6.1. Core packages

6.1.1. Libadalang.Common

This package provides types and functions used in the whole Libadalang package tree.

type Big_Integer

Shortcut for GNATCOLL.GMP.Integers.Big_Integer

Default_Charset : constant String
Object type:


Default value:


Default charset to use when creating analysis contexts

File_Read_Error: exception

Subprograms may raise this when they cannot open a source file. Note that this does not concern analysis unit getters, which create diagnostic vectors for such errors.

Invalid_Input: exception

Raised by lexing functions (Libadalang.Lexer) when the input contains an invalid byte sequence.

Invalid_Symbol_Error: exception

Exception raise when an invalid symbol is passed to a subprogram.

Invalid_Unit_Name_Error: exception

Raised when an invalid unit name is provided.

Native_Exception: exception

Exception raised in language bindings when the underlying C API reports an unexpected error that occurred in the library.

This kind of exception is raised for internal errors: they should never happen in normal situations and if they are raised at some point, it means the library state is potentially corrupted.

Nevertheless, the library does its best not to crash the program, materializing internal errors using this kind of exception.

Precondition_Failure: exception

Exception raised when an API is called while its preconditions are not satisfied.

Property_Error: exception

Exception that is raised when an error occurs while evaluating any function whose name starts with P_. This is the only exceptions that such functions can raise.

Stale_Reference_Error: exception

Exception raised while trying to access data that was deallocated. This happens when one tries to use a node whose unit has been reparsed, for instance.

Syntax_Error: exception

Subprograms may raise this when they try to parse invalid syntax. Note that this does not concern analysis unit getters, which create diagnostic vectors for such errors.

Unknown_Charset: exception

Raised by lexing functions (Libadalang.Lexer) when the input charset is not supported.

Bad_Type_Error: exception

Raised when introspection functions (Libadalang.Introspection) are provided mismatching types/values.

Out_Of_Bounds_Error: exception

Raised when introspection functions (Libadalang.Introspection) are passed an out of bounds index.

Template_Args_Error: exception

Exception raised when the provided arguments for a template don’t match what the template expects.

Template_Format_Error: exception

Exception raised when a template has an invalid syntax, such as badly formatted placeholders.

Template_Instantiation_Error: exception

Exception raised when the instantiation of a template cannot be parsed.

Malformed_Tree_Error: exception

Raised when unparsing functions working on rewritten trees (Libadalang.Rewriting) are called on malformed trees.

type Analysis_Unit_Kind

Specify a kind of analysis unit. Specification units provide an interface to the outer world while body units provide an implementation for the corresponding interface.

function Trace_Image (Self : Analysis_Unit_Kind) Standard.String
type Lookup_Kind
function Trace_Image (Self : Lookup_Kind) Standard.String
type Designated_Env_Kind

Discriminant for DesignatedEnv structures.

function Trace_Image (Self : Designated_Env_Kind) Standard.String
type Ref_Result_Kind

Kind for the result of a cross reference operation.

  • no_ref is for no reference, it is the null value for this enum.

  • precise is when the reference result is precise.

  • imprecise is when there was an error computing the precise result, and a result was gotten in an imprecise fashion.

  • error is for unrecoverable errors (either there is no imprecise path for the request you made, or the imprecise path errored out too).

function Trace_Image (Self : Ref_Result_Kind) Standard.String
type Call_Expr_Kind

Kind of CallExpr type.

  • call is when the CallExpr is a procedure or function call.

  • array_slice, array_index is when the CallExpr is in fact an array slice or an array subcomponent access expression, respectively.

  • type_conversion is when the CallExpr is a type conversion.

  • family_index is for entry calls using a family index.

function Trace_Image (Self : Call_Expr_Kind) Standard.String
type Grammar_Rule

Gramar rule to use for parsing.

function Trace_Image (Self : Grammar_Rule) Standard.String
Default_Grammar_Rule : constant Grammar_Rule
Object type:


Default value:


Default grammar rule to use when parsing analysis units

type Ada_Node_Kind_Type

Type for concrete nodes

function Is_Token_Node (Kind : Ada_Node_Kind_Type) Standard.Boolean

Return whether Kind corresponds to a token node

function Is_List_Node (Kind : Ada_Node_Kind_Type) Standard.Boolean

Return whether Kind corresponds to a list node

function Is_Error_Node (Kind : Ada_Node_Kind_Type) Standard.Boolean

Return whether Kind corresponds to an error node

function Token_Node_Kind (Kind : Ada_Node_Kind_Type) Token_Kind

Return the token kind corresponding to the given token node kind

type Synthetic_Nodes

Set of nodes that are synthetic.

Parsers cannot create synthetic nodes, so these correspond to no source text. These nodes are created dynamically for convenience during semantic analysis.

type Lexer_Input_Kind

Kind of lexer input

type Undecoded_Lexer_Input
type Token_Kind

Kind of token: indentifier, string literal, …

function Token_Kind_Name (Token_Id : Token_Kind) Standard.String

Return a human-readable name for a token kind.

function Token_Kind_Literal (Token_Id : Token_Kind) Text_Type

Return the canonical literal corresponding to this token kind, or an empty string if this token has no literal.

function Token_Error_Image (Token_Id : Token_Kind) Standard.String

Return a string representation of Token_Id that is suitable in error messages.

function To_Token_Kind (Raw : Langkit_Support.Token_Data_Handlers.Raw_Token_Kind) Token_Kind
function From_Token_Kind (Kind : Token_Kind) Langkit_Support.Token_Data_Handlers.Raw_Token_Kind
type Token_Family

Groups of token kinds, to make the processing of some groups of token uniform.

Token_Kind_To_Family : array (Token_Kind) of Token_Family
Object type:

array (Token_Kind) of Token_Family

Associate a token family to all token kinds

type Visit_Status

Helper type to control the node traversal process. See the Libadalang.Analysis.Traverse function.

type Token_Reference

Reference to a token in an analysis unit.

No_Token : constant Token_Reference
Object type:


function "<" (Left, Right : Token_Reference) Standard.Boolean

Assuming Left and Right belong to the same analysis unit, return whether Left came before Right in the source file.

function Next (Token : Token_Reference; Exclude_Trivia : Standard.Boolean) Token_Reference

Return a reference to the next token in the corresponding analysis unit.

function Previous (Token : Token_Reference; Exclude_Trivia : Standard.Boolean) Token_Reference

Return a reference to the previous token in the corresponding analysis unit.

function Data (Token : Token_Reference) Token_Data_Type

Return the data associated to Token

function Is_Equivalent (L, R : Token_Reference) Standard.Boolean

Return whether L and R are structurally equivalent tokens. This means that their position in the stream won’t be taken into account, only the kind and text of the token.

function Image (Token : Token_Reference) Standard.String

Debug helper: return a human-readable text to represent a token

function Text (Token : Token_Reference) Text_Type

Return the text of the token as Text_Type

function Text (First, Last : Token_Reference) Text_Type

Compute the source buffer slice corresponding to the text that spans between the First and Last tokens (both included). This yields an empty slice if Last actually appears before First.

This raises a Constraint_Error if First and Last don’t belong to the same analysis unit.

function Get_Symbol (Token : Token_Reference) Symbol_Type

Assuming that Token refers to a token that contains a symbol, return the corresponding symbol.

function Is_Trivia (Token : Token_Reference) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this token is a trivia. If it’s not, it’s a regular token.

function Index (Token : Token_Reference) Langkit_Support.Token_Data_Handlers.Token_Index

One-based index for this token/trivia. Tokens and trivias get their own index space.

function Origin_Filename (Token : Token_Reference) Standard.String

Return the name of the file whose content was scanned to create Token. Return an empty string if the source comes from a memory buffer instead of a file.

function Origin_Charset (Token : Token_Reference) Standard.String

Return the charset used to decode the source that was scanned to create Token. Return an empty string if the source was already decoded during the scan.

function Convert (TDH : Langkit_Support.Token_Data_Handlers.Token_Data_Handler; Token : Token_Reference; Raw_Data : Langkit_Support.Token_Data_Handlers.Stored_Token_Data) Token_Data_Type

Turn data from TDH and Raw_Data into a user-ready token data record.

function Raw_Data (T : Token_Reference) Langkit_Support.Token_Data_Handlers.Stored_Token_Data

Return the raw token data for T

type Token_Data_Type
function Kind (Token_Data : Token_Data_Type) Token_Kind

Kind for this token.

function Is_Trivia (Token_Data : Token_Data_Type) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this token is a trivia. If it’s not, it’s a regular token.

function Index (Token_Data : Token_Data_Type) Langkit_Support.Token_Data_Handlers.Token_Index

One-based index for this token/trivia. Tokens and trivias get their own index space.

function Sloc_Range (Token_Data : Token_Data_Type) Source_Location_Range

Source location range for this token. Note that the end bound is exclusive.

type Child_Or_Trivia

Discriminator for the Child_Record type

type Language_Version

Enum representing a version of the Ada language

6.1.2. Libadalang.Analysis

This package provides types and primitives to analyze source files as analysis units.

This is the entry point to parse and process a unit:

  • First create an analysis context with Create_Context.

  • Then get analysis units out of it using the Get_From_* functions. The most used of them is Get_From_File, which allows you to get an analysis unit out of a file path.

with Libadalang.Analysis;

procedure Main is
   package Lib renames Libadalang.Analysis;

   Context : constant Lib.Analysis_Context := Lib.Create_Context;
   Unit    : constant Lib.Analysis_Unit :=
     Context.Get_From_File ("/path/to/source/file");
end Main;
type Analysis_Context

This type represents a context for all source analysis. This is the first type you need to create to use Libadalang. It will contain the results of all analysis, and is the main holder for all the data.

You can create several analysis contexts if you need to, which enables you, for example to:

  • analyze several different projects at the same time;

  • analyze different parts of the same projects in parallel.

In the current design, contexts always keep all of their analysis units allocated. If you need to get this memory released, the only option at your disposal is to destroy your analysis context instance.

No_Analysis_Context : constant Analysis_Context
Object type:


Special value to mean the absence of analysis context

function Create_Context (Charset : Standard.String; File_Reader : File_Reader_Reference; Unit_Provider : Unit_Provider_Reference; Event_Handler : Event_Handler_Reference; With_Trivia : Standard.Boolean; Tab_Stop : Standard.Positive) Analysis_Context

Create a new analysis context.

Charset will be used as a default charset to decode input sources in analysis units. Please see GNATCOLL.Iconv for several supported charsets. Be careful: passing an unsupported charset is not guaranteed to raise an error here. If no charset is provided, "iso-8859-1" is the default.

When With_Trivia is true, the parsed analysis units will contain trivias.

If provided, File_Reader will be used to fetch the contents of source files instead of the default, which is to just read it from the filesystem and decode it using the regular charset rules. Note that if provided, all parsing APIs that provide a buffer are forbidden, and any use of the rewriting API with the returned context is rejected.

If provided, Unit_Provider will be used to query the file name that corresponds to a unit reference during semantic analysis. If it is null, the default one is used instead.

If provided, Event_Handler will be notified when various events happen.

Tab_Stop is a positive number to describe the effect of tabulation characters on the column number in source files.

function Unit_Provider (Context : Analysis_Context'Class) Unit_Provider_Reference

Return the unit provider for Context

function Hash (Context : Analysis_Context) Ada.Containers.Hash_Type

Return a hash for this context, to be used in hash tables.

function Context (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Analysis_Context

Return the context that owns this unit.

function Create_Context_From_Project (Tree : GNATCOLL.Projects.Project_Tree_Access; Project : GNATCOLL.Projects.Project_Type; Env : GNATCOLL.Projects.Project_Environment_Access; Is_Project_Owner : Standard.Boolean; Event_Handler : Event_Handler_Reference; With_Trivia : Standard.Boolean; Tab_Stop : Standard.Positive) Analysis_Context

Create a new analysis context from a GPR project.

The unit provider, file reader, config pragmas and default charset are inferred from the designated project: see Libadalang.Project_Provider.Create_Project_Unit_Provider for the semantics of the Tree, Project, Env and Is_Project_Owner arguments.

See Libadalang.Analysis.Create_Context for the semantics of the other arguments.

function Create_Context_From_Project (Tree : GPR2.Project.Tree.Object; Project : GPR2.Project.View.Object; Event_Handler : Event_Handler_Reference; With_Trivia : Standard.Boolean; Tab_Stop : Standard.Positive) Analysis_Context

Create a new analysis context from a GPR project.

The unit provider, file reader, config pragmas and default charset are inferred from the designated project: see Libadalang.Project_Provider.Create_Project_Unit_Provider for the semantics of the Tree and Project arguments.

See Libadalang.Analysis.Create_Context for the semantics of the other arguments.

type Analysis_Unit

This type represents the analysis of a single file.

This type has strong-reference semantics and is ref-counted. Furthermore, a reference to a unit contains an implicit reference to the context that owns it. This means that keeping a reference to a unit will keep the context and all the unit it contains allocated.

No_Analysis_Unit : constant Analysis_Unit
Object type:


Special value to mean the absence of analysis unit. No analysis units can be passed this value.

function Get_From_File (Context : Analysis_Context'Class; Filename : Standard.String; Charset : Standard.String; Reparse : Standard.Boolean; Rule : Grammar_Rule) Analysis_Unit

Create a new analysis unit for Filename or return the existing one if any. If Reparse is true and the analysis unit already exists, reparse it from Filename.

Rule controls which grammar rule is used to parse the unit.

Use Charset in order to decode the source. If Charset is empty then use the context’s default charset.

If any failure occurs, such as file opening, decoding, lexing or parsing failure, return an analysis unit anyway: errors are described as diagnostics of the returned analysis unit.

It is invalid to pass True to Reparse if a rewriting context is active.

function Get_From_Buffer (Context : Analysis_Context'Class; Filename : Standard.String; Charset : Standard.String; Buffer : Standard.String; Rule : Grammar_Rule) Analysis_Unit

Create a new analysis unit for Filename or return the existing one if any. Whether the analysis unit already exists or not, (re)parse it from the source code in Buffer.

Rule controls which grammar rule is used to parse the unit.

Use Charset in order to decode the source. If Charset is empty then use the context’s default charset.

If any failure occurs, such as file opening, decoding, lexing or parsing failure, return an analysis unit anyway: errors are described as diagnostics of the returned analysis unit.

