5.1. Language Restrictions

5.1.1. Excluded Ada Features

To facilitate formal verification, SPARK enforces a number of global simplifications to Ada. The most notable simplifications are:

  • Uses of access types and allocators must follow an ownership policy, so that only one access object has read-write permission to some allocated memory at any given time, or only read-only permission for that allocated memory is granted to possibly multiple access objects. See Memory Ownership Policy.

  • All expressions (including function calls) are free of side effects, at the exception of calls to so-called functions with side effects (see Aspect Side_Effects) which can only appear as the right-hand side of assignments. Allowing functions with side effects everywhere could lead to non-deterministic evaluation due to conflicting side effects in sub-expressions of an enclosing expression. Allowing all functions to have side effects would conflict with the need to treat functions mathematically in specifications.

  • Aliasing of names is not permitted. Aliasing may lead to unexpected interferences, in which the value denoted locally by a given name changes as the result of an update to another locally named variable. Formal verification of programs with aliasing is less precise and requires more manual work. See Absence of Interferences.

  • The backward goto statement is not permitted. Backward gotos can be used to create loops, which require a specific treatment in formal verification, and thus should be precisely identified. See Loop Invariants and Loop Variants.

  • The use of controlled types is not permitted. Controlled types lead to the insertion of implicit calls by the compiler. Formal verification of implicit calls makes it harder for users to interact with formal verification tools, as there is no source code on which information can be reported.

  • Functions should always terminate when called on inputs satisfying the precondition, at the exception of so-called functions with side effects (see Aspect Side_Effects). While care is taken in GNATprove to detect possibilities of unsoundness resulting from nonterminating functions, it is possible that axioms generated for infeasible contracts may lead to unsoundness. See Infeasible Subprogram Contracts.

  • Generic code is not analyzed directly. Doing so would require lengthy contracts on generic parameters, and would restrict the kind of code that can be analyzed, e.g. by forcing the variables read/written by a generic subprogram parameter. Instead, instantiations of generic code are analyzed in SPARK. See Analysis of Generics.

As formal verification technology advances the list will be revisited and it may be possible to relax some of these restrictions.

Uses of these features in SPARK code are detected by GNATprove and reported as errors. Formal verification is not possible on subprograms using these features. But these features can be used in subprograms in Ada not identified as SPARK code, see Identifying SPARK Code.

5.1.2. Sizes of Objects

GNATprove generally only knows the values of the Size and Object_Size attributes in simple cases such as scalar objects. For any more complex types such as arrays and records, the value of these attributes is unknown, and e.g. assertions referring to them remain unproved. The user can indicate the values of these attributes to SPARK via confirming representation clauses, using for Type'Size use ... or the aspect syntax with Size => .... Only static values can be used in these representation aspects or clauses, which can only be used on type declarations and not on subtype declarations.

Note that for an object X of type T, the value of X'Size is not necessarily equal to T'Size, but equal to T'Object_Size. So it is generally more useful to specify Object_Size on types to be able to know the value the Size attribute of the type’s objects. However, to compute the size of T'Object_Size for composite types, the value of C'Size is generally used, C being the type of a component. The value of Object_Size must be 8, 16, 32 or a multiple of 64, while the Size of a type can be any value.

Attributes Size and Object_Size are specific to a subtype. As such, it is not known if a subtype has the same value for these attributes as its base type, including when the subtype does not introduce any constraint as in subtype S is T.

