4. Ada API tutorial

Now that you are familiar with Libadalang’s Core concepts, let’s actually do some practice with the Ada API.

4.1. Preliminary setup


This whole section is going to show you how to create a Libadalang app from scratch. This is good, and walks you over the concepts about how to use Libadalang. However, if all you want is a command line generic application, you should consider using the Ada generic application framework.

As the previous section says, the first thing to do in order to use Libadalang is to create an analysis context:

with Libadalang.Analysis;

procedure Main is
   package LAL renames Libadalang.Analysis;

   Context : constant LAL.Analysis_Context := LAL.Create_Context;
end Main;

This very simple program will allow us to make sure the build environment is properly setup to use Libadalang. Save the above in a main.adb source file, and then write the following project file to lal_test.gpr:

with "libadalang";

project LAL_Test is
   for Main use ("main.adb");
   for Object_Dir use "obj";
end LAL_Test;

Now you can run GPRbuild to compile the test program:

# Build with debug information
$ gprbuild -Plal_test.gpr -p -g

This command should return without error and create an executable in obj/main or obj\main.exe depending on your platform. The last step is to check if the program works properly: it should do nothing, so no errors expected!

# Empty program output
$ obj/main

4.2. Browse the tree

Ok, so now let’s do something actually useful with Libadalang. Let’s create a program that will read all the source files given in argument and then output all the object declarations they contain.

Once you have an analysis context at hand, parsing an existing source file into an analysis unit is very simple:

Context : constant LAL.Analysis_Context := LAL.Create_Context;
Unit    : constant LAL.Analysis_Unit :=
   Context.Get_From_File ("my_file.adb");

Both Analysis_Context and Analysis_Unit values are references (assignment creates an alias, not a copy), and these are reference-counted, so you don’t need to do anything special to do regarding resource allocation.

Assuming that parsing went well enough for the parsers to create a tree, the Libadalang.Analysis.Root unit primitive will return the root node associated to Unit. You can then use the Libadalang.Analysis.Traverse node primitive to call a function on all nodes in this tree:

function Process_Node (Node : LAL.Ada_Node'Class) return LALCO.Visit_Status;
--  Process the given node and return how to continue tree traversal

Unit.Root.Traverse (Process_Node'Access);

If there are fatal parsing errors, or if the file cannot be read, the unit root will be null, but the unit will have diagnostics: see the Libadalang.Analysis.Has_Diagnostics, Diagnostics and Format_GNU_Diagnostic unit primitives to check the presence of diagnostics, get their list, and format them into user-friendly error messages.

--  Report parsing errors, if any
if Unit.Has_Diagnostics then
   for D of Unit.Diagnostics loop
      Put_Line (Unit.Format_GNU_Diagnostic (D));
   end loop;
end if;

Now what can we do with a node? One of the first things to do is to check the kind: is it a subprogram specification? a call expression? an object declaration? The Libadalang.Analysis.Kind node primitives will tell, returning the appropriate value from the Libadalang.Common.Ada_Node_Kind_Type enumeration. Here, we want to process specifically the nodes whose kind is Ada_Object_Decl.


There is a correspondence between kind names and type names: The kind is prefixed by the language name, so the type name for an object declaration is Object_Decl, and the kind name is Ada_Object_Decl.

For abstract node types with several derived types, such as Basic_Decl, subtypes are exposed with the corresponding name and range (here Ada_Basic_Decl).

Another useful thing to do with nodes is to relate them to the original source code. The first obvious way to do this is to get the source code excerpts that were parsed to create them: the Libadalang.Analysis.Text node primitive does this. Another way is to get the source location corresponding to the first/last tokens that belong to this node: the Libadalang.Analysis.Sloc_Range node primitive will do this, returning a Langkit_Support.Slocs.Source_Location_Range record. This provides the expected start/end line/column numbers.

with Langkit_Support.Slocs;
with Langkit_Support.Text;

package Slocs renames Langkit_Support.Slocs;
package Text renames Langkit_Support.Text;

   & Slocs.Line_Number'Image (Node.Sloc_Range.Start_Line)
   & ": " & Text.Image (Node.Text));

4.2.1. Accessing node fields

Another thing to do with nodes is to access their fields. Each kind of node has a specific set of fields: child nodes in the parsing tree. For instance, Object_Decl nodes have 8 syntactic fields:

  • F_Ids: identifiers for the declared objects;

  • F_Has_Aliased: node to materialize the presence/absence for the aliased keyword;

  • F_Has_Constant: node to materialize the presence/absence for the constant keyword;

  • F_Mode: node to materialize the parameter passing mode (when the object declaration is used as a generic formal);

  • F_Type_Expr: type for the declared objects;

  • F_Default_Expr: expression to initialize the declared objects or provide a default value;

  • F_Renaming_Clause: part that follows the renames keyword when the declaration is a renaming.