Calling this is invalid if a rewriting context is active.

function Get_From_Buffer (Context : Analysis_Context'Class; Filename : Standard.String; Charset : Standard.String; Buffer : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String; Rule : Grammar_Rule) Analysis_Unit

Likewise, but working on an unbounded string

function Get_With_Error (Context : Analysis_Context'Class; Filename : Standard.String; Error : Text_Type; Charset : Standard.String; Rule : Grammar_Rule) Analysis_Unit

If a Unit for Filename already exists, return it unchanged. Otherwise, create an empty analysis unit for Filename with a diagnostic that contains the Error message.

function Get_From_Provider (Context : Analysis_Context'Class; Name : Text_Type; Kind : Analysis_Unit_Kind; Charset : Standard.String; Reparse : Standard.Boolean) Analysis_Unit

Create a new analysis unit for Name/Kind or return the existing one if any. If Reparse is true and the analysis unit already exists, reparse it from the on-disk source file.

The Name and Kind arguments are forwarded directly to query the context’s unit provider and get the filename for the returned unit. See the documentation of the relevant unit provider for their exact semantics.

Use Charset in order to decode the source. If Charset is empty then use the context’s default charset.

If the unit name cannot be tuned into a file name, raise an Invalid_Unit_Name_Error exception. If any other failure occurs, such as file opening, decoding, lexing or parsing failure, return an analysis unit anyway: errors are described as diagnostics of the returned analysis unit.

It is invalid to pass True to Reparse if a rewriting context is active.

function Hash (Unit : Analysis_Unit) Ada.Containers.Hash_Type

Return a hash for this unit, to be used in hash tables.

function Unit (Token : Token_Reference) Analysis_Unit

Return the analysis unit that owns Token

function Get_Line (Unit : Analysis_Unit; Line_Number : Standard.Positive) Text_Type

Return the line of text at line number Line_Number

type Ada_Node

Data type for all nodes. Nodes are assembled to make up a tree. See the node primitives below to inspect such trees.

Unlike for contexts and units, this type has weak-reference semantics: keeping a reference to a node has no effect on the decision to keep the unit that it owns allocated. This means that once all references to the context and units related to a node are dropped, the context and its units are deallocated and the node becomes a stale reference: most operations on it will raise a Stale_Reference_Error.

Note that since reparsing an analysis unit deallocates all the nodes it contains, this operation makes all reference to these nodes stale as well.

Root node class for the Ada syntax tree.

function Equals (L, R : Ada_Node) Standard.Boolean

Comparison function, meant to compare two nodes.

No_Ada_Node : constant Ada_Node
Object type:


Special value to represent the absence of a node. Note that every node type derived from the root type has a similar No_Node constant.

function Root (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Ada_Node

Return the root node for this unit, or null if there is none.

function P_Declarative_Scope (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Declarative_Part

Return the scope of definition of this basic declaration.

function P_Enclosing_Compilation_Unit (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Compilation_Unit

Return the compilation unit containing this node.


This returns the Compilation_Unit node, which is different from the AnalysisUnit. In particular, an analysis unit can contain multiple compilation units.

function P_Get_Uninstantiated_Node (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node

Assuming this node comes from an instantiated generic declaration, return its non-instantiated counterpart lying in the generic declaration.

function P_Complete (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Completion_Item_Iterator

Return possible completions at this point in the file.

function P_Valid_Keywords (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Unbounded_Text_Type_Array

Return the list of keywords that are valid at this point in the file.


This is work in progress. It will return all keywords for now, without looking at the context.

function P_Generic_Instantiations (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Generic_Instantiation_Array

Return the potentially empty list of generic package/subprogram instantiations that led to the creation of this entity. Outer-most instantiations appear last.

function P_Semantic_Parent (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node

Return the semantic parent for this node, if applicable, null otherwise.


A node lying outside of a library item’s declaration or subunit’s body does not have a parent environment, meaning that this property will return null.

function P_Parent_Basic_Decl (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Basic_Decl

Return the parent basic decl for this node, if applicable, null otherwise.


If the parent BasicDecl of the given node is a generic declaration, this call will return the instantiation from which the node was retrieved instead, if any.


When called on a subunit’s body, this property will return its corresponding body stub.


When called on a node lying outside of a library item’s declaration or subunit’s body this property will return null.

function P_Spark_Mode_Aspect (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Aspect

Helper for the has_spark_mode_on and is_subject_to_proof properties.

This property will get the applicable aspect defining the SPARK_Mode for the given node, recursing syntactically and taking into account configuration files.

This only implements the base logic for recursing up the tree: nodes that need a specific logic must override it. See for example BasicDecl.spark_mode_aspect.

function P_Has_Spark_Mode_On (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Returns whether this subprogram has explicitly been set as having Spark_Mode to On, directly or indirectly.

Doesn’t include subprograms that can be inferred by GNATprove as being SPARK.

function P_Is_Subject_To_Proof (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Returns whether this subprogram body is subject to proof in the context of the SPARK/GNATprove tools.

function P_Filter_Is_Imported_By (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Units : Analysis_Unit_Array; Transitive : Standard.Boolean) Analysis_Unit_Array

Filters out among the list of given units those that cannot refer to the unit in which this node lies. If transitive is True, the whole transitive closure of imports will be used to find a reference to the unit of this node.

function P_Xref_Entry_Point (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Designates entities that are entry point for the xref solving infrastructure. If this returns true, then resolve_names can be called on it.


For convenience, and unlike what is defined in the ARM wrt. complete contexts for name resolution, xref_entry_points can be nested.

function P_Resolve_Names (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

This will resolve names for this node. If the operation is successful, then type_var and ref_var will be bound on appropriate subnodes of the statement.

function P_Nameres_Diagnostics (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Solver_Diagnostic_Array

If name resolution on this xref entry point fails, this returns all the diagnostics that were produced while resolving it.

function P_Standard_Unit (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Analysis_Unit

Static method. Return the analysis unit corresponding to the Standard package.

function P_Is_Keyword (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Token : Token_Reference; Language_Version : Unbounded_Text_Type) Standard.Boolean

Static method. Return whether the given token is considered a keyword in the given version of Ada. Supported values for the language version argument are: “Ada_83”, “Ada_95”, “Ada_2005”, “Ada_2012”, “Ada_2022”.

function P_Std_Entity (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Sym : Unbounded_Text_Type) Ada_Node

Static property. Return an entity from the standard package with name sym.

function P_Bool_Type (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Static method. Return the standard Boolean type.

function P_Int_Type (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Static method. Return the standard Integer type.

function P_Universal_Int_Type (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node

Static method. Return the standard Universal Integer type.

function P_Universal_Real_Type (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node

Static method. Return the standard Universal Real type.

function P_Std_Char_Type (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Static method. Return the standard Character type.

function P_Std_Wide_Char_Type (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Static method. Return the standard Wide_Character type.

function P_Std_Wide_Wide_Char_Type (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Static method. Return the standard Wide_Wide_Character type.

function P_Std_String_Type (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Static method. Return the standard String type.

function P_Std_Wide_String_Type (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Static method. Return the standard Wide_String type.

function P_Std_Wide_Wide_String_Type (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Static method. Return the standard Wide_Wide_String type.

function P_Top_Level_Decl (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Basic_Decl

Static method. Get the top-level decl in unit. This is the body of a Subunit, or the item of a LibraryItem.

function P_Choice_Match (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Value : Big_Integer) Standard.Boolean

Assuming that self is a choice expression (such as what can appear in an alternative of a case statement or in the RHS of a membership expression, this property returns whether the given value satisfies it.


This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and behavior are very likely to change in the future.

function P_Gnat_Xref (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Defining_Name

Return a cross reference from this name to a defining identifier, trying to mimic GNAT’s xrefs as much as possible.

function Parent (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node

Return the syntactic parent for this node. Return null for the root node.

function Parents (Node : Ada_Node'Class; With_Self : Standard.Boolean) Ada_Node_Array

Return an array that contains the lexical parents, this node included iff with_self is True. Nearer parents are first in the list.

function Children (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node_Array

Return an array that contains the direct lexical children.


This constructs a whole array every-time you call it, and as such is less efficient than calling the Child built-in.

function Token_Start (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Token_Reference

Return the first token used to parse this node.

function Token_End (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Token_Reference

Return the last token used to parse this node.

function Child_Index (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Integer

Return the 0-based index for Node in its parent’s children.

function Previous_Sibling (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node

Return the node’s previous sibling, or null if there is no such sibling.

function Next_Sibling (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node

Return the node’s next sibling, or null if there is no such sibling.

function Unit (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Analysis_Unit

Return the analysis unit owning this node.

function Is_Ghost (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether the node is a ghost.

Unlike regular nodes, ghost nodes cover no token in the input source: they are logically located instead between two tokens. Both the token_start and the token_end of all ghost nodes is the token right after this logical position.

function Full_Sloc_Image (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Text_Type

Return a string containing the filename + the sloc in GNU conformant format. Useful to create diagnostics from a node.

procedure Get_Child (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Index : Standard.Positive; Index_In_Bounds : Standard.Boolean; Result : Ada_Node)

Return the Index’th child of node, storing it into Result.

Child indexing is 1-based. Store in Index_In_Bounds whether Node had such a child: if not (i.e. Index is out-of-bounds), set Result to a null node.

function Child (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Ada_Node

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

function First_Child (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node

Return the first child Node has, or No_Ada_Node if there is none.

function Last_Child (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node

Return the last child Node has, or No_Ada_Node if there is none.

function Closest_Common_Parent (Self, Other : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node

If Self and Other do not belong to the same analysis unit, return No_Ada_Node. Otherwise, return the deepest node in the tree that is a parent for both Self and Other.

function Lookup (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Sloc : Source_Location) Ada_Node

Look for the bottom-most AST node whose sloc range contains Sloc. Return it, or null if no such node was found.

function Hash (Node : Ada_Node) Ada.Containers.Hash_Type

Generic hash function, to be used for nodes as keys in hash tables

type Expr

Base class for expressions (RM 4.4).

function P_Expression_Type (Node : Expr'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the declaration corresponding to the type of this expression after name resolution.

function P_Expected_Expression_Type (Node : Expr'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the declaration corresponding to the expected type of this expression after name resolution.

function P_Is_Dynamically_Tagged (Node : Expr'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Returns whether this expression is dynamically tagged (See RM 3.9.2).

function P_Is_Dispatching_Call (Node : Expr'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Returns True if this Name corresponds to a dispatching call, including:

  • Calls done through subprogram access types.

  • Calls to dispatching subprograms, in the object-oriented sense.


This is an experimental feature. There might be some discrepancy with the GNAT concept of “dispatching call”.


This should only be called on a Name and UnOp or a BinOp.


There is a known bug, where the ConcatOp node is not supported, so calling is_dispatching_call on operators nested inside of a concat operator will always return false. (Internal TN: VC08-029)

function P_Is_Static_Expr (Node : Expr'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this expression is static according to the ARM definition of static. See RM 4.9.

function P_First_Corresponding_Decl (Node : Expr'Class) Basic_Decl

Return the first decl that is lexically named like self in self’s scope.

function P_Eval_As_Int (Node : Expr'Class) Big_Integer

Statically evaluates self, and returns the value of the evaluation as an integer.


In order for a call to this not to raise, the expression needs to be a static expression, as specified in RM 4.9. You can verify whether an expression is static with the is_static_expr property.


This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and behavior are very likely to change in the future.

function P_Eval_As_Int_In_Env (Node : Expr'Class; Env : Substitution_Array) Big_Integer

Statically evaluates self, and returns the value of the evaluation as an integer. The given environment is used to substitute references to declarations by actual values.


In order for a call to this not to raise, the expression needs to be a static expression, as specified in RM 4.9. You can verify whether an expression is static with the is_static_expr property.


This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and behavior are very likely to change in the future.

function P_Eval_As_String (Node : Expr'Class) Text_Type

Statically evaluates self, and returns the value of the evaluation as a string.


In order for a call to this not to raise, the expression needs to be a static expression, as specified in RM 4.9. You can verify whether an expression is static with the is_static_expr property.


This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and behavior are very likely to change in the future.

function P_Eval_As_String_In_Env (Node : Expr'Class; Env : Substitution_Array) Text_Type

Statically evaluates self, and returns the value of the evaluation as a string. The given environment is used to substitute references to declarations by actual values.


In order for a call to this not to raise, the expression needs to be a static expression, as specified in RM 4.9. You can verify whether an expression is static with the is_static_expr property.


This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and behavior are very likely to change in the future.

function P_Matching_Nodes (Node : Expr'Class) Ada_Node_Array

Return the list of AST nodes that can be a match for this expression before overloading analysis.

function List_Child (Node : Expr_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Expr

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Basic_Decl

Root class for an Ada declaration (RM 3.1). A declaration associates a name with a language entity, for example a type or a variable.

function F_Aspects (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Aspect_Spec

Return the list of aspects that are attached to this node.

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function P_Is_Formal (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether this decl is the nested decl of a generic formal declaration.

function P_Doc_Annotations (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Doc_Annotation_Array

Return the documentation annotations associated with this decl. Annotations are any comment line of the form:

--% [annotation_name]: [annotation]

Raises a property error if the doc is incorrectly formatted.


This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and behavior are very likely to change in the future.

function P_Doc (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Text_Type

Return the documentation associated with this decl. Raises a property error if the doc is incorrectly formatted.


This is an experimental feature, so even if it is exposed to allow experiments, it is totally unsupported and the API and behavior are very likely to change in the future.

function P_Previous_Part_For_Decl (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl

Return the previous part for this decl, if applicable.


It is not named previous_part, because BaseTypeDecl has a more precise version of previous_part that returns a BaseTypeDecl. Probably, we want to rename the specific versions, and have the root property be named previous_part. (TODO R925-008)

function P_Canonical_Part (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl

Return the canonical part for this decl. In the case of decls composed of several parts, the canonical part will be the first part.

function P_All_Parts (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl_Array

Return all parts that define this entity, sorted from first part to last part.

function P_Is_Static_Decl (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this declaration is static.

function P_Get_Aspect_Assoc (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type) Aspect_Assoc

Return the aspect with name name for this entity.

function P_Get_Aspect_Spec_Expr (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type) Expr

Return the expression associated to the aspect with name name for this entity.

function P_Get_Aspect (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type; Previous_Parts_Only : Standard.Boolean; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Aspect

Return the aspect with name name associated to this entity.

Aspects are properties of entities that can be specified by the Ada program, either via aspect specifications, pragmas, or attributes.

This will return the syntactic node corresponding to attribute directly. See DefiningName.P_Get_Aspect for more details.

function P_Has_Aspect (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type; Previous_Parts_Only : Standard.Boolean; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Returns whether the boolean aspect named name is set on the entity represented by this node.