The following code example shows some simple representation clauses using the aspect syntax:

   --  SPARK knows the 'Size and 'Object_Size of scalar types
   type Short_Short is range -128 .. 127;
   type U8 is mod 2 ** 8;

   --  The following representation clauses are not needed, but serve to
   --  illustrate that in the record type declaration below, U7'Size (and not
   --  U7'Object_Size) is used to check the Object_Size of the record type.
   type U7 is mod 2 ** 7
   with Size => 7,
        Object_Size => 8;

   --  Without the packing instruction, the compiler would complain that
   --  objects of type R do not fit into 8 bits.
   type R is record
      A : U7;
      B : Boolean;
   end record
   with Pack, Object_Size => 8;

5.1.3. Data Validity

SPARK reinforces the strong typing of Ada with a stricter initialization policy (see Data Initialization Policy), and thus provides no means of specifying that some input data may be invalid. This has some impact on language features that process or potentially produce invalid values. SPARK issues checks specific to data validity on two language constructs:

  • Calls to instances of Unchecked_Conversion

  • Objects with a supported address clause (so-called overlays). An address clause is supported if it is of the form with Address => Y'Address, where Y is another object, and Y is part of a statically known object.

For occurences of these patterns, SPARK checks that no invalid values can be produced. Given that no invalid values can be constructed in SPARK, the evaluation of the attribute Valid is assumed to always return True.

These validity checks are illustrated in the following example:

1package Validity with
2  SPARK_Mode
5   procedure Convert (X : Integer; Y : out Float);
7end Validity;
 1with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
 3package body Validity with
 4  SPARK_Mode
 7   function Int_To_Float is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Integer, Float);
 9   procedure Convert (X : Integer; Y : out Float) is
10   begin
11      pragma Assert (X'Valid);
12      Y := Int_To_Float (X);
13      pragma Assert (Y'Valid);
14   end Convert;
16end Validity;

GNATprove proves both assertions, but issues warnings about its assumptions that the evaluation of attribute Valid on both input parameter X and the result of the call to Unchecked_Conversion return True. It also issues a “high” unproved check that the unchecked conversion to Float may produce invalid values (for example, if an Integer is converted whose bit representation corresponds to a NaN float, which is not allowed in SPARK).

validity.adb:7:13: info: types in unchecked conversion have the same size
validity.adb:7:59: info: type is suitable as source for unchecked conversion

validity.adb:7:68: high: type is unsuitable as a target for unchecked conversion
    7 |   function Int_To_Float is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Integer, Float);
      |                                                                   ^~~~~
  possible explanation: floating-point types have invalid bit patterns for SPARK

validity.adb:11:22: warning: attribute Valid is assumed to return True
   11 |      pragma Assert (X'Valid);
      |                     ^~~~~~~
validity.adb:11:22: info: assertion proved

validity.adb:13:22: warning: attribute Valid is assumed to return True
   13 |      pragma Assert (Y'Valid);
      |                     ^~~~~~~
validity.adb:13:22: info: assertion proved
validity.ads:5:36: info: initialization of "Y" proved

When checking an instance of Unchecked_Conversion, GNATprove also checks that both types have the same Object_Size. For non-scalar types, GNATprove doesn’t know the Object_Size of the types, so representation clauses that specify Object_Size are required to prove such checks (see also Sizes of Objects). Similarly, for object declarations with an Address clause or aspect that refers to the 'Address of another object, SPARK checks that both objects have the same known Object_Size.

SPARK allows conversions from (suitable) integer types or System.Address_Type to general access-to-object types. When calling such instances of Unchecked_Conversion, GNATprove makes some assumptions about the result of the call:

  • The designated data has no aliases if it is an access-to-variable type and no mutable aliases otherwise.

  • The returned object is a valid access and it designates a valid value of its type.

At each call to such Unchecked_Conversion, GNATprove raises warnings to notify the user that these assumptions need to be ascertained by other means.

Conversions from integer types or System.Address_Type to pool-specific access-to-object types are still forbidden, as these pointers should not be deallocated nor considered when checking for memory leaks. Conversions from access-to-object types to integer types or System.Address_Type are still forbidden, because SPARK does not handle addresses.