  • F_Aspects: list of aspects associated to this declaration.

Accessing them is as simple as using the homonym primitive on the node that contains the field. For instance, in order to get the type expression for an object declaration:

Obj : Object_Decl;

Put_Line ("Type expression: " & Obj.F_Type_Expr.Image);

Note that is is always valid to access syntax fields for non-null objects. Some fields may contain a null node, for instance the Object_Decl.F_Default_Expr field is null for the V : T; object declaration.

4.2.2. Final program

Put all these bit in the right order, and you should get something similar to the following program:

with Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Langkit_Support.Slocs;
with Langkit_Support.Text;
with Libadalang.Analysis;
with Libadalang.Common;

procedure Main is
   package LAL renames Libadalang.Analysis;
   package LALCO renames Libadalang.Common;
   package Slocs renames Langkit_Support.Slocs;
   package Text renames Langkit_Support.Text;

   function Process_Node (Node : LAL.Ada_Node'Class) return LALCO.Visit_Status;
   --  If Node is an object declaration, print its text. Always continue the
   --  traversal.

   -- Process_Node --

   function Process_Node (Node : LAL.Ada_Node'Class) return LALCO.Visit_Status
     use type LALCO.Ada_Node_Kind_Type;
      if Node.Kind = LALCO.Ada_Object_Decl then
            & Slocs.Line_Number'Image (Node.Sloc_Range.Start_Line)
            & ": " & Text.Image (Node.Text));
      end if;
      return LALCO.Into;
   end Process_Node;

   Context : constant LAL.Analysis_Context := LAL.Create_Context;
   --  Try to parse all source file given as arguments
   for I in 1 .. Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count loop
         Filename : constant String := Ada.Command_Line.Argument (I);
         Unit     : constant LAL.Analysis_Unit :=
            Context.Get_From_File (Filename);
         Put_Line ("== " & Filename & " ==");

         --  Report parsing errors, if any
         if Unit.Has_Diagnostics then
            for D of Unit.Diagnostics loop
               Put_Line (Unit.Format_GNU_Diagnostic (D));
            end loop;

         --  Otherwise, look for object declarations
            Unit.Root.Traverse (Process_Node'Access);
         end if;
   end loop;
end Main;

If you run this program on its own sources, you should get:

== main.adb ==
Line 33: Context : constant LAL.Analysis_Context := LAL.Create_Context;
Line 38: Filename : constant String := Ada.Command_Line.Argument (I);
Line 39: Unit     : constant LAL.Analysis_Unit :=\x0a            Context.Get_From_File (Filename);

4.2.3. Note on API discoverability

The Ada syntax is rich; as a consequence, there are many node kinds, and each have many syntax fields. Short of reading the language grammar, the best way to discover the nodes that parsing creates is to let Libadalang parse an example and print the resulting tree. This is easily done with the Print procedure:

--  Test program

with Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

with Libadalang.Analysis; use Libadalang.Analysis;

procedure Parse is
   Ctx : constant Analysis_Context := Create_Context;
   U   : constant Analysis_Unit :=
     Ctx.Get_From_File (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
   for D of U.Diagnostics loop
      Put_Line (U.Format_GNU_Diagnostic (D));
   end loop;
end Parse;

--  Source to parse

package Pkg is
end Pkg;

Running the above program on the pkg.ads source file yields:

$ ./parse pkg.ads
|  AdaNodeList[1:1-1:1]: <empty list>
|  LibraryItem[1:1-2:9]
|  |f_has_private:
|  |  PrivateAbsent[1:1-1:1]
|  |f_item:
|  |  PackageDecl[1:1-2:9]
|  |  |f_package_name:
|  |  |  DefiningName[1:9-1:12]
|  |  |  |f_name:
|  |  |  |  Id[1:9-1:12]: Pkg
|  |  |f_aspects: <null>
|  |  |f_public_part:
|  |  |  PublicPart[1:15-2:1]
|  |  |  |f_decls:
|  |  |  |  AdaNodeList[1:15-1:15]: <empty list>
|  |  |f_private_part: <null>
|  |  |f_end_name:
|  |  |  EndName[2:5-2:8]
|  |  |  |f_name:
|  |  |  |  Id[2:5-2:8]: Pkg
|  PragmaNodeList[2:9-2:9]: <empty list>

We can see here that the parse tree for pkg.ads is made of:

  • a Compilation_Unit node as the root of the tree; that node has children in 3 syntax fields:

  • its F_Prelude field is an Ada_Node_List node, that is an empty list (i.e. it has no children itself);

  • its F_Body field is a Library_Item node, which has itself other syntax fields (F_Has_Private and F_Item);

  • its F_Pragmas field is a Pragma_Node_List that is an empty list;

  • the Package_Decl node has a null F_Aspects syntax field.

4.3. Follow references

While the previous section only showed Libadalang’s syntactic capabilities, we can go further with semantic analysis. The most used feature in this domain is the computation of cross references (“xrefs”): the ability to reach the definition a particular identifier references.

4.3.1. Resolving files

As mentioned in the Core concepts section, the nature of semantic analysis requires to know how to fetch compilation units: which source file and where? Teaching Libadalang how to do this is done through the use of unit providers.

The default unit provider, i.e. the one that is used if you don’t pass anything specific to Libadalang.Analysis.Create_Context, assumes that all compilation units follow the GNAT naming convention and that all source files are in the current directory.

If the organization of your project is completely custom, you can either derive Libadalang.Analysis.Unit_Provider_Interface, implementing the corresponding primitives according to your project rules, or use features from the Libadalang.Auto_Provider package to let Libadalang automatically discover your source files.

However, if your project can be built with a GPR project file, Libadalang comes with a GNATCOLL.Projects adapter to leverage the knowledge of your GPR files: the Libadalang.Project_Provider package. Using it should be straightforward for people familiar with the GNATCOLL.Projects API:

   package GPR renames GNATCOLL.Projects;
   package LAL renames Libadalang.Analysis;
   package LAL_GPR renames Libadalang.Project_Provider;

   Env     : GPR.Project_Environment_Access;
   Project : constant GPR.Project_Tree_Access :=
      new GPR.Project_Tree;

   Context  : LAL.Analysis_Context;
   Provider : LAL.Unit_Provider_Reference;
   GPR.Initialize (Env);
   --  Use procedures in GNATCOLL.Projects to set scenario
   --  variables (Change_Environment), to set the target
   --  and the runtime (Set_Target_And_Runtime), etc.

   Project.Load (My_Project_Filename, Env);
   Provider := LAL_GPR.Create_Project_Unit_Provider
     (Tree => Project, Env => Env);
   Context := LAL.Create_Context (Unit_Provider => Provider);

Once this compilation unit lookup matter is solved, all you need to do is to call the right properties to get the job done. Let’s update the previous little program so that it quotes, for each object declaration, the declaration of the corresponding type. First, use the above code snippet to load a project file from the first command-line argument:

function Load_Project return LAL.Unit_Provider_Reference;
--  Load the project file designated by the first command-line argument

-- Load_Project --

function Load_Project return LAL.Unit_Provider_Reference is
   package GPR renames GNATCOLL.Projects;
   package LAL_GPR renames Libadalang.Project_Provider;
   use type GNATCOLL.VFS.Filesystem_String;

   Project_Filename : constant String := Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1);
   Project_File     : constant GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File :=
      GNATCOLL.VFS.Create (+Project_Filename);

   Env     : GPR.Project_Environment_Access;
   Project : constant GPR.Project_Tree_Access := new GPR.Project_Tree;
   GPR.Initialize (Env);
   Project.Load (Project_File, Env);
   return LAL_GPR.Create_Project_Unit_Provider
     (Tree => Project, Env => Env);
end Load_Project;

This assumes that the first command-line argument is the name of the project file to load, so it is necessary to update the iteration on source file arguments to start at argument number 2:

--  Try to parse all remaining source file given as arguments
for I in 2 .. Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count loop

Then use our new Load_Project function when creating the analysis context:

Context : constant LAL.Analysis_Context :=
   LAL.Create_Context (Unit_Provider => Load_Project);

4.3.2. Resolving types

Finally, let’s update the Process_Node function to use Libadalang’s name resolution capabilities: when we find an object declaration, we’ll print the entity representing the type of the object declaration.

function Process_Node (Node : LAL.Ada_Node'Class) return LALCO.Visit_Status
  use type LALCO.Ada_Node_Kind_Type;
   if Node.Kind = LALCO.Ada_Object_Decl then
         & Slocs.Line_Number'Image (Node.Sloc_Range.Start_Line)
         & ": " & Text.Image (Node.Text));
         Type_Decl : constant LAL.Base_Type_Decl :=
         Put_Line ("   type is: " & Text.Image (Type_Decl.Text));
   end if;
   return LALCO.Into;
end Process_Node;

The most interesting part is the call to the P_Designated_Type_Decl property. Let’s decompose it:

  • Node.As_Object_Decl converts the input Ada_Node object into an Object_Decl one. We can do this safely since we checked its kind right before.

  • The call to F_Type_Expr (a primitive that is specific to Object_Decl nodes) retrieves its type expression field (the type for the declared object). The result is a Type_Expr node.

  • Finally the call to the P_Designated_Type_Decl property fetches the type declaration corresponding to this type expression: a Base_Type_Decl node.

This time, running this updated program on itself will yield something like:

== main.adb ==
Line 30: Project_Filename : constant String := Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1);
   type is: type String is array (Positive range <>) of Character;
Line 31: Project_File     : constant GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File :=\x0a         GNATCOLL.VFS.Create (+Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
   type is: type Virtual_File is tagged private;
Line 34: Env     : GPR.Project_Environment_Access;
   type is: type Project_Environment_Access is access all Project_Environment'Class;

We have seen here the P_Designated_Type_Decl property, which resolves references to types, but Libadalang offers many more properties to deal with name resolution in Ada:

  • P_Xref property will try to resolve from any node to the corresponding declaration, much like an IDE would do when you Control-click on an identifier, for instance.

  • All the P_Body_Part* and P_Decl_Part* properties will let you navigate between the specification and body that correspond to each other for various nodes: subprograms, packages, etc.

  • P_Expression_Type returns the type of an expression.

  • P_Generic_Instantiations returns the list of package/subprogram generic instantiations that led to the creation of this node.

You can find these and all the other properties documented in your favorite language’s API reference.

4.3.3. Find all references

Source processing tools often need to look for all references to an entity. For instance: all references to an object declaration, all types that derive from a type T, all calls to a subprogram P, etc.

Libadalang provides several properties to answer such queries: P_Find_All_References, P_Find_All_Derived_Types, P_Find_All_Calls, etc. All these properties have in common that they take as argument the list of analysis units in which to look for the references. For instance, in order to look for all the references to the V object declaration in units foo.adb, bar.adb and foobar.adb, one may write:

   Context    : constant Analysis_Context := ...;
   V          : constant Object_Decl := ...;
   V_First_Id : constant Defining_Name := V.F_Ids.List_Child (1);
   Units      : constant Analysis_Unit_Array :=
     (Context.Get_From_File ("foo.adb"),
      Context.Get_From_File ("bar.adb"),
      Context.Get_From_File ("foobar.adb"));
   Put_Line ("Looking for references to " & V_First_Id.Image & ":");
   for R of V_First_Id.P_Find_All_References (Units) loop
      Put_Line (Kind (R)'Image & " - " & Ref (R).Image);
   end loop;

The first step is to get the Defining_Name node on which to perform the query: in the A, B : Integer object declaration, for instance, this allows one to specifically query all references to A. The second step is to select the set of units in which to look for references. The last step is to call the P_Find_All_References property and process its results.

This property returns an array of Ref_Result values, which contain both: Ref (a Base_Id node), which constitutes the reference to the defining name, and Kind (a Ref_Result_Kind enumeration value), which gives more information about this reference: whether Libadalang successfully managed to compute this information, whether it had to do error recovery or completely failed (for instance due to incorrect analyzed source code).

4.3.4. List of sources in a project

Even though GNATCOLL.Projects provides facilities to get the list of source files in a project, this operation is so common for Libadalang tools that Libadalang provides a convenience function to compute such a list: Libadalang.Project_Provider.Source_Files. This is especially useful to compute the analysis units to pass to the P_Find_All_* properties (described in the previous section).