Aspects are properties of entities that can be specified by the Ada program, either via aspect specifications, pragmas, or attributes.

“Aspect” is used as in RM terminology (see RM 13).

function P_Get_Pragma (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type) Pragma_Node

Return the pragma with name name associated to this entity.

Please use the p_get_aspect property instead if you are interested in aspects, i.e. information that can be represented by either aspect specification nodes, pragma nodes or attribute definition nodes.

function P_Get_Representation_Clause (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Attribute_Def_Clause

Return the representation clause associated to this type decl that defines the given attribute name.

function P_Get_At_Clause (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) At_Clause

Return the at clause associated to this declaration.

function P_Is_Imported (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether this declaration is imported from another language.

function P_Is_Ghost_Code (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this declaration is ghost code or not. See SPARK RM 6.9.

function P_Is_Compilation_Unit_Root (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether a BasicDecl is the root decl for its unit.

function P_Is_Visible (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; From_Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this declaration is visible from the point of view of the given origin node.


Only package-level (public or private) declarations are supported for now.

function P_Base_Subp_Declarations (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl_Array

If Self declares a primitive subprogram of some tagged type T, return the set of all subprogram declarations that it overrides (including itself).


for the moment this only works for tagged types. Remains to be seen if we need to extend it.

function P_Root_Subp_Declarations (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl_Array

If Self declares a primitive subprogram of some tagged type T, return the root subprogram declarations that it overrides. There can be several, as in the following scenario:

  • package Root defines the root tagged type T and subprogram Foo.

  • package Itf defines interface I and abstract subprogram Foo.

  • package D defines “type U is new Root.T and Itf.I” and an overriding subprogram Foo.

Here, root_subp_declarations of Foo defined in package D will return both Foo from package Root and Foo from package Itf.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Find_All_Overrides (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Units : Analysis_Unit_Array; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl_Array

If Self is the declaration of a primitive of some type T, return the list of all subprogram that override this subprogram among the given units.

function P_Defining_Names (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Defining_Name_Array

Get all the names of this basic declaration.

function P_Defining_Name (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

Get the name of this declaration. If this declaration has several names, it will return the first one.

function P_Type_Expression (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Type_Expr

Return the type expression for this BasicDecl if applicable, a null otherwise.

function P_Subp_Spec_Or_Null (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Follow_Generic : Standard.Boolean) Base_Subp_Spec

If Self is a Subp, returns the specification of this subprogram.

If follow_generic is True, will also work for instances of GenericSubpDecl.

function P_Is_Subprogram (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return True if self is a subprogram node in the general sense (which is, an entity that can be called). This includes separates and entries.

function P_Relative_Name (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Name

Return the relative name for Self. If Self’s defining name is A.B.C, return C as a node.

function P_Relative_Name_Text (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Unbounded_Text_Type

Return the relative name for Self, as text.

function P_Next_Part_For_Decl (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl

Return the next part of this declaration, if applicable.


It is not named next_part, because BaseTypeDecl has a more precise version of next_part that returns a BaseTypeDecl. Probably, we want to rename the specific versions, and have the root property be named next_part. (TODO R925-008)

function P_Body_Part_For_Decl (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Body_Node

Return the body corresponding to this declaration, if applicable.


It is not named body_part, subclasses have more precise versions named body_part and returning a more precise result. Probably, we want to rename the specific versions, and have the root property be named body_part. (TODO R925-008)

function P_Most_Visible_Part (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl

Given an origin node and the entity represented by Self, this property returns the most visible completion of Self that can be seen by origin, according to Ada’s visibility rules.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Fully_Qualified_Name_Array (Node : Basic_Decl'Class; Include_Profile : Standard.Boolean) Unbounded_Text_Type_Array

Return the fully qualified name corresponding to this declaration, as an array of symbols.

function P_Fully_Qualified_Name (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Text_Type

Return the fully qualified name corresponding to this declaration.

function P_Canonical_Fully_Qualified_Name (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Text_Type

Return a canonical representation of the fully qualified name corresponding to this declaration.

function P_Unique_Identifying_Name (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Text_Type

Return a unique identifying name for this declaration, provided this declaration is a public declaration. In the case of subprograms, this will include the profile.


This will only return a unique name for public declarations. Notably, anything nested in an unnamed declare block won’t be handled correctly.

function P_Is_Constant_Object (Node : Basic_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this object is constant or not.

type Ada_List
type Ada_Node_List

List of AdaNode.

This list node can contain one of the following nodes: Abstract_State_Decl, Abstract_Subp_Decl, Allocator, Aspect_Clause, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Base_Subp_Body, Bin_Op, Body_Stub, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Component_Clause, Component_Decl, Concat_Op, Concrete_Type_Decl, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Entry_Body, Entry_Decl, Error_Decl, Exception_Decl, Exception_Handler, Explicit_Deref, Generic_Decl, Generic_Formal, Generic_Instantiation, Generic_Renaming_Decl, Identifier, Incomplete_Type_Decl, Membership_Expr, Null_Component_Decl, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Number_Decl, Object_Decl, Others_Designator, Package_Body, Package_Decl, Package_Renaming_Decl, Paren_Abstract_State_Decl, Paren_Expr, Pragma_Node, Protected_Body, Protected_Type_Decl, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, Single_Protected_Decl, Single_Task_Decl, Stmt, String_Literal, Subp_Decl, Subtype_Decl, Subtype_Indication, Target_Name, Task_Body, Task_Type_Decl, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref, Use_Clause, With_Clause

function Ada_Node_List_First (Node : Ada_Node_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Ada_Node_List_Next (Node : Ada_Node_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Ada_Node_List_Has_Element (Node : Ada_Node_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Ada_Node_List_Element (Node : Ada_Node_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Ada_Node'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Alternatives_List

List of alternatives in a when ... clause.

This list node can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Discrete_Subtype_Indication, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Others_Designator, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

type Name

Base class for names (RM 4.1).

function P_Enclosing_Defining_Name (Node : Name'Class) Defining_Name

If this name is part of a defining name, return the enclosing defining name node.

function P_Is_Defining (Node : Name'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return True if this name is part of a defining name.

function P_Name_Is (Node : Name'Class; Sym : Unbounded_Text_Type) Standard.Boolean

Helper. Check that this name matches sym.

function P_Is_Direct_Call (Node : Name'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return True iff this name represents a call to a subprogram which is referred by its defining name. (i.e. not through a subprogram access).

function P_Is_Access_Call (Node : Name'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return True iff this name represents a call to subprogram through an access type.

function P_Is_Call (Node : Name'Class) Standard.Boolean

Returns True if this Name corresponds to a call.

function P_Is_Dot_Call (Node : Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Returns True if this Name corresponds to a dot notation call.

function P_Failsafe_Referenced_Def_Name (Node : Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Refd_Def

Failsafe version of referenced_defining_name. Returns a RefdDef, which can be precise, imprecise, or error.

function P_Referenced_Defining_Name (Node : Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Defining_Name

Like referenced_decl, but will return the defining identifier for the decl, rather than the basic declaration node itself.

function P_All_Env_Elements (Node : Name'Class; Seq : Standard.Boolean; Seq_From : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node_Array

Return all elements in self’s scope that are lexically named like Self.

function P_Called_Subp_Spec (Node : Name'Class) Base_Formal_Param_Holder

Return the subprogram specification of the subprogram or subprogram access that is being called by this exact Name, if relevant. Note that when inside an instantiated generic, this will return the spec of the actual subprogram.

function P_Referenced_Decl (Node : Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl

Return the declaration this node references after name resolution. If imprecise_fallback is True, errors raised during resolution of the xref equation are caught and a fallback mechanism is triggered, which tries to find the referenced declaration in an ad-hoc way.

function P_Failsafe_Referenced_Decl (Node : Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Refd_Decl

Failsafe version of referenced_decl. Returns a RefdDecl, which can be precise, imprecise, or error.

function P_Name_Designated_Type (Node : Name'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Like SubtypeIndication.designated_type, but on names, since because of Ada’s ambiguous grammar, some subtype indications will be parsed as names.

function P_Is_Static_Subtype (Node : Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Returns whether Self denotes a static subtype or not.

function P_Name_Matches (Node : Name'Class; N : Name'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether two names match each other.

This compares the symbol for Identifier and StringLiteral nodes. We consider that there is no match for all other node kinds.

function P_Relative_Name (Node : Name'Class) Name

Returns the relative name of this instance. For example, for a prefix A.B.C, this will return C.

function P_Is_Operator_Name (Node : Name'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether the name that Self designates is an operator.

function P_Is_Write_Reference (Node : Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Whether this name is a write reference.

For example, X is a write reference in the following cases:

  1. X := 2;

  2. X (2) := 2;

  3. P(F => X) where F is declared out or in out.

  4. P(F => T (X)) where F is declared out or in out

  5. X'Access.

  6. X.C := 2, R.X := 2

  7. X.P where the formal for X is declared out or in out.


This is an experimental feature. There might be some discrepancy with the GNAT concept of “write reference”.

function P_Is_Static_Call (Node : Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Returns True if this Name corresponds to a static non-dispatching call. In other words, this will return True if and only if the target of the call is known statically.


This is an experimental feature. There might be some discrepancy with the GNAT concept of “static call”.

function P_As_Symbol_Array (Node : Name'Class) Unbounded_Text_Type_Array

Turn this name into an array of symbols.

For instance, a node with name A.B.C is turned into ['A', 'B', 'C'].

Only simple name kinds are allowed: Identifier, DottedName and DefiningName. Any other kind will trigger a PropertyError.

function P_Canonical_Text (Node : Name'Class) Unbounded_Text_Type

Return a canonicalized version of this name’s text.

Only simple name kinds are allowed: Identifier, DottedName and DefiningName. Any other kind will trigger a PropertyError.

function P_Is_Constant (Node : Name'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this name denotes a constant value.

function P_Call_Params (Node : Name'Class) Param_Actual_Array

Returns an array of pairs, associating formal parameters to actual or default expressions.

function List_Child (Node : Name_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Name

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Single_Tok_Node

Base class for nodes that are made up of a single token.

type Base_Id

Base class for identifiers.

type Identifier

Regular identifier (RM 2.3).

function List_Child (Node : Identifier_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Identifier

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Abort_Node

Qualifier for the abort keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Abort_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of AbortPresent

type Abort_Absent
type Abort_Present
type Stmt

Bass class for statements (RM 5.1).

function P_Is_Ghost_Code (Node : Stmt'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this statement is ghost code or not. See SPARK RM 6.9.

type Simple_Stmt

Base class for simple statements (RM 5.1).

type Abort_Stmt

abort statement (RM 9.8).

function F_Names (Node : Abort_Stmt'Class) Name_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Abstract_Node

Qualifier for the abstract keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Abstract_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of AbstractPresent

type Abstract_Absent
type Basic_Subp_Decl

Base class for subprogram declarations.

function P_Subp_Decl_Spec (Node : Basic_Subp_Decl'Class) Base_Subp_Spec

Return the specification for this subprogram

type Classic_Subp_Decl

This is an intermediate abstract class for subprogram declarations with a common structure: overriding indicator, SubpSpec, aspects, <other fields>.

function F_Overriding (Node : Classic_Subp_Decl'Class) Overriding_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Overriding (Node : Classic_Subp_Decl'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Overriding_Node
function F_Subp_Spec (Node : Classic_Subp_Decl'Class) Subp_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Body_Part (Node : Classic_Subp_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Base_Subp_Body

Return the BaseSubpBody corresponding to this node.

type Formal_Subp_Decl

Formal subprogram declarations, in generic declarations formal parts (RM 12.6).

function F_Default_Expr (Node : Formal_Subp_Decl'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Box_Expr, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Abstract_Formal_Subp_Decl

Formal declaration for an abstract subprogram (RM 12.6).

type Abstract_Present
type Abstract_State_Decl

Contained (directly or indirectly) in an AbstractStateDeclExpr, and is used to represent the BasicDecl associated with the abstract state introduced by the Abstract_State aspect. This node is necessary because all of our name resolution routines expect BasicDecls as environments’ values.

The only purpose of this node is to populate the env with the abstract state declared through this node, so it can be referred in SPARK aspects such as Global, Depends, Refined_State, etc.

function F_Name (Node : Abstract_State_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Abstract_State_Decl_Expr

Directly corresponds to the right-hand side of the Abstract_State aspect. Only exists because the RHS of an AspectAssoc must be an expression: the actual logic is in AbstractStateDecl.

function F_State_Decl (Node : Abstract_State_Decl_Expr'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Abstract_State_Decl, Multi_Abstract_State_Decl, Paren_Abstract_State_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Abstract_State_Decl_List

List of AbstractStateDecls.