 1with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
 2with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
 3with System;     use System;
 5package UC_To_Access with SPARK_Mode => On is
 6   type Int_Access is access all Integer;
 8   function Uns_To_Int_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Unsigned_64, Int_Access);
 9   --  Accepted with warnings
10   function Uns_From_Int_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Int_Access, Unsigned_64);
11   --  Rejected
13   C1 : constant Int_Access := Uns_To_Int_Access (30);
15   function Addr_To_Int_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Address, Int_Access);
16   --  Accepted with warnings
17   function Addr_From_Int_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Int_Access, Address);
18   --  Rejected
20   Addr : Address with Import;
21   C2 : constant Int_Access := Addr_To_Int_Access (Addr);
23   type PS_Access is access Integer;
25   function Uns_To_PS_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Unsigned_64, PS_Access);
26   --  Rejected
27end UC_To_Access;
uc_to_access.ads:10:13: error: unchecked conversion instance from a type with access subcomponents is not allowed in SPARK
uc_to_access.ads:10:13: error: violation of aspect SPARK_Mode at line 5
uc_to_access.ads:13:32: warning: call to "Uns_To_Int_Access" is assumed to return a valid access designating a valid value
uc_to_access.ads:13:32: warning: the value returned by a call to "Uns_To_Int_Access" is assumed to have no aliases
uc_to_access.ads:17:13: error: unchecked conversion instance from a type with access subcomponents is not allowed in SPARK
uc_to_access.ads:17:13: error: violation of aspect SPARK_Mode at line 5
uc_to_access.ads:21:32: warning: call to "Addr_To_Int_Access" is assumed to return a valid access designating a valid value
uc_to_access.ads:21:32: warning: the value returned by a call to "Addr_To_Int_Access" is assumed to have no aliases
uc_to_access.ads:25:13: error: unchecked conversion instance to a pool-specific access type is not allowed in SPARK
uc_to_access.ads:25:13: error: violation of aspect SPARK_Mode at line 5
gnatprove: error during flow analysis and proof

5.1.4. Data Initialization Policy

Modes on parameters and data dependency contracts (see Data Dependencies) in SPARK have a stricter meaning than in Ada:

  • Parameter mode in (resp. global mode Input) indicates that the object denoted in the parameter (resp. data dependencies) should be completely initialized before calling the subprogram. It should not be written in the subprogram.

  • Parameter mode out (resp. global mode Output) indicates that the object denoted in the parameter (resp. data dependencies) should be completely initialized before returning from the subprogram. It should not be read in the program prior to initialization.

  • Parameter mode in out (resp. global mode In_Out) indicates that the object denoted in the parameter (resp. data dependencies) should be completely initialized before calling the subprogram. It can be written in the subprogram.

  • Global mode Proof_In indicates that the object denoted in the data dependencies should be completely initialized before calling the subprogram. It should not be written in the subprogram, and only read in contracts and assertions.

Hence, all inputs should be completely initialized at subprogram entry, and all outputs should be completely initialized at subprogram output. Similarly, all objects should be completely initialized when read (e.g. inside subprograms), at the exception of record subcomponents (but not array subcomponents) provided the subcomponents that are read are initialized.

A consequence of the rules above is that a parameter (resp. global variable) that is partially written in a subprogram should be marked as in out (resp. In_Out), because the input value of the parameter (resp. global variable) is read when returning from the subprogram.

GNATprove will issue check messages if a subprogram does not respect the aforementioned data initialization policy. For example, consider a procedure Proc which has a parameter and a global item of each mode:

 1package Data_Initialization with
 2  SPARK_Mode
 4   type Data is record
 5      Val : Float;
 6      Num : Natural;
 7   end record;
 9   G1, G2, G3 : Data;
11   procedure Proc
12     (P1 : in     Data;
13      P2 :    out Data;
14      P3 : in out Data)
15   with
16     Global => (Input  => G1,
17                Output => G2,
18                In_Out => G3);
20   procedure Call_Proc with
21     Global => (Output => (G1, G2, G3));
23end Data_Initialization;

Procedure Proc should completely initialize its outputs P2 and G2, but it only initalizes them partially. Similarly, procedure Call_Proc which calls Proc should completely initalize all of Proc’s inputs prior to the call, but it only initalizes G1 completely.

