, as errors and checks are different :ref:`Categories of Messages`). #. Continue with the both the unit spec and body marked ``SPARK_Mode => On``. First run |GNATprove| in ``flow`` mode, then in ``proof`` mode, until all errors are resolved. #. Now that |GNATprove| can analyze the unit without any errors, continue with whatever analysis is required to achieve the desired objectives. Choosing Which Run-time Checking to Keep ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Inside proven |SPARK| code, no run-time errors of the kinds that |GNATprove| targets can be raised (see :ref:`Avoiding Errors to Enhance Portability` for details), provided the analysis assumptions are respected. See section :ref:`Managing Assumptions` for more details on assumptions. In such proven code, it is possible to remove run-time checking as described in section :ref:`Safe Optimization of Run-Time Checks`. Note that |GNATprove|'s analysis does not detect possible run-time errors corresponding to raising exception ``Storage_Error`` at run time. As described in "GNAT User's Guide for Native Platforms", section 6.6.1 on "Stack Overflow Checking", ``gcc`` option ``-fstack-check`` can be used to activate stack checking. An important use case is the one of unproven code calling proven code, typically when rewriting core components of the application in |SPARK|. In that case, the guarantees provided by proof on |SPARK| code rely on the following main assumptions: - The preconditions of proven |SPARK| subprograms should be respected. If these subprograms can be called from subprograms that are not proved, it is recommended to activate their preconditions at run time with :ref:`Pragma Assertion_Policy`, as shown in :ref:`Writing Contracts for Program Integrity`. - All inputs of proven |SPARK| subprograms should have valid values for their types. This is enforced by the combination of flow analysis and proof in |SPARK| code, both for parameters and global variables that are read in the subprogram. It can be partially verified (for parameters but not global variables) during testing for calls from unproven subprograms by compiling the program with special switches to add run-time checks related to validity, as described in section :ref:`Between Proof and Unit Testing`. - Inputs and outputs that may interfere should not be aliased. See section :ref:`Absence of Interferences` for details. Similar to validity, it can be partially verified (for parameters but not global variables) during testing for calls from unproven subprograms by compiling the program with special switch ``-gnateA``, as described in section :ref:`Between Proof and Unit Testing`. Inside unproven code, users may opt for keeping run-time checking and/or assertion checking in the executable or not, depending on their overall error detection and recovery policy. At the level of a compilation unit, this choice can be made through compilation switch ``-gnatp`` (for suppressing run-time checking) and ``-gnata`` (for activating assertion checking). These choices can be reversed for a selected piece of code with pragmas ``Suppress`` and ``Unsuppress`` (for all checks) and ``Assertion_Policy`` (for assertions only). Additional compilation switches that activate validity checking are best kept for verification, as described in section :ref:`Between Proof and Unit Testing`. Activating them in the final executable may lead to large increases in running time, with some checks being inserted at unexpected/extra places, as these validity checks do not follow a formal definition like the one found in Ada Reference Manual for other run-time checks. New Developments in SPARK ------------------------- In this scenario, a significant part of a software (possibly a module, possibly the whole software) is developed in |SPARK|. Typically, |SPARK| is used for the most critical parts of the software, with less critical parts programmed in Ada, C or Java (for example the graphical interface). A typical development process for this scenario might be: #. Produce the high level (architectural) design in terms of package specifications. Determine which packages will be in |SPARK|, to be marked ``SPARK_Mode => On``. #. Alternatively, if the majority of packages are to be |SPARK|, :ref:`Setting the Default SPARK_Mode` to ``SPARK_Mode => On`` is best. Those few units that are not |SPARK| should be marked ``SPARK_Mode => Off``. #. Add :ref:`Package Contracts` to |SPARK| packages and, depending on the desired objectives, add relevant :ref:`Subprogram Contracts` to the subprograms declared in these packages. The package contracts should identify the key elements of :ref:`State Abstraction` which might also be referred to in :ref:`Data Dependencies` and :ref:`Flow Dependencies`. #. Begin implementing the package bodies. One typical method of doing this is to use a process of top-down decomposition, starting with a top-level subprogram specification and implementing the body by breaking it down into further (nested) subprograms which are themselves specified but not yet implemented, and to iterate until a level is reached where it is appropriate to start writing executable code. However the exact process is not mandated and will depend on other factors such as the design methodology being employed. Provided unimplemented subprograms are stubbed (that is, they are given dummy bodies), |GNATprove| can be used at any point to analyze the program. #. As each subprogram is implemented, |GNATprove| can be used (in mode ``flow`` or ``proof`` depending on the objectives) to verify it (against its contract, and/or to show absence of run-time errors). .. index:: migration from SPARK 2005; project scenario Conversion of Existing SPARK Software to SPARK 2014 --------------------------------------------------- If an existing piece of software has been developed in a previous version of |SPARK| and is still undergoing active development/maintenance then it may be advantageous to upgrade to using SPARK 2014 in order to make use of the larger language subset and the new tools and environment. This requires more efforts than previous upgrades between versions of |SPARK| (SPARK 83, SPARK 95 and SPARK 2005) because the new version SPARK 2014 of |SPARK| is incompatible with those previous versions of the language. While the programming language itself in those previous versions of SPARK is a strict subset of SPARK 2014, the contracts and assertions in previous versions of SPARK are expressed as stylized comments that are ignored by |GNATprove|. Instead, those contracts and assertions should be expressed as executable Ada constructs, as presented in the :ref:`Overview of SPARK Language`. The |SPARK| Language Reference Manual has an appendix containing