This list node can contain one of the following nodes: Abstract_State_Decl, Paren_Abstract_State_Decl

type Abstract_Subp_Decl

Declaration for an abstract subprogram (RM 3.9.3).

type Composite_Stmt

Base class for composite statements (RM 5.1).

type Accept_Stmt

accept statement (RM 9.5.2).

function F_Body_Decl (Node : Accept_Stmt'Class) Accept_Stmt_Body

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Entry_Index_Expr (Node : Accept_Stmt'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Params (Node : Accept_Stmt'Class) Entry_Completion_Formal_Params

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Corresponding_Entry (Node : Accept_Stmt'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Entry_Decl

Return the entry which corresponds to this accept statement.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

type Body_Node

Base class for an Ada body (RM 3.11). A body is the completion of a declaration.

function P_Previous_Part (Node : Body_Node'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl

Return the previous part for this body. Might be a declaration or a body stub.

function P_Decl_Part (Node : Body_Node'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl

Return the decl corresponding to this node if applicable.

function P_Subunit_Root (Node : Body_Node'Class) Basic_Decl

If self is a subunit, return the body in which it is rooted.

type Accept_Stmt_Body

BasicDecl that is always the declaration of an AcceptStmt. This is nested inside of the accept statement.

function F_Name (Node : Accept_Stmt_Body'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Accept_Stmt_With_Stmts

Extended accept statement (RM 9.5.2).

function F_Stmts (Node : Accept_Stmt_With_Stmts'Class) Handled_Stmts

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_End_Name (Node : Accept_Stmt_With_Stmts'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Type_Def

Base class for type definitions (RM 3.2.1).

type Access_Def

Base class for access type definitions (RM 3.10).

function F_Has_Not_Null (Node : Access_Def'Class) Not_Null

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Has_Not_Null (Node : Access_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
type Access_To_Subp_Def

Type definition for accesses to subprograms (RM 3.10).

function F_Has_Protected (Node : Access_To_Subp_Def'Class) Protected_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Protected (Node : Access_To_Subp_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Subp_Spec (Node : Access_To_Subp_Def'Class) Subp_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Base_Aggregate

Base class for aggregates (RM 4.3).

function F_Ancestor_Expr (Node : Base_Aggregate'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Assocs (Node : Base_Aggregate'Class) Assoc_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Aggregate_Assoc, Iterated_Assoc

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Aggregate_Params (Node : Base_Aggregate'Class) Param_Actual_Array

Returns an array of pairs, associating formal parameters to actual expressions. See zip_with_params.

function P_Is_Subaggregate (Node : Base_Aggregate'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this aggregate is actually a subaggregate of a multidimensional array aggregate, as described in RM 4.3.3.

type Aggregate

Aggregate that is not a null record aggregate (RM 4.3).

type Basic_Assoc

Association of one or several names to an expression.

function P_Get_Params (Node : Basic_Assoc'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Defining_Name_Array

Return the list of parameters that this association refers to.

function List_Child (Node : Basic_Assoc_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Basic_Assoc

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Aggregate_Assoc

Association (X => Y) used for aggregates associations (RM 4.3).

function F_Designators (Node : Aggregate_Assoc'Class) Alternatives_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Discrete_Subtype_Indication, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Others_Designator, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_R_Expr (Node : Aggregate_Assoc'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Box_Expr, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Aliased_Node

Qualifier for the aliased keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Aliased_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of AliasedPresent

type Aliased_Absent
type Aliased_Present
type All_Node

Qualifier for the all keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : All_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of AllPresent

type All_Absent
type All_Present
type Allocator

Allocator expression (new ...) (RM 4.8).

function F_Subpool (Node : Allocator'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Type_Or_Expr (Node : Allocator'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Qual_Expr, Subtype_Indication

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Get_Allocated_Type (Node : Allocator'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the allocated type for this allocator.

type Anonymous_Expr_Decl

Represents a anonymous declaration that holds an expression.

This is used to store the results of queries such as referenced_decl called on references to object formals from inside a instantiated generic in order to return the relevant actual.

Indeed, referenced_decl must return a BasicDecl, but actuals of generic instantiations are Expr. This wrapper node is therefore a way to both satisfy the BasicDecl interface, and provide to the user the expression of the actual through the expr field.

function F_Expr (Node : Anonymous_Expr_Decl'Class) Expr

Return the expression wrapped by this declaration.

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Get_Formal (Node : Anonymous_Expr_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Defining_Name

Return the generic formal object declaration corresponding to this actual.

type Type_Expr

A type expression is an abstract node that embodies the concept of a reference to a type.

Since Ada has both subtype_indications and anonymous (inline) type declarations, a type expression contains one or the other.

This node has no ARM correspondence.

function P_Type_Name (Node : Type_Expr'Class) Name

Return the name node for this type expression, if applicable, else null

function P_Designated_Type_Decl (Node : Type_Expr'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Returns the type declaration designated by this type expression.

function P_Designated_Type_Decl_From (Node : Type_Expr'Class; Origin_Node : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the type declaration designated by this type expression as viewed from the node given by origin_node.

function P_Subtype_Constraint (Node : Type_Expr'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Constraint

Return the constraint that this type expression defines on its designated subtype, if any.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Discriminant_Constraints (Node : Type_Expr'Class) Param_Actual_Array

If this type expression designates a constrained discriminated type, return an array of pairs, associating each discriminant to its actual or default expression.

type Anonymous_Type

Container for inline anonymous array and access types declarations.

function F_Type_Decl (Node : Anonymous_Type'Class) Anonymous_Type_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Base_Type_Access_Def

Base class for access type definitions (RM 3.10).

type Anonymous_Type_Access_Def

Synthetic type access, that will directly reference a type decl. It is used to generate synthetic anonymous access types.

function F_Type_Decl (Node : Anonymous_Type_Access_Def'Class) Base_Type_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Base_Type_Decl

Base class for type declarations. It unifies every kind of type that exists in Ada, including types that have no source existence like classwide types.

function F_Name (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function P_Base_Subtype (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

If this type decl is a subtype decl, return the base subtype. If not, return Self.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Attribute_Subprogram (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Attr_Name : Unbounded_Text_Type) Basic_Decl

Return the subprogram declaration denoted by this attribute name and defined on this type.

function P_Private_Completion (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the private completion for this type, if there is one.

function P_Is_Inherited_Primitive (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; P : Basic_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean

Assuming that P is a primitive of Self, return whether the given primitive P is inherited from one of Self’s parents.

function P_Get_Record_Representation_Clause (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Record_Rep_Clause

Return the record representation clause associated to this type decl, if applicable (i.e. this type decl defines a record type).

function P_Get_Enum_Representation_Clause (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Enum_Rep_Clause

Return the enum representation clause associated to this type decl, if applicable (i.e. this type decl defines an enum type).

function P_Get_Primitives (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Only_Inherited : Standard.Boolean; Include_Predefined_Operators : Standard.Boolean) Basic_Decl_Array

Return the list of all primitive operations that are available on this type. If only_inherited is True, it will only return the primitives that are implicitly inherited by this type, discarding those explicitly defined on this type. Predefined operators are included in the result iff include_predefined_operators is True. It defaults to False.

function P_Is_Record_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this type is a record type.


Private tagged types extending public tagged records are not considered as record types.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Array_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this type is an array type.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Find_Derived_Types (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Root : Ada_Node'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Type_Decl_Array

Find types derived from self in the given root and its children.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Real_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether type is a real type or not.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Float_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether type is a float type or not.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Fixed_Point (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether type is a fixed point type or not.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Scalar_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether type is a scalar type.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Enum_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether type is an enum type

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Access_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether Self is an access type or not

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Specific_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the specific type under a class-wide type. Consider for example:

subtype S1 is T'Class
subtype S2 is S1'Class

Calling this property on S2 will return T.

function P_Is_Char_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether type is a character type or not

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Classwide_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class) Classwide_Type_Decl

Return the classwide type for this type, if applicable

function P_Discrete_Range (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class) Discrete_Range

Return the discrete range for this type decl, if applicable.

function P_Is_Discrete_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether type is a discrete type or not.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Int_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether type is an integer type or not.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Accessed_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

If this type is an access type, or a type with an Implicit_Dereference aspect, return the type of a dereference of an instance of this type.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Tagged_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether type is tagged or not

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Base_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the base type entity for this derived type declaration

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Base_Types (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl_Array

Return the list of base types for Self.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Find_All_Derived_Types (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Units : Analysis_Unit_Array; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Type_Decl_Array

Return the list of all types that inherit (directly or indirectly) from Self among the given units.

function P_Comp_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Is_Subscript : Standard.Boolean; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the component type of Self, if applicable. The component type is the type you’ll get if you call a value whose type is Self. So it can either be:

  1. The component type for an array.

  2. The return type for an access to function.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Index_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Dim : Standard.Integer; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the index type for dimension dim for this type, if applicable.


dim is 0-based, so the first index_type is at index 0.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Derived_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Other_Type : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether Self is derived from other_type.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Interface_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return True iff this type declaration is an interface definition.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Limited_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return True iff this type is limited, either because it is explicitly marked as such, or because it inherits from a limited type or has a component of a limited type. Also note that protected types and task types are limited by definition. Moreover, note that Ada requires all parts of a type to agree of its limitedness (e.g. the public view of a type must indicate that it is limited if its private completion ends up being limited), hence this property does not require looking at any other part of the type to determine its limitedness, excepted for incomplete type declarations. This implies that for illegal code where several parts don’t agree, this property will return the result for the particular view of the type on which this property is called.

function P_Matching_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Expected_Type : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether self matches expected_type.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Canonical_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the canonical type declaration for this type declaration. For subtypes, it will return the base type declaration.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Previous_Part (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Go_To_Incomplete : Standard.Boolean) Base_Type_Decl

Returns the previous part for this type decl.

function P_Next_Part (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Returns the next part for this type decl.


Since this property returns a BaseTypeDecl, it cannot be used to retrieve the next part of TaskTypeDecl and ProtectedTypeDecl nodes as their next part is actually a Body. Use BasicDecl.next_part_for_decl for those instead.

function P_Full_View (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the full completion of this type.

function P_Is_Definite_Subtype (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Returns whether this is a definite subtype.

For convenience, this will return False for incomplete types, even though the correct answer is more akin to “non applicable”.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Is_Private (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether node is a private view of corresponding type.

function P_Discriminants_List (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Stop_Recurse_At : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Formal_Param_Decl_Array

Return the list of all discriminants of this type. If this type has no discriminant or only unknown discriminants, an empty list is returned.

In order to obtain all the discriminants of an extended type, this property looks on parents, recursively.

Extended aggregates can be build from any intermediate parent of an extended type. In that case, this property shouldn’t recurse to the root type, but the one used as the aggregate’s ancestor, designated by stop_recurse_at.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Root_Type (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the type that is at the root of the derivation hierarchy (ignoring secondary interfaces derivations for tagged types)

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_Shapes (Node : Base_Type_Decl'Class; Include_Discriminants : Standard.Boolean; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Shape_Array

Must be called on a record (sub-)type declaration. Return all the possible shapes that a value of this record type can take. For example, consider the following record definition:

type R (A : Integer; B : Integer) is record
    X : Integer;
    case A is
        when 1 .. 10 =>
            Y_1 : Integer;
            case B is
                when 1 .. 10 =>
                    Z_1 : Integer;
                when others => null;
            end case;
        when 11 .. 20 =>
            Y_2 : Integer;
            case B is
                when 1 .. 10 =>
                    Z_2 : Integer;
                when others => null;
            end case;
        when others => null;
    end case;
end record;

For this instance, this property will return the following results:

    [X, Y_1, Z_1],
    [X, Y_1],
    [X, Y_2, Z_2],
    [X, Y_2],


This property is inaccurate when called on a record extension which defines components under a certain condition C, and this same condition is used to define some components in the parent record: in that case, any feasible shape will in practice contain either both the components defined under condition C in the child record and the parent record, or none of them.However, due to the simplified algorithm we use here to compute the feasible shapes, we will also return shapes that include the components of the child record but not the parent record, and conversely.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

type Type_Decl

Type declarations that embed a type definition node. Corresponds to the ARM’s full type declarations (RM 3.2.1).

function F_Discriminants (Node : Type_Decl'Class) Discriminant_Part

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Type_Def (Node : Type_Decl'Class) Type_Def

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Anonymous_Type_Decl

Anonymous type declaration (for anonymous array or access types). This class has no RM existence, and anonymous (sub)types are referred to implicitly in the RM.

type Array_Indices

Specification for array indexes (RM 3.6).

type Array_Type_Def

Type definition for an array (RM 3.6).

function F_Indices (Node : Array_Type_Def'Class) Array_Indices

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Component_Type (Node : Array_Type_Def'Class) Component_Def

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Aspect_Assoc

Name/expression association in an aspect.

function F_Id (Node : Aspect_Assoc'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Expr (Node : Aspect_Assoc'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Abstract_State_Decl_Expr, Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Contract_Cases, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function P_Is_Ghost_Code (Node : Aspect_Assoc'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this aspect is ghost code or not. See SPARK RM 6.9.

function List_Child (Node : Aspect_Assoc_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Aspect_Assoc

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Aspect_Assoc_List

List of AspectAssoc.

function Aspect_Assoc_List_First (Node : Aspect_Assoc_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Aspect_Assoc_List_Next (Node : Aspect_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Aspect_Assoc_List_Has_Element (Node : Aspect_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Aspect_Assoc_List_Element (Node : Aspect_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Aspect_Assoc'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Aspect_Clause

Base class for aspect clauses.

type Aspect_Spec

List of aspects in a declaration (RM 13.1.1).

function F_Aspect_Assocs (Node : Aspect_Spec'Class) Aspect_Assoc_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Assign_Stmt

Statement for assignments (RM 5.2).

function F_Dest (Node : Assign_Stmt'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Expr (Node : Assign_Stmt'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Basic_Assoc_List

List of BasicAssoc.

function Basic_Assoc_List_First (Node : Basic_Assoc_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Basic_Assoc_List_Next (Node : Basic_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Basic_Assoc_List_Has_Element (Node : Basic_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Basic_Assoc_List_Element (Node : Basic_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Basic_Assoc'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Assoc_List

List of associations.

function P_Zip_With_Params (Node : Assoc_List'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Param_Actual_Array

Returns an array of pairs, associating formal parameters to actual expressions. The formals to match are retrieved by resolving the call which this AssocList represents the actuals of.

type At_Clause

Representation clause (for .. use at ...;) (RM 13.5.1).

function F_Name (Node : At_Clause'Class) Base_Id

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Expr (Node : At_Clause'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Attribute_Def_Clause

Clause for an attribute definition (for ...'Attribute use ...;) (RM 13.3).

function F_Attribute_Expr (Node : Attribute_Def_Clause'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Expr (Node : Attribute_Def_Clause'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Attribute_Ref

Expression to reference an attribute (RM 4.1.4).

function F_Prefix (Node : Attribute_Ref'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Attribute (Node : Attribute_Ref'Class) Identifier

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Args (Node : Attribute_Ref'Class) Assoc_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Param_Assoc

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Base_Assoc

Abstract class for a key/value association, where the value is an expression.

function P_Assoc_Expr (Node : Base_Assoc'Class) Expr

Returns the expression side of this assoc node.

function List_Child (Node : Base_Assoc_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Base_Assoc

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Base_Assoc_List

List of BaseAssoc.

function Base_Assoc_List_First (Node : Base_Assoc_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Base_Assoc_List_Next (Node : Base_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Base_Assoc_List_Has_Element (Node : Base_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Base_Assoc_List_Element (Node : Base_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Base_Assoc'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Base_Formal_Param_Decl

Base class for formal parameter declarations. This is used both for records components and for subprogram parameters.

This is a Libadalang abstraction, that has no ARM existence.

function P_Formal_Type (Node : Base_Formal_Param_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Return the type for this formal.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

type Base_Formal_Param_Holder

Base class for lists of formal parameters. This is used in every case a list of “formals” can be called or instantiated, so in all the following cases:

  • Subprogram specifications (and subprogram calls).

  • Component lists (and aggregates).

  • Generic formals (and generic instantiations).

This allows to share the parameter unpacking/matching logic.