 1package body Data_Initialization with
 2  SPARK_Mode
 5   procedure Proc
 6     (P1 : in     Data;
 7      P2 :    out Data;
 8      P3 : in out Data) is
 9   begin
10      P2.Val := 0.0;
11      G2.Num := 0;
12      --  fail to completely initialize P2 and G2 before exit
13   end Proc;
15   procedure Call_Proc is
16      X1, X2, X3 : Data;
17   begin
18      X1.Val := 0.0;
19      X3.Num := 0;
20      G1.Val := 0.0;
21      G1.Num := 0;
22      --  fail to completely initialize X1, X3 and G3 before call
23      Proc (X1, X2, X3);
24   end Call_Proc;
26end Data_Initialization;

On this program, GNATprove issues 6 high check messages, corresponding to the violations of the data initialization policy:

data_initialization.adb:23:07: high: "G3" is not an input in the Global contract of subprogram "Call_Proc" at data_initialization.ads:20
   23 |      Proc (X1, X2, X3);
      |      ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  either make "G3" an input in the Global contract or initialize it before use

data_initialization.adb:23:13: high: "X1.Num" is not initialized
   23 |      Proc (X1, X2, X3);
      |            ^~

data_initialization.adb:23:17: warning: "X2" is set by "Proc" but not used after the call
   23 |      Proc (X1, X2, X3);
      |                ^~

data_initialization.adb:23:21: warning: "X3" is set by "Proc" but not used after the call
   23 |      Proc (X1, X2, X3);
      |                    ^~

data_initialization.adb:23:21: high: "X3.Val" is not initialized
   23 |      Proc (X1, X2, X3);
      |                    ^~

data_initialization.ads:12:07: warning: unused variable "P1"
   12 |     (P1 : in     Data;
      |      ^~

data_initialization.ads:13:07: high: "P2.Num" is not initialized in "Proc"
   13 |      P2 :    out Data;
      |      ^~
  reason for check: OUT parameter should be fully initialized on return
  possible fix: initialize "P2.Num" on all paths, make "P2" an IN OUT parameter or annotate it with aspect Relaxed_Initialization

data_initialization.ads:14:07: warning: "P3" is not modified, could be IN
   14 |      P3 : in out Data)
      |      ^~

data_initialization.ads:14:07: warning: unused variable "P3"
   14 |      P3 : in out Data)
      |      ^~

data_initialization.ads:16:27: low: unused global "G1"
   16 |     Global => (Input  => G1,
      |                          ^~

data_initialization.ads:17:27: high: "G2.Val" is not initialized
   17 |                Output => G2,
      |                          ^~

data_initialization.ads:18:27: warning: "G3" is not modified, could be INPUT
   18 |                In_Out => G3);
      |                          ^~

data_initialization.ads:18:27: low: unused global "G3"
   18 |                In_Out => G3);
      |                          ^~

While a user can justify individually such messages with pragma Annotate (see section Justifying Check Messages), it is under her responsibility to then ensure correct initialization of subcomponents that are read, as GNATprove relies during proof on the property that data is properly initialized before being read.

Note also the various low check messages and warnings that GNATprove issues on unused parameters, global items and assignments, also based on the stricter SPARK interpretation of parameter and global modes.

It is possible to opt out of the strong data initialization policy of SPARK on a case by case basis using the aspect Relaxed_Initialization (see section Aspect Relaxed_Initialization and Ghost Attribute Initialized). Parts of objects subject to this aspect only need to be initialized when actually read. Using Relaxed_Initialization requires specifying data initialization through contracts that are verified by proof (as opposed to flow analysis). Thus, Relaxed_Initialization should only be used when needed as it requires more effort to verify data initialization from both the user and the tool.

5.1.5. Memory Ownership Policy

In SPARK, access values (a.k.a. pointers) are only allowed to alias in known ways, so that formal verification can be applied as if allocated memory pointed to by access values was a component of the access value seen as a record object.

In particular, assignment between access objects operates a transfer of ownership, where the source object loses its permission to read or write the underlying allocated memory.