This function takes a project tree (GNATCOLL.Projects.Project_Tree) and a mode to determine the scope of the sources to consider (root project only, the whole project tree, the runtime, …) and just returns the list of source files:

   Project : Project_Tree := ...;
   Context : Analysis_Context := ...;
   Id      : Defining_Name := ...;
   Sources : constant Filename_Vectors.Vector := Source_Files (Project);
   Units   : Analysis_Unit_Array (1 .. Sources.Last_Index);
   for I in Units'Range loop
      Units (I) := Context.Get_From_File (To_String (Sources (I)));
   end loop;

   Put_Line ("Looking for references to " & Id.Image & ":");
   for R of Id.P_Find_All_References (Units) loop
       Put_Line (Kind (R)'Image & " - " & Ref (R).Image);
   end loop;

4.4. Ada generic application framework

4.4.1. Basics

In order to facilitate the creation of Ada command line applications, Libadalang ships an App generic package (in the Libadalang.Helpers unit), that you can simply instantiate in order to create a command line application with a lot of common functionality already built-in, so that you don’t have to reinvent it every time.

The way it works is simple: you instantiate it, providing it several callbacks (see below) and call its Run procedure in your main. It then handles all the logistic around your application:

  • parsing command-line arguments,

  • setting up unit providers,

  • creating analysis contexts,

  • creating the list of source files to process for you.

Your callbacks are then invoked when appropriate. The main ones are:

  • App_Setup right after command line options are parsed;

  • Process_Unit when processing one source file;

  • App_Post_Process after all source files are processed.

Let’s say you want to create a simple application that will flag all the goto statements in a given closure. Here is what it would look like:

--  app.ads

with Libadalang.Analysis; use Libadalang.Analysis;
with Libadalang.Helpers;  use Libadalang.Helpers;

package App is

   procedure Process_Unit (Context : App_Job_Context; Unit : Analysis_Unit);

   package App is new Libadalang.Helpers.App
     (Name         => "example_app",
      Description  => "Example app. Will flag goto statements",
      Process_Unit => Process_Unit);

end App;

--  app.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Libadalang.Common; use Libadalang.Common;

package body App is

   procedure Process_Unit (Context : App_Job_Context; Unit : Analysis_Unit) is
      pragma Unreferenced (Context);

      function Visit (Node : Ada_Node'Class) return Visit_Status;

      function Visit (Node : Ada_Node'Class) return Visit_Status is
         case Node.Kind is
         when Ada_Goto_Stmt =>
            Put_Line ("Found goto stmt: " & Node.Image);
            return Over;
         when others =>
            return Into;
         end case;
      end Visit;
      Unit.Root.Traverse (Visit'Access);
   end Process_Unit;
end App;

--  main.adb

with App;

procedure Main is
end Main;

Then, running the app on a project is as simple as

# Files are automatically deduced from the project file
$ ./main -P my_project.gpr

# Files are passed explicitly. Default project is used
$ ./main *.adb

# Analyze file.adb in the context of project.gpr, with scenario variable
# BUILD_TYPE set to prod.
$ ./main file.adb -P project.gpr -XBUILD_TYPE=prod

4.4.2. Parallelism

Even though it is disabled by default, App has supports for parallelism. If the generic instantiation passes True to the Enable_Parallelism formal, then your application will be able to process several units at the same time.

Most of Libadalang is not thread safe, so how could this possibly work? When running the application, pass for instance the -j8 argument to run 8 jobs in parallel. Each job will get its own Analysis_Context instance, so that each job actually deals with thread-local data, avoiding concurrency issues.

Working with parallel job requires special attention, which is why it is disabled by default:

  • Calls to Job_Setup, Process_Unit and Job_Post_Process happen in parallel, so access to data that is not local to a thread must be properly synchronized. For instance, concurrent calls to Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (on the same file) must be protected to avoid mixing line content, counters must be protected to avoid ABA problems, etc.

  • Since each job creates its own Analysis_Context instance, each job will probably parse and run name resolution on the same units (results are not shared between contexts). This means that using 8 jobs will not magically divide computing time by 8. This also means that in the worst case, using 8 jobs can consume up to 8 times the memory required to process the same list of units without parallelism.