This is a Libadalang abstraction that has no existence in the Ada reference manual.

function P_Abstract_Formal_Params (Node : Base_Formal_Param_Holder'Class) Base_Formal_Param_Decl_Array

Return the list of abstract formal parameters for this holder.

function P_Formal_Params (Node : Base_Formal_Param_Holder'Class) Defining_Name_Array

Return all parameters as a DefiningName array. This property doesn’t return record discriminants nor variants when called on a record component list.

function P_Nb_Min_Params (Node : Base_Formal_Param_Holder'Class) Standard.Integer

Return the minimum number of parameters this subprogram can be called while still being a legal call.

function P_Nb_Max_Params (Node : Base_Formal_Param_Holder'Class) Standard.Integer

Return the maximum number of parameters this subprogram can be called while still being a legal call.

function P_Param_Types (Node : Base_Formal_Param_Holder'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl_Array

Returns the type of each parameter of Self.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

type Base_Loop_Stmt

Base class for loop statements (RM 5.5).

function F_Spec (Node : Base_Loop_Stmt'Class) Loop_Spec

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Stmts (Node : Base_Loop_Stmt'Class) Stmt_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Stmt

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_End_Name (Node : Base_Loop_Stmt'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Base_Package_Decl

Base class for package declarations. This will be used both for non- generic package declarations (via Package_Decl) and for generic ones (via Generic_Package_Internal).

function F_Package_Name (Node : Base_Package_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Public_Part (Node : Base_Package_Decl'Class) Public_Part

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Private_Part (Node : Base_Package_Decl'Class) Private_Part

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_End_Name (Node : Base_Package_Decl'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function P_Body_Part (Node : Base_Package_Decl'Class) Package_Body

Return the PackageBody corresponding to this node.

type Base_Record_Def

Base class for record definitions (RM 3.8).

function F_Components (Node : Base_Record_Def'Class) Component_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Base_Subp_Body

Base class for subprogram bodies (RM 6.3).

function F_Overriding (Node : Base_Subp_Body'Class) Overriding_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Overriding (Node : Base_Subp_Body'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Overriding_Node
function F_Subp_Spec (Node : Base_Subp_Body'Class) Subp_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Base_Subp_Spec

Base class for subprogram specifications (RM 6.1).

function P_Name (Node : Base_Subp_Spec'Class) Defining_Name

Syntax property. Return the name of the subprogram defined by this specification.

function P_Returns (Node : Base_Subp_Spec'Class) Type_Expr

Syntax property. Return the type expression node corresponding to the return of this subprogram spec.

function P_Params (Node : Base_Subp_Spec'Class) Param_Spec_Array

Returns the array of parameters specification for this subprogram spec.

function P_Primitive_Subp_Types (Node : Base_Subp_Spec'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Base_Type_Decl_Array

Return the types of which this subprogram is a primitive of.

function P_Primitive_Subp_First_Type (Node : Base_Subp_Spec'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Base_Type_Decl

Return the first type of which this subprogram is a primitive of.

function P_Primitive_Subp_Tagged_Type (Node : Base_Subp_Spec'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Base_Type_Decl

If this subprogram is a primitive for a tagged type, then return this type.

function P_Return_Type (Node : Base_Subp_Spec'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Returns the return type of Self, if applicable (e.g. if Self is a subprogram). Else, returns null.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

type Base_Subtype_Decl

Base class for subtype declarations (RM 3.2.2).

function P_Get_Type (Node : Base_Subtype_Decl'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class) Base_Type_Decl

Get the type for this subtype.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

type Block_Stmt

Base class for statement blocks (RM 5.6).

type Begin_Block

Statement block with no declarative part (RM 5.6).

function F_Stmts (Node : Begin_Block'Class) Handled_Stmts

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_End_Name (Node : Begin_Block'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Bin_Op

Binary expression.

This encompasses several ARM expressions, because it is used for every binary expression in Ada, all documented in :RM 4.4.

function F_Left (Node : Bin_Op'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Op (Node : Bin_Op'Class) Op

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Op_And_Then, Op_And, Op_Div, Op_Double_Dot, Op_Eq, Op_Gt, Op_Gte, Op_Lt, Op_Lte, Op_Minus, Op_Mod, Op_Mult, Op_Neq, Op_Or_Else, Op_Or, Op_Plus, Op_Pow, Op_Rem, Op_Xor

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Op (Node : Bin_Op'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Op
function F_Right (Node : Bin_Op'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Box_Expr, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Body_Stub

Base class for a body stub (RM 10.1.3). A body stub is meant to be completed by .

function P_Syntactic_Fully_Qualified_Name (Node : Body_Stub'Class) Unbounded_Text_Type_Array

Return the syntactic fully qualified name to refer to this body.

Note that this can raise a Property_Error when the stub is in an illegal place (too nested, in a declare block, etc.).

type Box_Expr

Box expression (<>).

This is not an expression per-se in Ada, but treating it as one helps us keep coherent types in some cases, like aggregates expressions.

type Bracket_Aggregate

Bracket array or container aggregate (Ada 2020, RM 4.3).

type Delta_Aggregate

Aggregate for delta aggregate (Ada 2022, RM 4.3).

type Bracket_Delta_Aggregate

Bracket delta aggregate (Ada 2020, RM 4.3).

type Call_Expr

Represent a syntactic call expression.

At the semantic level, this can be either a subprogram call, an array subcomponent access expression, an array slice or a type conversion, all described in RM 4.1, except for subprogram call statements, described in RM 6.4.

function F_Name (Node : Call_Expr'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Suffix (Node : Call_Expr'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Basic_Assoc_List, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Discrete_Subtype_Indication, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Kind (Node : Call_Expr'Class) Call_Expr_Kind

Return whether this expression is a subprogram call, an array subcomponent access expression, an array slice or a type conversion.

function P_Is_Array_Slice (Node : Call_Expr'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this CallExpr is actually an access to a slice of the array denoted by the prefix of this CallExpr.

type Call_Stmt

Statement for entry or procedure calls (RM 6.4).

function F_Call (Node : Call_Stmt'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Cond_Expr

Base class for a conditional expressions (RM 4.5.7).

function P_Dependent_Exprs (Node : Cond_Expr'Class) Expr_Array

Return the dependent expressions for this conditional expression.

type Case_Expr

case expression (RM 4.5.7).

function F_Expr (Node : Case_Expr'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Cases (Node : Case_Expr'Class) Case_Expr_Alternative_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Case_Expr_Alternative

Alternative in a case expression (when ... => ...).

function F_Choices (Node : Case_Expr_Alternative'Class) Alternatives_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Discrete_Subtype_Indication, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Others_Designator, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Expr (Node : Case_Expr_Alternative'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function List_Child (Node : Case_Expr_Alternative_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Case_Expr_Alternative

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Case_Expr_Alternative_List

List of CaseExprAlternative.

function Case_Expr_Alternative_List_First (Node : Case_Expr_Alternative_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Case_Expr_Alternative_List_Next (Node : Case_Expr_Alternative_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Case_Expr_Alternative_List_Has_Element (Node : Case_Expr_Alternative_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Case_Expr_Alternative_List_Element (Node : Case_Expr_Alternative_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Case_Expr_Alternative'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Case_Stmt

case statement (RM 5.4).

function F_Expr (Node : Case_Stmt'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Pragmas (Node : Case_Stmt'Class) Pragma_Node_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Alternatives (Node : Case_Stmt'Class) Case_Stmt_Alternative_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Case_Stmt_Alternative

Alternative in a case statement (when ... => ...).

function F_Choices (Node : Case_Stmt_Alternative'Class) Alternatives_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Discrete_Subtype_Indication, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Others_Designator, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Stmts (Node : Case_Stmt_Alternative'Class) Stmt_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Stmt

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function List_Child (Node : Case_Stmt_Alternative_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Case_Stmt_Alternative

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Case_Stmt_Alternative_List

List of CaseStmtAlternative.

function Case_Stmt_Alternative_List_First (Node : Case_Stmt_Alternative_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Case_Stmt_Alternative_List_Next (Node : Case_Stmt_Alternative_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Case_Stmt_Alternative_List_Has_Element (Node : Case_Stmt_Alternative_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Case_Stmt_Alternative_List_Element (Node : Case_Stmt_Alternative_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Case_Stmt_Alternative'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Char_Literal

Character literal (RM 4.1).

function P_Denoted_Value (Node : Char_Literal'Class) Character_Type

Return the value that this literal denotes.

type Classwide_Type_Decl

Synthetic node (not parsed, generated from a property call). Refers to the classwide type for a given tagged type (RM 3.4.1).

type Compilation_Unit

Root node for all Ada analysis units (RM 10.1.1).

function F_Prelude (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class) Ada_Node_List

with, use or pragma statements.

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Use_Clause, With_Clause

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Body (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Library_Item, Subunit

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Pragmas (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class) Pragma_Node_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Syntactic_Fully_Qualified_Name (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class) Unbounded_Text_Type_Array

Return the syntactic fully qualified name of this compilation unit.

function P_Unit_Kind (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class) Analysis_Unit_Kind

Return the kind corresponding to this analysis unit.

function P_Withed_Units (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class; Include_Privates : Standard.Boolean) Compilation_Unit_Array

Look for all “with” clauses at the top of this compilation unit and return all the compilation units designated by them. For the complete dependencies list of compilation units, see the unit_dependencies property. Units imported with a “private with” are included in this list only if include_privates is True.

function P_Imported_Units (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class; Include_Privates : Standard.Boolean) Compilation_Unit_Array

Return all the compilation units that are directly imported by this one. This includes “with”ed units as well as the direct parent unit. Units imported with a “private with” are included in this list only if include_privates is True.

function P_Unit_Dependencies (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class) Compilation_Unit_Array

Return the list of all the compilation units that are (direct and indirect) dependencies of this one. See the withed_units/imported_units properties to only get the direct dependencies of this unit.

function P_Decl (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class) Basic_Decl

Get the root basic decl defined in this compilation unit.

function P_Is_Preelaborable (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Whether this compilation unit is preelaborable or not.

function P_Other_Part (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class) Compilation_Unit

If this compilation unit is of kind UnitSpecification, return its corresponding body unit, and conversely.

function P_Has_Restriction (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type) Standard.Boolean

Whether this compilation unit is affected by the restriction with the given name.


This property only supports the No_Elaboration_Code restriction for now.

function P_All_Config_Pragmas (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class) Pragma_Node_Array

Return the list of configuration pragmas that apply to the current unit.

function P_Config_Pragmas (Node : Compilation_Unit'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type) Pragma_Node_Array

Return the list of configuration pragmas with the given name that apply to the current unit.

function List_Child (Node : Compilation_Unit_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Compilation_Unit

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Compilation_Unit_List

List of CompilationUnit.

function Compilation_Unit_List_First (Node : Compilation_Unit_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Compilation_Unit_List_Next (Node : Compilation_Unit_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Compilation_Unit_List_Has_Element (Node : Compilation_Unit_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Compilation_Unit_List_Element (Node : Compilation_Unit_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Compilation_Unit'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Component_Clause

Representation clause for a single component (RM 13.5.1).

function F_Id (Node : Component_Clause'Class) Identifier

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Position (Node : Component_Clause'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Range (Node : Component_Clause'Class) Range_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Component_Decl

Declaration for a component (RM 3.8).

function F_Ids (Node : Component_Decl'Class) Defining_Name_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Component_Def (Node : Component_Decl'Class) Component_Def

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Default_Expr (Node : Component_Decl'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Component_Def

Definition for a component (RM 3.6).

function F_Has_Aliased (Node : Component_Def'Class) Aliased_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Aliased (Node : Component_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Has_Constant (Node : Component_Def'Class) Constant_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Constant (Node : Component_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Type_Expr (Node : Component_Def'Class) Type_Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Anonymous_Type, Subtype_Indication

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Component_List

List of component declarations (RM 3.8).

function F_Components (Node : Component_List'Class) Ada_Node_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Aspect_Clause, Component_Decl, Null_Component_Decl, Pragma_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Variant_Part (Node : Component_List'Class) Variant_Part

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Constraint

Base class for type constraints (RM 3.2.2).

type Composite_Constraint

Constraint for a composite type (RM 3.6.1). Due to ambiguities in the Ada grammar, this could be either a list of index constraints, if the owning type is an array type, or a list of discriminant constraints, if the owning type is a discriminated record type.

function F_Constraints (Node : Composite_Constraint'Class) Assoc_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Composite_Constraint_Assoc

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Is_Index_Constraint (Node : Composite_Constraint'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether this composite constraint is an index constraint.

function P_Is_Discriminant_Constraint (Node : Composite_Constraint'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether this composite constraint is a discriminant constraint.

function P_Discriminant_Params (Node : Composite_Constraint'Class) Param_Actual_Array

Returns an array of pairs, associating each discriminant to its actual or default expression.

type Composite_Constraint_Assoc

Association of discriminant names to an expression (RM 3.7.1).

function F_Ids (Node : Composite_Constraint_Assoc'Class) Discriminant_Choice_List

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Identifier_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Constraint_Expr (Node : Composite_Constraint_Assoc'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Discrete_Subtype_Indication, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Concat_Op

Concatenation expression.

Since concatenation expression can be huge in practice, this node handles them as a list of operands rather than a deep tree of binary operators, in order to avoid crashes while parsing of running name resolution on such huge expression.

The purpose of this node is to replace the arbitrarily too deep tree of binary operators (which can lead to a stack overflow), as for example with "A & B & C & D & E":

      BinOp(A, &, B), & , C), &, D), &, E)

by a single operator, handling a list of operands that can be processed without having to perform deep recursions:

  ConcatOperand(&, B),
  ConcatOperand(&, C),
  ConcatOperand(&, D),
  ConcatOperand(&, E))
function F_First_Operand (Node : Concat_Op'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Other_Operands (Node : Concat_Op'Class) Concat_Operand_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Operands (Node : Concat_Op'Class) Expr_Array

Return the operands of this concatenation expression

type Concat_Operand

A concatenation operator and its RHS operand.