For example, in the following example:

 1procedure Ownership_Transfer with
 2  SPARK_Mode
 4   type Int_Ptr is access Integer;
 5   X   : Int_Ptr;
 6   Y   : Int_Ptr;
 7   Tmp : Integer;
 9   X := new Integer'(1);
10   X.all := X.all + 1;
11   Y := X;
12   Y.all := Y.all + 1;
13   X.all := X.all + 1;  --  illegal
14   X.all := 1;          --  illegal
15   Tmp   := X.all;      --  illegal
16end Ownership_Transfer;

GNATprove correctly detects that X.all can neither be read nor written after the assignment of X to Y and issues corresponding messages:

ownership_transfer.adb:13:06: error: dereference from "X" is not writable
   13 |   X.all := X.all + 1;  --  illegal
      |   ~~^~~
  object was moved at line 11 [E0010]
   11 |   Y := X;
      |        ^ here
  launch "gnatprove --explain=E0010" for more information

ownership_transfer.adb:13:15: error: dereference from "X" is not readable
   13 |   X.all := X.all + 1;  --  illegal
      |            ~~^~~
  object was moved at line 11 [E0010]
   11 |   Y := X;
      |        ^ here
  launch "gnatprove --explain=E0010" for more information

ownership_transfer.adb:14:06: error: dereference from "X" is not writable
   14 |   X.all := 1;          --  illegal
      |   ~~^~~
  object was moved at line 11 [E0010]
   11 |   Y := X;
      |        ^ here
  launch "gnatprove --explain=E0010" for more information

ownership_transfer.adb:15:15: error: dereference from "X" is not readable
   15 |   Tmp   := X.all;      --  illegal
      |            ~~^~~
  object was moved at line 11 [E0010]
   11 |   Y := X;
      |        ^ here
  launch "gnatprove --explain=E0010" for more information
gnatprove: error during flow analysis and proof

At call site, ownership is similarly transferred to the callee’s parameters for the duration of the call, and returned to the actual parameters (a.k.a. arguments) when returning from the call.

For example, in the following example:

 1procedure Ownership_Transfer_At_Call with
 2  SPARK_Mode
 4   type Int_Ptr is access Integer;
 5   X : Int_Ptr;
 7   procedure Proc (Y : in out Int_Ptr)
 8     with Global => (In_Out => X)
 9   is
10   begin
11      Y.all := Y.all + 1;
12      X.all := X.all + 1;
13   end Proc;
16   X := new Integer'(1);
17   X.all := X.all + 1;
18   Proc (X);  --  illegal
19end Ownership_Transfer_At_Call;

GNATprove correctly detects that the call to Proc cannot take X in argument as X is already accessed as a global variable by Proc.

  possible fix: subprogram at line 7 should mention X in a precondition
    7 |   procedure Proc (Y : in out Int_Ptr)
      |   ^ here

It is also possible to transfer the ownership of an object temporarily, for the duration of the lifetime of a local object. This can be achieved by declaring a local object of an anonymous access type and initializing it with a part of an existing object. In the following example, B temporarily borrows the ownership of X:

 1procedure Ownership_Borrowing with
 2  SPARK_Mode
 4   type Int_Ptr is access Integer;
 5   X   : Int_Ptr := new Integer'(1);
 6   Tmp : Integer;
 8   declare
 9      B : access Integer := X;
10   begin
11      B.all := B.all + 1;
12      X.all := X.all + 1;  --  illegal
13      X.all := 1;          --  illegal
14      Tmp   := X.all;      --  illegal
15   end;
16   X.all := X.all + 1;
17   X.all := 1;
18   Tmp   := X.all;
19end Ownership_Borrowing;

During the lifetime of B, it is incorrect to either read or modify X, but complete ownership is restored to X when B goes out of scope. GNATprove correctly detects that reading or assigning to X in the scope of B is incorrect.