a `SPARK 2005 to SPARK 2014 Mapping Specification` which can be used to guide the conversion process. Various options can be considered for the conversion process: #. `Only convert annotations into contracts and assertions, with minimal changes to the executable code` - Note that some changes to the code may be required when converting annotations, for example adding with-clauses in a unit to give visibility over entities used in contracts in this unit but defined in another units (which was performed in previous versions of |SPARK| with ``inherit`` annotations). This conversion should be relatively straightforward by following the mapping of features between the two languages. The |SPARK| tools should be used to analyze the work in progress throughout the conversion process (which implies that a bottom-up approach may work best) and any errors corrected as they are found. This may also be an occasion to dramatically simplify annotations, as |GNATprove| requires far fewer of them. See the README of the SPARKSkein program distributed with SPARK. Once the conversion is complete, development and maintenance can continue in |SPARK|. #. `In addition to converting annotations, benefit from the larger language and more powerful tools to simplify code and contracts` - SPARK 2014 is far less constraining than previous versions of |SPARK| in terms of dependencies between units (which can form a graph instead of a tree), control structures (for example arbitrary return statements and exit statements are allowed), data structures (for example scalar types with dynamic bounds are allowed), expressions (for example local variables can be initialized with non-static expressions at declaration). In addition, useful new language constructs are available: * :ref:`Contract Cases` can be used to replace complex postconditions with implications. * :ref:`Predicates` can be used to state invariant properties of subtypes, so that they need not be repeated in preconditions, postconditions, loop invariants, etc. * :ref:`Expression Functions` can be used to replace simple query functions and their postcondition. * :ref:`Ghost Code` can be used to mark code only used for verification. * :ref:`Loop Variants` can be used to prove the termination of loops. Changing the code to use these new features may favor readability and maintenance. These changes can be performed either while converting annotations, or as a second stage after all annotations have been converted (the case discussed above). Like in the previous case, the |SPARK| tools should be used to analyze the work in progress throughout the conversion process (which implies that a bottom-up approach may work best) and any errors corrected as they are found. Once the conversion is complete, development and maintenance can continue in |SPARK|. #. `Gradually convert annotations and code` - It is possible to keep annotations in comments for the previous versions of |SPARK| while gradually adding contracts and assertions in SPARK 2014. The latest version of the SPARK 2005 toolset facilitates this gradual migration by ignoring |SPARK| pragmas. Thus, new contracts (for example :ref:`Preconditions` and :ref:`Postconditions`) should be expressed as pragmas rather than aspects in that case. Typically, annotations and code would be converted when it needs to be changed. The granularity of how much code needs to be converted when a module is touched should be considered, and is likely to be at the level of the whole package. The latest version of the SPARK 2005 toolset can be used to continue analyzing the parts of the program that do not use the new features of SPARK 2014, including units which have the two versions of contracts in parallel. |GNATprove| can be used to analyze parts of the program that have contracts in SPARK 2014 syntax, including units which have the two versions of contracts in parallel. Note that some users may wish to take advantage of the new |SPARK| contracts and tools whilst retaining the more restrictive nature of SPARK 2005. (Many of the restrictions from SPARK 2005 have been lifted in |SPARK| because improvements in the tools mean that sound analysis can be performed without them, but some projects may need to operate in a more constrained environment.) This can be achieved using ``pragma Restrictions (SPARK_05)``. For further details of this restriction please see the GNAT Reference Manual. Analysis of Frozen Ada Software ------------------------------- In some very specific cases, users may be interested in the results of |GNATprove|'s analysis on an unmodified code. This may be the case for example if the only objective is to :ref:`Ensure Portability of Programs` for existing Ada programs that cannot be modified (due to some certification or legal constraints). In such a case, the suggested workflow is very similar to the one described for :ref:`Maintenance and Evolution of Existing Ada Software`, except the code cannot be rewritten when a violation of |SPARK| restrictions is encountered, and instead that part of the code should be marked ``SPARK_Mode => Off``. To minimize the parts of the code that need to be marked ``SPARK_Mode => Off``, it is in general preferable to apply ``SPARK_Mode => On`` selectively rather than by default, so that units that have non-|SPARK| declarations in the public part of their package spec need not be marked ``SPARK_Mode => Off``. See :ref:`Using SPARK_Mode to Select or Exclude Code` for details. Dealing with Storage_Error -------------------------- As mentioned, SPARK analysis doesn't cover the possible exhaustion of data storage, either by exhausting the stack (this can happen by placing too much data on the stack, or via a too deep recursion) or by exhausting the heap (this can happen by allocating too much data using ``new``). To protect against stack exhaustion, we recommend using GNATstack. As GNATstack doesn't analyze the secondary stack, if protection against exhaustion of the secondary stack is desired, we recommend using ``pragma Restrictions (No_Secondary_Stack);``. To protect against heap exhaustion, a possible way is to encapsulate allocations in a wrapper that handles the possible ``Storage_Error`` exception and signals the failure of the allocation to the calling environment via a return type. The verification of this wrapper cannot be effectively done with SPARK as the handler would be considered unreachable. The following example, inspired by `this Stackoverflow post `_ shows such a wrapper, that returns an "invalid" pointer that can't be dereferenced in case of memory exhaustion: .. literalinclude:: /examples/ug__storage_error/storage.ads :language: ada .. literalinclude:: /examples/ug__storage_error/storage.adb :language: ada