This node is used to represent the tuple (”&”, operand) used by the ConcatOp node to store its other_operands list.

function F_Operator (Node : Concat_Operand'Class) Op_Concat

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Operand (Node : Concat_Operand'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function List_Child (Node : Concat_Operand_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Concat_Operand

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Concat_Operand_List

List of ConcatOperand.

function Concat_Operand_List_First (Node : Concat_Operand_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Concat_Operand_List_Next (Node : Concat_Operand_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Concat_Operand_List_Has_Element (Node : Concat_Operand_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Concat_Operand_List_Element (Node : Concat_Operand_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Concat_Operand'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Concrete_Formal_Subp_Decl

Formal declaration for a concrete subprogram (RM 12.6).

type Concrete_Type_Decl

A concrete type declaration.

type Constant_Node

Qualifier for the constant keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Constant_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of ConstantPresent

type Constant_Absent
type Constant_Present
type Constrained_Array_Indices

Constrained specification for array indexes (RM 3.6).

function F_List (Node : Constrained_Array_Indices'Class) Constraint_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Subtype_Indication, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Subtype_Indication

Reference to a type by name (RM 3.2.2).

function F_Has_Not_Null (Node : Subtype_Indication'Class) Not_Null

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Not_Null (Node : Subtype_Indication'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Name (Node : Subtype_Indication'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Constraint (Node : Subtype_Indication'Class) Constraint

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function P_Is_Static_Subtype (Node : Subtype_Indication'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Returns whether Self denotes a static subtype or not.

type Constrained_Subtype_Indication

Reference to a type with a range constraint.

type Constraint_List

List of constraints.

This list node can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Subtype_Indication, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

type Contract_Case_Assoc

Single association for the Contract_Case aspect.

function F_Guard (Node : Contract_Case_Assoc'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Others_Designator, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Consequence (Node : Contract_Case_Assoc'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function List_Child (Node : Contract_Case_Assoc_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Contract_Case_Assoc

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Contract_Case_Assoc_List

List of ContractCaseAssoc.

function Contract_Case_Assoc_List_First (Node : Contract_Case_Assoc_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Contract_Case_Assoc_List_Next (Node : Contract_Case_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Contract_Case_Assoc_List_Has_Element (Node : Contract_Case_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Contract_Case_Assoc_List_Element (Node : Contract_Case_Assoc_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Contract_Case_Assoc'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Contract_Cases

List of associations for the Contract_Case aspect.

Contract cases is a non standard Ada extension that’s mainly useful in SPARK. See the SPARK RM for more details.

function F_Contract_Cases (Node : Contract_Cases'Class) Contract_Case_Assoc_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Real_Type_Def

Type definition for real numbers (RM 3.5.6).

type Decimal_Fixed_Point_Def

Type definition for decimal fixed-point numbers (RM 3.5.9).

function F_Delta (Node : Decimal_Fixed_Point_Def'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Box_Expr, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Digits (Node : Decimal_Fixed_Point_Def'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Box_Expr, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Range (Node : Decimal_Fixed_Point_Def'Class) Range_Spec

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Decl_Block

Statement block with a declarative part (RM 5.6).

function F_Decls (Node : Decl_Block'Class) Declarative_Part

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Stmts (Node : Decl_Block'Class) Handled_Stmts

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_End_Name (Node : Decl_Block'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Decl_Expr

Declare expression (Ada 2022, RM 4.5.9).

function F_Decls (Node : Decl_Expr'Class) Ada_Node_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Object_Decl, Pragma_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Expr (Node : Decl_Expr'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Decl_List

List of declarations.

This list node can contain one of the following nodes: Abstract_Subp_Decl, Aspect_Clause, Component_Decl, Entry_Decl, Expr_Function, Null_Subp_Decl, Pragma_Node, Subp_Decl, Subp_Renaming_Decl

type Declarative_Part

List of declarations (RM 3.11).

function F_Decls (Node : Declarative_Part'Class) Ada_Node_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Abstract_Subp_Decl, Aspect_Clause, Base_Subp_Body, Body_Stub, Component_Decl, Concrete_Type_Decl, Entry_Body, Entry_Decl, Error_Decl, Exception_Decl, Generic_Decl, Generic_Instantiation, Generic_Renaming_Decl, Incomplete_Type_Decl, Number_Decl, Object_Decl, Package_Body, Package_Decl, Package_Renaming_Decl, Pragma_Node, Protected_Body, Protected_Type_Decl, Single_Protected_Decl, Single_Task_Decl, Subp_Decl, Subtype_Decl, Task_Body, Task_Type_Decl, Use_Clause

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Defining_Name

Name that defines an entity (RM 3.1).

function F_Name (Node : Defining_Name'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal, Synthetic_Identifier

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Canonical_Fully_Qualified_Name (Node : Defining_Name'Class) Text_Type

Return a canonical representation of the fully qualified name corresponding to this defining name.

function P_Unique_Identifying_Name (Node : Defining_Name'Class) Text_Type

Return a unique identifying name for this defining name, provided this declaration is a public declaration. In the case of subprograms, this will include the profile.


This will only return a unique name for public declarations. Notably, anything nested in an unnamed declare block won’t be handled correctly.

function P_Fully_Qualified_Name_Array (Node : Defining_Name'Class) Unbounded_Text_Type_Array

Return the fully qualified name corresponding to this defining name, as an array of symbols.

function P_Fully_Qualified_Name (Node : Defining_Name'Class) Text_Type

Return the fully qualified name corresponding to this defining name.

function P_Basic_Decl (Node : Defining_Name'Class) Basic_Decl

Returns this DefiningName’s basic declaration

function P_Find_Refs (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Root : Ada_Node'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Ref_Result_Array

Find all references to this defining name in the given root and its children.

function P_Find_All_References (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Units : Analysis_Unit_Array; Follow_Renamings : Standard.Boolean; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Ref_Result_Array

Searches all references to this defining name in the given list of units.

If follow_renamings is True, also this also includes references that ultimately refer to this defining name, by unwinding renaming clauses.

function P_Find_All_Calls (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Units : Analysis_Unit_Array; Follow_Renamings : Standard.Boolean; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Ref_Result_Array

Return the list of all possible calls to the subprogram which Self is the defining name of.

This will return the name corresponding to the call, excluding the parameters if there are any. For instance, it will return A for the A (B) call.


This does not yet support calls done inside generics.

function P_Next_Part (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Defining_Name

Like BasicDecl.next_part_for_decl on a defining name

function P_Previous_Part (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Defining_Name

Like BasicDecl.previous_part_for_decl on a defining name

function P_Canonical_Part (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Defining_Name

Like BasicDecl.canonical_part on a defining name

function P_Most_Visible_Part (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Origin : Ada_Node'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Defining_Name

Given an origin node and the entity represented by Self, this property returns the most visible completion of Self that can be seen by origin, according to Ada’s visibility rules.

Origin: Origin for this property’s request. See The origin parameter for more details

function P_All_Parts (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Defining_Name_Array

Return all parts that define this entity, sorted from first part to last part.

function P_Get_Aspect (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type; Previous_Parts_Only : Standard.Boolean; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Aspect

Return the aspect with name name associated to entity that this name defines.

Aspects are properties of entities that can be specified by the Ada program, either via aspect specifications, pragmas, or attributes.

This will return the syntactic node corresponding to attribute directly.

Note: by default, Libadalang will check if the aspect is defined on any part of the entity. However, the previous_parts_only parameter can be set to True to limit the search to the current entity and its previous parts in order to comply with visibilily rules. That way, if an aspect is defined on the private part of a type, calling this property on its corresponding public view won’t return the aspect unlike the call on the private view.

Morover, since aspects can be inherited, if none was found for the current entity, Libadalang will also search for the aspect on the parents of entity (in that case the inherited field will be set to True in the returned result).

function P_Has_Aspect (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type; Previous_Parts_Only : Standard.Boolean; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Standard.Boolean

Returns whether the boolean aspect named name is set on the entity represented by this node.

Note: The previous_parts_only parameter controls how aspects are retrieved. See DefiningName.get_aspect for more information.

Aspects are properties of entities that can be specified by the Ada program, either via aspect specifications, pragmas, or attributes.

“Aspect” is used as in RM terminology (see RM 13.1).

function P_Get_Pragma (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type) Pragma_Node

Return the pragma with name name associated to this entity.

Please use the p_get_aspect property instead if you are interested in aspects, i.e. information that can be represented by either aspect specification nodes, pragma nodes or attribute definition nodes.

function P_Get_Representation_Clause (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Name : Unbounded_Text_Type; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Attribute_Def_Clause

Return the representation clause associated to this entity that defines the given attribute name.

function P_Get_At_Clause (Node : Defining_Name'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) At_Clause

Return the at clause associated to this entity.

function P_Is_Imported (Node : Defining_Name'Class) Standard.Boolean

Whether this entity defined by this name is imported from another language.

function P_Is_Ghost_Code (Node : Defining_Name'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether the entity defined by this name is ghost or not. See SPARK RM 6.9.

function List_Child (Node : Defining_Name_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Defining_Name

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Defining_Name_List

List of DefiningName.

function Defining_Name_List_First (Node : Defining_Name_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Defining_Name_List_Next (Node : Defining_Name_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Defining_Name_List_Has_Element (Node : Defining_Name_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Defining_Name_List_Element (Node : Defining_Name_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Defining_Name'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Delay_Stmt

delay statement (RM 9.6).

function F_Has_Until (Node : Delay_Stmt'Class) Until_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Until (Node : Delay_Stmt'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Expr (Node : Delay_Stmt'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Delta_Constraint

Delta and range type constraint (RM J.3).

function F_Delta (Node : Delta_Constraint'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Range (Node : Delta_Constraint'Class) Range_Spec

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Derived_Type_Def

Type definition for a derived type (RM 3.4).

function F_Has_Abstract (Node : Derived_Type_Def'Class) Abstract_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Abstract (Node : Derived_Type_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Has_Limited (Node : Derived_Type_Def'Class) Limited_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Limited (Node : Derived_Type_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Has_Synchronized (Node : Derived_Type_Def'Class) Synchronized_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Synchronized (Node : Derived_Type_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Subtype_Indication (Node : Derived_Type_Def'Class) Subtype_Indication

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Interfaces (Node : Derived_Type_Def'Class) Parent_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Record_Extension (Node : Derived_Type_Def'Class) Base_Record_Def

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Has_With_Private (Node : Derived_Type_Def'Class) With_Private

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_With_Private (Node : Derived_Type_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
type Digits_Constraint

Digits and range type constraint (RM 3.5.9).

function F_Digits (Node : Digits_Constraint'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Range (Node : Digits_Constraint'Class) Range_Spec

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Discrete_Base_Subtype_Decl

Specific BaseSubtypeDecl synthetic subclass for the base type of scalar types.

type Discrete_Subtype_Indication

Reference to a type with a general constraint.

type Discrete_Subtype_Name

Subtype name for membership test expressions (RM 3.6).

function F_Subtype (Node : Discrete_Subtype_Name'Class) Discrete_Subtype_Indication

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Identifier_List

List of Identifier.

function Identifier_List_First (Node : Identifier_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Identifier_List_Next (Node : Identifier_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Identifier_List_Has_Element (Node : Identifier_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Identifier_List_Element (Node : Identifier_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Identifier'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Discriminant_Choice_List

List of discriminant associations.

type Discriminant_Part

Specification for discriminants in type declarations.

type Discriminant_Spec

Known list of discriminants in type declarations (RM 3.7).

function F_Ids (Node : Discriminant_Spec'Class) Defining_Name_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Type_Expr (Node : Discriminant_Spec'Class) Type_Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Anonymous_Type, Subtype_Indication

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Default_Expr (Node : Discriminant_Spec'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function List_Child (Node : Discriminant_Spec_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Discriminant_Spec

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Discriminant_Spec_List

List of DiscriminantSpec.

function Discriminant_Spec_List_First (Node : Discriminant_Spec_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Discriminant_Spec_List_Next (Node : Discriminant_Spec_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Discriminant_Spec_List_Has_Element (Node : Discriminant_Spec_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Discriminant_Spec_List_Element (Node : Discriminant_Spec_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Discriminant_Spec'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Dotted_Name

Name to select a suffix in a prefix (RM 4.1.3).

function F_Prefix (Node : Dotted_Name'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Suffix (Node : Dotted_Name'Class) Base_Id

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Elsif_Expr_Part

elsif block, part of an if expression.

function F_Cond_Expr (Node : Elsif_Expr_Part'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Then_Expr (Node : Elsif_Expr_Part'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function List_Child (Node : Elsif_Expr_Part_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Elsif_Expr_Part

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Elsif_Expr_Part_List

List of ElsifExprPart.

function Elsif_Expr_Part_List_First (Node : Elsif_Expr_Part_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Elsif_Expr_Part_List_Next (Node : Elsif_Expr_Part_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Elsif_Expr_Part_List_Has_Element (Node : Elsif_Expr_Part_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Elsif_Expr_Part_List_Element (Node : Elsif_Expr_Part_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Elsif_Expr_Part'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Elsif_Stmt_Part

elsif part in an if statement block.

function F_Cond_Expr (Node : Elsif_Stmt_Part'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Stmts (Node : Elsif_Stmt_Part'Class) Stmt_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Stmt

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function List_Child (Node : Elsif_Stmt_Part_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Elsif_Stmt_Part

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Elsif_Stmt_Part_List

List of ElsifStmtPart.

function Elsif_Stmt_Part_List_First (Node : Elsif_Stmt_Part_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Elsif_Stmt_Part_List_Next (Node : Elsif_Stmt_Part_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Elsif_Stmt_Part_List_Has_Element (Node : Elsif_Stmt_Part_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Elsif_Stmt_Part_List_Element (Node : Elsif_Stmt_Part_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Elsif_Stmt_Part'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type End_Name

Entity name in end ...; syntactic constructs.

function F_Name (Node : End_Name'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Basic_Decl (Node : End_Name'Class) Basic_Decl

Returns this EndName’s basic declaration

type Entry_Body

Entry body (RM 9.5.2).

function F_Entry_Name (Node : Entry_Body'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Index_Spec (Node : Entry_Body'Class) Entry_Index_Spec

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Params (Node : Entry_Body'Class) Entry_Completion_Formal_Params

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Barrier (Node : Entry_Body'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Decls (Node : Entry_Body'Class) Declarative_Part

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Stmts (Node : Entry_Body'Class) Handled_Stmts

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_End_Name (Node : Entry_Body'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Entry_Completion_Formal_Params

Formal parameters for the completion of an EntryDecl (either an EntryBody or an AcceptStmt).

function F_Params (Node : Entry_Completion_Formal_Params'Class) Params

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Entry_Decl

Entry declaration (RM 9.4).

function F_Overriding (Node : Entry_Decl'Class) Overriding_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Overriding (Node : Entry_Decl'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Overriding_Node
function F_Spec (Node : Entry_Decl'Class) Entry_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Body_Part (Node : Entry_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Body_Node

Return the entry body associated to this entry declaration.

function P_Accept_Stmts (Node : Entry_Decl'Class) Accept_Stmt_Array

Return an array of accept statements corresponding to this entry.

type Entry_Index_Spec

Index specification for an entry body (RM 9.5.2).

function F_Id (Node : Entry_Index_Spec'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Subtype (Node : Entry_Index_Spec'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Subtype_Indication, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Entry_Spec

Entry specification.