ownership_borrowing.adb:12:09: error: object was borrowed at line 9
   12 |      X.all := X.all + 1;  --  illegal
      |      ~~^~~

ownership_borrowing.adb:12:18: error: object was borrowed at line 9
   12 |      X.all := X.all + 1;  --  illegal
      |               ~~^~~

ownership_borrowing.adb:13:09: error: object was borrowed at line 9
   13 |      X.all := 1;          --  illegal
      |      ~~^~~

ownership_borrowing.adb:14:18: error: object was borrowed at line 9
   14 |      Tmp   := X.all;      --  illegal
      |               ~~^~~
gnatprove: error during flow analysis and proof

It is also possible to only transfer read access to a local variable. This happens when the variable has an anonymous access-to-constant type, as in the following example:

 1procedure Ownership_Observing with
 2  SPARK_Mode
 4   type Int_Ptr is access Integer;
 5   X   : Int_Ptr := new Integer'(1);
 6   Tmp : Integer;
 8   declare
 9      B : access constant Integer := X;
10   begin
11      Tmp   := B.all;
12      Tmp   := X.all;
13      X.all := X.all + 1;  --  illegal
14      X.all := 1;          --  illegal
15   end;
16   X.all := X.all + 1;
17   X.all := 1;
18   Tmp   := X.all;
19end Ownership_Observing;

In this case, we say that B observes the value of X. During the lifetime of an observer, it is illegal to move or modify the observed object. GNATprove correctly flags the write inside X in the scope of B as illegal. Note that reading X is still possible in the scope of B:

ownership_observing.adb:13:09: error: object was observed at line 9
   13 |      X.all := X.all + 1;  --  illegal
      |      ~~^~~

ownership_observing.adb:14:09: error: object was observed at line 9
   14 |      X.all := 1;          --  illegal
      |      ~~^~~
gnatprove: error during flow analysis and proof

5.1.6. Absence of Interferences

In SPARK, an assignment to a variable cannot change the value of another variable. This is enforced by restricting the use of access types (pointers) in SPARK, and by restricting aliasing between parameters and global variables so that only benign aliasing is accepted (i.e. aliasing that does not cause interference).

The precise rules detailed in SPARK RM 6.4.2 can be summarized as follows:

  • Two mutable parameters should never be aliased.

  • An immutable and a mutable parameters should not be aliased, unless the immutable parameter is always passed by copy.

  • A mutable parameter should never be aliased with a global variable referenced by the subprogram.

  • An immutable parameter should not be aliased with a global variable referenced by the subprogram, unless the immutable parameter is always passed by copy.

An immutable parameter is either an input parameter that is not of an access type, or an anonymous access-to-constant parameter. Except for parameters of access types, the immutable/mutable distinction is the same as the input/output one.

These rules extend the existing rules in Ada RM 6.4.1 for restricting aliasing, which already make it illegal to call a procedure with problematic (non-benign) aliasing between parameters of scalar type that are known to denote the same object (a notion formally defined in Ada RM).

For example, in the following example:

1package Aliasing with
2  SPARK_Mode
4   Glob : Integer;
6   procedure Whatever (In_1, In_2 : Integer; Out_1, Out_2 : out Integer) with
7     Global => Glob;
9end Aliasing;

Procedure Whatever can only be called on arguments that satisfy the following constraints:

  1. Arguments for Out_1 and Out_2 should not be aliased.

  2. Variable Glob should not be passed in argument for Out_1 and Out_2.

Note that there are no constraints on input parameters In_1 and In_2, as these are always passed by copy (being of a scalar type). This would not be the case if these input parameters were of a record or array type.