This node does not have ARM existence, because in the RM subprogram specifications don’t encompass the ad-hoc specifications that happen in entry declarations. Entry declarations are described in RM 9.5.2.

function F_Entry_Name (Node : Entry_Spec'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Family_Type (Node : Entry_Spec'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Subtype_Indication, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Entry_Params (Node : Entry_Spec'Class) Params

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Enum_Lit_Synth_Type_Expr

Synthetic node. Represents the type expression for an enum literal.

type Enum_Literal_Decl

Declaration for an enumeration literal (RM 3.5.1).

function F_Name (Node : Enum_Literal_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function P_Enum_Type (Node : Enum_Literal_Decl'Class) Type_Decl

Return the enum type corresponding to this enum literal.

function P_Enum_Rep (Node : Enum_Literal_Decl'Class) Big_Integer

Return the integer used to encode this enum literal.


This property is equivalent to GNAT’s Enum_Rep attribute.

function List_Child (Node : Enum_Literal_Decl_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Enum_Literal_Decl

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Enum_Literal_Decl_List

List of EnumLiteralDecl.

function Enum_Literal_Decl_List_First (Node : Enum_Literal_Decl_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Enum_Literal_Decl_List_Next (Node : Enum_Literal_Decl_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Enum_Literal_Decl_List_Has_Element (Node : Enum_Literal_Decl_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Enum_Literal_Decl_List_Element (Node : Enum_Literal_Decl_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Enum_Literal_Decl'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Enum_Rep_Clause

Representation clause for enumeration types (RM 13.4).

function F_Type_Name (Node : Enum_Rep_Clause'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Aggregate (Node : Enum_Rep_Clause'Class) Base_Aggregate

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Params (Node : Enum_Rep_Clause'Class) Param_Actual_Array

Returns an array of pairs, associating enum literals to representation clause actuals.

type Enum_Subp_Spec

Synthetic node for the abstract subprogram spec of an enum literal.

NOTE: This has no existence in the ARM. While enum literals are functions semantically, they’re not such syntactically.

type Enum_Type_Def

Type definition for enumerations (RM 3.5.1).

function F_Enum_Literals (Node : Enum_Type_Def'Class) Enum_Literal_Decl_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Error_Decl

Placeholder node for syntax errors in lists of declarations.

type Error_Stmt

Placeholder node for syntax errors in lists of statements.

type Exception_Decl

Exception declarations (RM 11.1).

function F_Ids (Node : Exception_Decl'Class) Defining_Name_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Renames (Node : Exception_Decl'Class) Renaming_Clause

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Exception_Handler

Exception handler (RM 11.2).

function F_Exception_Name (Node : Exception_Handler'Class) Defining_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Handled_Exceptions (Node : Exception_Handler'Class) Alternatives_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Others_Designator, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Stmts (Node : Exception_Handler'Class) Stmt_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Stmt

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Exit_Stmt

exit statement (RM 5.7).

function F_Loop_Name (Node : Exit_Stmt'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Cond_Expr (Node : Exit_Stmt'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Explicit_Deref

Explicit dereference expression (.all) (RM 4.1).

function F_Prefix (Node : Explicit_Deref'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Expr_List

List of Expr.

This list node can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Discrete_Subtype_Name, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

function Expr_List_First (Node : Expr_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Expr_List_Next (Node : Expr_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Expr_List_Has_Element (Node : Expr_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Expr_List_Element (Node : Expr_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Expr'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Expr_Alternatives_List

List of alternatives in a membership test expression.

This list node can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Discrete_Subtype_Name, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

type Expr_Function

Expression function (RM 6.8).

function F_Expr (Node : Expr_Function'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Base_Aggregate, Paren_Expr

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Extended_Return_Stmt

Extended return statement (RM 6.5).

function F_Decl (Node : Extended_Return_Stmt'Class) Extended_Return_Stmt_Object_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Stmts (Node : Extended_Return_Stmt'Class) Handled_Stmts

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Object_Decl

Base class for Ada object declarations (RM 3.3.1). Ada object declarations are variables/constants declarations that can be declared in any declarative scope.

function F_Ids (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Defining_Name_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Aliased (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Aliased_Node

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Has_Aliased (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Has_Constant (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Constant_Node

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Has_Constant (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Mode (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Mode

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Mode (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Mode
function F_Type_Expr (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Type_Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Anonymous_Type, Subtype_Indication

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Default_Expr (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Renaming_Clause (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Renaming_Clause

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function P_Private_Part_Decl (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Basic_Decl

If this object decl is the constant completion of an object decl in the public part, return the object decl from the public part.

function P_Public_Part_Decl (Node : Object_Decl'Class) Basic_Decl

If this object decl is the incomplete declaration of a constant in a public part, return its completion in the private part.

type Extended_Return_Stmt_Object_Decl

Object declaration that is part of an extended return statement (RM 6.5).

type Floating_Point_Def

Type definition for floating-point numbers (RM 3.5.7).

function F_Num_Digits (Node : Floating_Point_Def'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Box_Expr, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Range (Node : Floating_Point_Def'Class) Range_Spec

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type For_Loop_Iter_Filter

Represent the when ... filter after a for loop specification. This class has no RM existence, it is used internally to wrap the filtering expression, so as to have a dedicated name resolution entry point for it and make sure it is resolved separatly from the ForLoopSpec itself (which it cannot influence anyway).

function F_Expr (Node : For_Loop_Iter_Filter'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Loop_Spec

Base class for loop specifications (RM 5.5).

type For_Loop_Spec

Specification for a for loop (RM 5.5).

function F_Var_Decl (Node : For_Loop_Spec'Class) For_Loop_Var_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Loop_Type (Node : For_Loop_Spec'Class) Iter_Type

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Loop_Type (Node : For_Loop_Spec'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Iter_Type
function F_Has_Reverse (Node : For_Loop_Spec'Class) Reverse_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Reverse (Node : For_Loop_Spec'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Iter_Expr (Node : For_Loop_Spec'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Discrete_Subtype_Indication, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Iter_Filter (Node : For_Loop_Spec'Class) For_Loop_Iter_Filter

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type For_Loop_Stmt

Statement for for loops (for ... loop ... end loop;) (RM 5.5).

type For_Loop_Var_Decl

Declaration for the controlling variable in a for loop (RM 5.5).

function F_Id (Node : For_Loop_Var_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Id_Type (Node : For_Loop_Var_Decl'Class) Type_Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Anonymous_Type, Subtype_Indication

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Formal_Discrete_Type_Def

Type definition for discrete types in generic formals (RM 12.5.2).

type Formal_Type_Decl

A formal type declaration.

function F_Default_Type (Node : Formal_Type_Decl'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Generic_Decl

Base class for generic declarations (RM 12.1).

function F_Formal_Part (Node : Generic_Decl'Class) Generic_Formal_Part

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Generic_Formal

Enclosing declaration for a generic formal. The real declaration is accessible via the decl field.

function F_Decl (Node : Generic_Formal'Class) Basic_Decl

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Expr_Function, Formal_Subp_Decl, Formal_Type_Decl, Generic_Instantiation, Incomplete_Formal_Type_Decl, Object_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Generic_Formal_Obj_Decl

Formal declaration for an object.

type Generic_Formal_Package

Formal declaration for a package (RM 12.1).

type Generic_Formal_Part

List of declaration for generic formals (RM 12.1).

function F_Decls (Node : Generic_Formal_Part'Class) Ada_Node_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Generic_Formal, Pragma_Node, Use_Clause

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Generic_Formal_Subp_Decl

Formal declaration for a subprogram (RM 12.1).

type Generic_Formal_Type_Decl

Formal declaration for a type (RM 12.1).

type Generic_Instantiation

Instantiations of generics (RM 12.3).

function P_Designated_Generic_Decl (Node : Generic_Instantiation'Class) Generic_Decl

Return the generic decl entity designated by this instantiation, including instantiation information. This is equivalent to the expanded generic unit in GNAT.

function P_Inst_Params (Node : Generic_Instantiation'Class) Param_Actual_Array

Returns an array of pairs, associating formal parameters to actual or default expressions.

type Generic_Package_Decl

Generic package declaration (RM 12.1).

function F_Package_Decl (Node : Generic_Package_Decl'Class) Generic_Package_Internal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Body_Part (Node : Generic_Package_Decl'Class) Package_Body

Return the PackageBody corresponding to this node, or null if there is none.

type Generic_Package_Instantiation

Instantiations of a generic package.

function F_Name (Node : Generic_Package_Instantiation'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Generic_Pkg_Name (Node : Generic_Package_Instantiation'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Params (Node : Generic_Package_Instantiation'Class) Assoc_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Param_Assoc

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Generic_Package_Internal

This class denotes the internal package contained by a GenericPackageDecl.

type Generic_Renaming_Decl

Base node for all generic renaming declarations (RM 8.5.5).

type Generic_Package_Renaming_Decl

Declaration for a generic package renaming (RM 8.5.5).

function F_Name (Node : Generic_Package_Renaming_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Renames (Node : Generic_Package_Renaming_Decl'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Generic_Subp_Decl

Generic subprogram declaration (RM 12.1).

function F_Subp_Decl (Node : Generic_Subp_Decl'Class) Generic_Subp_Internal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Body_Part (Node : Generic_Subp_Decl'Class; Imprecise_Fallback : Standard.Boolean) Base_Subp_Body

Return the BaseSubpBody corresponding to this node.

type Generic_Subp_Instantiation

Instantiations of a generic subprogram .

function F_Overriding (Node : Generic_Subp_Instantiation'Class) Overriding_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Overriding (Node : Generic_Subp_Instantiation'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Overriding_Node
function F_Kind (Node : Generic_Subp_Instantiation'Class) Subp_Kind

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Kind (Node : Generic_Subp_Instantiation'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Subp_Kind
function F_Subp_Name (Node : Generic_Subp_Instantiation'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Generic_Subp_Name (Node : Generic_Subp_Instantiation'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Params (Node : Generic_Subp_Instantiation'Class) Assoc_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Param_Assoc

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Designated_Subp (Node : Generic_Subp_Instantiation'Class) Basic_Subp_Decl

Return the subprogram decl designated by this instantiation.

type Generic_Subp_Internal

Internal node for generic subprograms.

function F_Subp_Spec (Node : Generic_Subp_Internal'Class) Subp_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Generic_Subp_Renaming_Decl

Declaration for a generic subprogram renaming.

function F_Kind (Node : Generic_Subp_Renaming_Decl'Class) Subp_Kind

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Kind (Node : Generic_Subp_Renaming_Decl'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Subp_Kind
function F_Name (Node : Generic_Subp_Renaming_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Renames (Node : Generic_Subp_Renaming_Decl'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Goto_Stmt

goto statement (RM 5.8).

function F_Label_Name (Node : Goto_Stmt'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Handled_Stmts

List of statements, with optional exception handlers (RM 11.2).

function F_Stmts (Node : Handled_Stmts'Class) Stmt_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Stmt

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Exceptions (Node : Handled_Stmts'Class) Ada_Node_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Exception_Handler, Pragma_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type If_Expr

if expression (:rmlink`4.5.7`).

function F_Cond_Expr (Node : If_Expr'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Then_Expr (Node : If_Expr'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Alternatives (Node : If_Expr'Class) Elsif_Expr_Part_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Else_Expr (Node : If_Expr'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type If_Stmt

if statement block (RM 5.3).

function F_Cond_Expr (Node : If_Stmt'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Then_Stmts (Node : If_Stmt'Class) Stmt_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Stmt

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Alternatives (Node : If_Stmt'Class) Elsif_Stmt_Part_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Else_Stmts (Node : If_Stmt'Class) Stmt_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Stmt

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Incomplete_Type_Decl

Incomplete declaration for a type (RM 12.5).

function F_Discriminants (Node : Incomplete_Type_Decl'Class) Discriminant_Part

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Incomplete_Formal_Type_Decl

A formal incomplete type declaration.

function F_Is_Tagged (Node : Incomplete_Formal_Type_Decl'Class) Tagged_Node

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Is_Tagged (Node : Incomplete_Formal_Type_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Default_Type (Node : Incomplete_Formal_Type_Decl'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Incomplete_Tagged_Type_Decl

Incomplete declaration for a tagged type.

function F_Has_Abstract (Node : Incomplete_Tagged_Type_Decl'Class) Abstract_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Abstract (Node : Incomplete_Tagged_Type_Decl'Class) Standard.Boolean
type Num_Literal

Base class for number literals (RM 2.4).

type Int_Literal

Literal for an integer (RM 2.4).

function P_Denoted_Value (Node : Int_Literal'Class) Big_Integer

Return the value that this literal denotes.

type Interface_Kind

Kind of interface type.

type Interface_Kind_Limited
type Interface_Kind_Protected
type Interface_Kind_Synchronized
type Interface_Kind_Task
type Interface_Type_Def

Type definition for an interface (RM 3.9.4).

function F_Interface_Kind (Node : Interface_Type_Def'Class) Interface_Kind

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Interface_Kind (Node : Interface_Type_Def'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Interface_Kind
function F_Interfaces (Node : Interface_Type_Def'Class) Parent_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Iter_Type

Iteration type for for loops.

type Iter_Type_In
type Iter_Type_Of
type Iterated_Assoc

Iterated association (Ada 2020, RM 4.3.3).

function F_Spec (Node : Iterated_Assoc'Class) For_Loop_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Key_Expr (Node : Iterated_Assoc'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_R_Expr (Node : Iterated_Assoc'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Known_Discriminant_Part

Known list of discriminants in type declarations (RM 3.7).

function F_Discr_Specs (Node : Known_Discriminant_Part'Class) Discriminant_Spec_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Label

Statement to declare a code label (RM 5.1).

function F_Decl (Node : Label'Class) Label_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Label_Decl

Declaration for a code label (RM 5.1).

function F_Name (Node : Label_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Library_Item

Library item in a compilation unit (RM 10.1.1).

function F_Has_Private (Node : Library_Item'Class) Private_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Private (Node : Library_Item'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Item (Node : Library_Item'Class) Basic_Decl

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Abstract_Subp_Decl, Base_Subp_Body, Error_Decl, Generic_Decl, Generic_Instantiation, Generic_Renaming_Decl, Package_Body, Package_Decl, Package_Renaming_Decl, Subp_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Limited_Node

Qualifier for the limited keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Limited_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of LimitedPresent

type Limited_Absent
type Limited_Present
type Loop_Stmt

Statement for simple loops (loop ... end loop;) (RM 5.5).

type Membership_Expr

Represent a membership test (in/not in operators) (RM 4.4).