For example, here are examples of correct and illegal (according to Ada and SPARK rules) calls to procedure Whatever:

 1with Aliasing; use Aliasing;
 3procedure Check_Param_Aliasing with
 4  SPARK_Mode
 6   X, Y, Z : Integer := 0;
 8   Whatever (In_1 => X, In_2 => X, Out_1 => X, Out_2 => X);  --  illegal
 9   Whatever (In_1 => X, In_2 => X, Out_1 => X, Out_2 => Y);  --  correct
10   Whatever (In_1 => X, In_2 => X, Out_1 => Y, Out_2 => X);  --  correct
11   Whatever (In_1 => Y, In_2 => Z, Out_1 => X, Out_2 => X);  --  illegal
12end Check_Param_Aliasing;

GNATprove (like GNAT compiler, since these are also Ada rules) correctly detects the two illegal calls and issues errors:

check_param_aliasing.adb:8:45: error: writable actual for "Out_1" overlaps with actual for "Out_2"
    8 |   Whatever (In_1 => X, In_2 => X, Out_1 => X, Out_2 => X);  --  illegal
      |                                            ^ here

check_param_aliasing.adb:11:45: error: writable actual for "Out_1" overlaps with actual for "Out_2"
   11 |   Whatever (In_1 => Y, In_2 => Z, Out_1 => X, Out_2 => X);  --  illegal
      |                                            ^ here
gnatprove: error during generation of Global contracts

Here are other examples of correct and incorrect calls (according to SPARK rules) to procedure Whatever:

 1with Aliasing; use Aliasing;
 3procedure Check_Aliasing with
 4  SPARK_Mode
 6   X, Y, Z : Integer := 0;
 8   Whatever (In_1 => X, In_2 => X, Out_1 => X, Out_2 => Glob);     --  incorrect
 9   Whatever (In_1 => X, In_2 => Y, Out_1 => Z, Out_2 => Glob);     --  incorrect
10   Whatever (In_1 => Glob, In_2 => Glob, Out_1 => X, Out_2 => Y);  --  correct
11end Check_Aliasing;

GNATprove correctly detects the two incorrect calls and issues high check messages:

check_aliasing.adb:8:57: high: formal parameter "Out_2" and global "Glob" are aliased (SPARK RM 6.4.2)
    8 |   Whatever (In_1 => X, In_2 => X, Out_1 => X, Out_2 => Glob);     --  incorrect
      |                                                        ^~~~
check_aliasing.adb:9:57: high: formal parameter "Out_2" and global "Glob" are aliased (SPARK RM 6.4.2)
    9 |   Whatever (In_1 => X, In_2 => Y, Out_1 => Z, Out_2 => Glob);     --  incorrect
      |                                                        ^~~~

Note that SPARK currently does not detect aliasing between objects that arises due to the use of Address clauses or aspects.

5.1.7. Analysis of Generics

GNATprove does not directly analyze the code of generics. The following message is issued if you call GNATprove on a generic unit:

warning: no bodies have been analyzed by GNATprove
enable analysis of a non-generic body using SPARK_Mode

The advice given is to use SPARK_Mode on non-generic code, for example an instantiation of the generic unit. As SPARK_Mode aspect cannot be attached to a generic instantiation, it should be specified on the enclosing context, either through a pragma or aspect.

For example, consider the following generic increment procedure:

2   type T is range <>;
3procedure Generic_Increment (X : in out T) with
4  SPARK_Mode,
5  Pre  => X < T'Last,
6  Post => X = X'Old + 1;
1procedure Generic_Increment (X : in out T) with
2  SPARK_Mode
5   X := X + 1;
6end Generic_Increment;

Procedure Instance_Increment is a specific instance of Generic_Increment for the type Integer:

1pragma SPARK_Mode;
2with Generic_Increment;
4procedure Instance_Increment is new Generic_Increment (Integer);

GNATprove analyzes this instantiation and reports messages on the generic code, always stating to which instantiation the messages correspond to:

generic_increment.ads:6:11: info: postcondition proved, in instantiation at instance_increment.ads:4
generic_increment.ads:6:21: info: overflow check proved, in instantiation at instance_increment.ads:4
generic_increment.adb:5:11: info: overflow check proved, in instantiation at instance_increment.ads:4

Thus, it is possible that some checks are proved on an instance and not on another one. In that case, the chained locations in the messages issued by GNATprove allow you to locate the problematic instantiation. In order to prove a generic library for all possible uses, you should choose extreme values for the generic parameters such that, if these instantiations are proved, any other choice of parameters will be provable as well.