Note that we don’t consider them as binary operators since multiple expressions on the right hand side are allowed.

function F_Expr (Node : Membership_Expr'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Op (Node : Membership_Expr'Class) Op

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Op_In, Op_Not_In

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Op (Node : Membership_Expr'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Op
function F_Membership_Exprs (Node : Membership_Expr'Class) Expr_Alternatives_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Discrete_Subtype_Name, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Mod_Int_Type_Def

Type definition for a modular integer type (RM 3.5.4).

function F_Expr (Node : Mod_Int_Type_Def'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Box_Expr, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Mode

Syntactic indicators for passing modes in formals (RM 6.1).

type Mode_Default
type Mode_In
type Mode_In_Out
type Mode_Out
type Multi_Abstract_State_Decl

Node that holds several AbstractStateDecl nodes, which is necessary when the Abstract_State aspect is associated with an aggregate in order to declare a list of abstract states.

function F_Decls (Node : Multi_Abstract_State_Decl'Class) Abstract_State_Decl_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Abstract_State_Decl, Paren_Abstract_State_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Multi_Dim_Array_Assoc

Association used for multi-dimension array aggregates.

type Name_List

List of Name.

This list node can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

function Name_List_First (Node : Name_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Name_List_Next (Node : Name_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Name_List_Has_Element (Node : Name_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Name_List_Element (Node : Name_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Name'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Named_Stmt

Wrapper class, used for composite statements that can be named (declare blocks, loops). This allows to both have a BasicDecl for the named entity declared, and a CompositeStmt for the statement hierarchy.

function F_Decl (Node : Named_Stmt'Class) Named_Stmt_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Stmt (Node : Named_Stmt'Class) Composite_Stmt

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Base_Loop_Stmt, Block_Stmt

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Named_Stmt_Decl

BasicDecl that is always the declaration inside a named statement.

function F_Name (Node : Named_Stmt_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type No_Type_Object_Renaming_Decl

Object declaration without subtype indication. This node has been introduced to cover a special case for ObjectDecl, where type_expr is made optional (AI12-0275), and therefore cannot fit in an ObjectDecl.

type Not_Null

Qualifier for the not null keywords.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Not_Null'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of NotNullPresent

type Not_Null_Absent
type Not_Null_Present
type Null_Component_Decl

Placeholder for the null in lists of components (RM 3.8).

type Null_Literal

The null literal (RM 4.4).

type Null_Record_Aggregate

Aggregate for null record (RM 4.3).

type Null_Record_Def

Record definition for null record.

type Null_Stmt

null; statement (RM 5.1).

type Null_Subp_Decl

Declaration for a null subprogram (RM 6.1).

type Number_Decl

Declaration for a static constant number (RM 3.3.2).

function F_Ids (Node : Number_Decl'Class) Defining_Name_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Expr (Node : Number_Decl'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Op

Operation in a binary expression.

Note that the ARM does not consider “double_dot” (“..”) as a binary operator, but we process it this way here anyway to keep things simple.

type Op_Abs
type Op_And
type Op_And_Then
type Op_Concat
type Op_Div
type Op_Double_Dot
type Op_Eq
type Op_Gt
type Op_Gte
type Op_In
type Op_Lt
type Op_Lte
type Op_Minus
type Op_Mod
type Op_Mult
type Op_Neq
type Op_Not
type Op_Not_In
type Op_Or
type Op_Or_Else
type Op_Plus
type Op_Pow
type Op_Rem
type Op_Xor
type Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Def

Type definition for ordinary fixed-point numbers (RM 3.5.9).

function F_Delta (Node : Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Def'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Box_Expr, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Range (Node : Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Def'Class) Range_Spec

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Others_Designator

other designator.

type Overriding_Node

Syntactic indicators for subprogram overriding modes.

type Overriding_Not_Overriding
type Overriding_Overriding
type Overriding_Unspecified
type Package_Body

Package body (RM 7.2).

function F_Package_Name (Node : Package_Body'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Decls (Node : Package_Body'Class) Declarative_Part

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Stmts (Node : Package_Body'Class) Handled_Stmts

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_End_Name (Node : Package_Body'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Package_Body_Stub

Stub for a package body (is separate) (RM 10.1.3).

function F_Name (Node : Package_Body_Stub'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Package_Decl

Non-generic package declarations (RM 7.1).

type Package_Renaming_Decl

Declaration for a package renaming (RM 8.5.3).

function F_Name (Node : Package_Renaming_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Renames (Node : Package_Renaming_Decl'Class) Renaming_Clause

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Renamed_Package (Node : Package_Renaming_Decl'Class) Basic_Decl

Return the declaration of the package that is renamed by Self.

function P_Final_Renamed_Package (Node : Package_Renaming_Decl'Class) Basic_Decl

Return the declaration of the package that is ultimately renamed by Self, skipping through all intermediate package renamings.

type Param_Assoc

Association (X => Y) used for parameter associations (RM 6.4).

function F_Designator (Node : Param_Assoc'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Identifier, Others_Designator, String_Literal

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_R_Expr (Node : Param_Assoc'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Box_Expr, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Param_Spec

Specification for a parameter (RM 6.1).

function F_Ids (Node : Param_Spec'Class) Defining_Name_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Aliased (Node : Param_Spec'Class) Aliased_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Aliased (Node : Param_Spec'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Mode (Node : Param_Spec'Class) Mode

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Mode (Node : Param_Spec'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Mode
function F_Type_Expr (Node : Param_Spec'Class) Type_Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Anonymous_Type, Subtype_Indication

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Default_Expr (Node : Param_Spec'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function List_Child (Node : Param_Spec_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Param_Spec

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Param_Spec_List

List of ParamSpec.

function Param_Spec_List_First (Node : Param_Spec_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Param_Spec_List_Next (Node : Param_Spec_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Param_Spec_List_Has_Element (Node : Param_Spec_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Param_Spec_List_Element (Node : Param_Spec_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Param_Spec'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Params

List of parameter specifications.

function F_Params (Node : Params'Class) Param_Spec_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Paren_Abstract_State_Decl

Holds an AbstractStateDecl between parentheses. Needed to support the syntax:

package Pkg
    with Abstract_State => (A, (B with Some_Aspect))
function F_Decl (Node : Paren_Abstract_State_Decl'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Abstract_State_Decl, Paren_Abstract_State_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Paren_Expr

Parenthesized expression.

function F_Expr (Node : Paren_Expr'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Parent_List

List of parents in a type declaration.

This list node can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

type Pp_Directive

Base node for all preprocessor directives.

type Pp_Else_Directive

else preprocessor directive.

type Pp_Elsif_Directive

elsif ... [then] preprocessor directive.

function F_Expr (Node : Pp_Elsif_Directive'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Bin_Op, Identifier, Paren_Expr, Un_Op

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Then_Kw (Node : Pp_Elsif_Directive'Class) Pp_Then_Kw

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Pp_End_If_Directive

end if; preprocessor directive.

type Pp_If_Directive

if ... [then] preprocessor directive.

function F_Expr (Node : Pp_If_Directive'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Bin_Op, Identifier, Paren_Expr, Un_Op

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Then_Kw (Node : Pp_If_Directive'Class) Pp_Then_Kw

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Pp_Then_Kw

then keyword in preprocessor directives.

type Pragma_Argument_Assoc

Argument association in a pragma.

function F_Name (Node : Pragma_Argument_Assoc'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Identifier

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Expr (Node : Pragma_Argument_Assoc'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Pragma_Node

Class for pragmas (RM 2.8). Pragmas are compiler directives, that can be language or compiler defined.

function F_Id (Node : Pragma_Node'Class) Identifier

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Args (Node : Pragma_Node'Class) Base_Assoc_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Is_Ghost_Code (Node : Pragma_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this pragma is ghost code or not. See SPARK RM 6.9.

function P_Associated_Entities (Node : Pragma_Node'Class) Defining_Name_Array

Return an array of BasicDecl instances associated with this pragma, or an empty array if non applicable.

function List_Child (Node : Pragma_Node_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Pragma_Node

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Pragma_Node_List

List of Pragma.

function Pragma_Node_List_First (Node : Pragma_Node_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Pragma_Node_List_Next (Node : Pragma_Node_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Pragma_Node_List_Has_Element (Node : Pragma_Node_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Pragma_Node_List_Element (Node : Pragma_Node_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Pragma_Node'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Private_Node

Qualifier for the private keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Private_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of PrivatePresent

type Private_Absent
type Private_Part

List of declarations in a private part.

type Private_Present
type Private_Type_Def

Type definition for a private type.

Libadalang diverges from the ARM here, treating private types like regular type declarations that have an embedded type definition. This type definition hence corresponds to RM 7.3.

function F_Has_Abstract (Node : Private_Type_Def'Class) Abstract_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Abstract (Node : Private_Type_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Has_Tagged (Node : Private_Type_Def'Class) Tagged_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Tagged (Node : Private_Type_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Has_Limited (Node : Private_Type_Def'Class) Limited_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Limited (Node : Private_Type_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
type Protected_Node

Qualifier for the protected keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Protected_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of ProtectedPresent

type Protected_Absent
type Protected_Body

Protected object body (RM 9.4).

function F_Name (Node : Protected_Body'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Decls (Node : Protected_Body'Class) Declarative_Part

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_End_Name (Node : Protected_Body'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Protected_Body_Stub

Stub for a protected object body (is separate) (RM 10.1.3).

function F_Name (Node : Protected_Body_Stub'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Protected_Def

Type definition for a protected object (RM 9.4).

function F_Public_Part (Node : Protected_Def'Class) Public_Part

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Private_Part (Node : Protected_Def'Class) Private_Part

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_End_Name (Node : Protected_Def'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Protected_Present
type Protected_Type_Decl

Declaration for a protected type (RM 9.4).

function F_Discriminants (Node : Protected_Type_Decl'Class) Discriminant_Part

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Interfaces (Node : Protected_Type_Decl'Class) Parent_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Definition (Node : Protected_Type_Decl'Class) Protected_Def

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Public_Part

List of declarations in a public part.

type Qual_Expr

Qualified expression (...'(...)) .(RM 4.7).

function F_Prefix (Node : Qual_Expr'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Suffix (Node : Qual_Expr'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Base_Aggregate, Paren_Expr

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Quantified_Expr

Quantified expression (RM 4.5.8).

function F_Quantifier (Node : Quantified_Expr'Class) Quantifier

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Quantifier (Node : Quantified_Expr'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Quantifier
function F_Loop_Spec (Node : Quantified_Expr'Class) For_Loop_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Expr (Node : Quantified_Expr'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Quantifier

Type for quantified expressions.

type Quantifier_All
type Quantifier_Some
type Raise_Expr

Expression to raise an exception (RM 4.4).

function F_Exception_Name (Node : Raise_Expr'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Error_Message (Node : Raise_Expr'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Raise_Stmt

raise statement (RM 11.3).

function F_Exception_Name (Node : Raise_Stmt'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Error_Message (Node : Raise_Stmt'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Range_Constraint

Range-based type constraint (RM 3.5).

function F_Range (Node : Range_Constraint'Class) Range_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Range_Spec

Range specification (RM 3.5.7).

function F_Range (Node : Range_Spec'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Bin_Op, Box_Expr, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Real_Literal

Literal for a real number (RM 2.4).

type Record_Def

Record definition that contains components (record ... end record).

type Record_Rep_Clause

Representation clause for a record type (RM 13.5.1).

function F_Name (Node : Record_Rep_Clause'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_At_Expr (Node : Record_Rep_Clause'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Components (Node : Record_Rep_Clause'Class) Ada_Node_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Component_Clause, Pragma_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Record_Type_Def

Type definition for a record (RM 3.8).

function F_Has_Abstract (Node : Record_Type_Def'Class) Abstract_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Abstract (Node : Record_Type_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Has_Tagged (Node : Record_Type_Def'Class) Tagged_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Tagged (Node : Record_Type_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Has_Limited (Node : Record_Type_Def'Class) Limited_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Limited (Node : Record_Type_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Record_Def (Node : Record_Type_Def'Class) Base_Record_Def

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Reduce_Attribute_Ref

Reduction expression (Reduce attribute). Ada 2022, RM 4.5.10.

function F_Prefix (Node : Reduce_Attribute_Ref'Class) Ada_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref, Value_Sequence

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Attribute (Node : Reduce_Attribute_Ref'Class) Identifier

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Args (Node : Reduce_Attribute_Ref'Class) Assoc_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Param_Assoc

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Relation_Op

Binary operation that compares two value, producing a boolean (RM 4.4).

type Renaming_Clause

Renaming clause, used everywhere renamings are valid.

function F_Renamed_Object (Node : Renaming_Clause'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Requeue_Stmt

requeue statement (RM 9.5.4).

function F_Call_Name (Node : Requeue_Stmt'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Abort (Node : Requeue_Stmt'Class) Abort_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Abort (Node : Requeue_Stmt'Class) Standard.Boolean
type Return_Stmt

return statement (RM 6.5).

function F_Return_Expr (Node : Return_Stmt'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Reverse_Node

Qualifier for the reverse keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Reverse_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of ReversePresent

type Reverse_Absent
type Reverse_Present
type Select_Stmt

select statements block (RM 9.7).

function F_Guards (Node : Select_Stmt'Class) Select_When_Part_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Else_Stmts (Node : Select_Stmt'Class) Stmt_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Stmt

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Abort_Stmts (Node : Select_Stmt'Class) Stmt_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Stmt

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Select_When_Part

Alternative part in a select statements block (RM 9.7).

function F_Cond_Expr (Node : Select_When_Part'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Stmts (Node : Select_When_Part'Class) Stmt_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Stmt

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function List_Child (Node : Select_When_Part_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Select_When_Part

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Select_When_Part_List

List of SelectWhenPart.

function Select_When_Part_List_First (Node : Select_When_Part_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Select_When_Part_List_Next (Node : Select_When_Part_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Select_When_Part_List_Has_Element (Node : Select_When_Part_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Select_When_Part_List_Element (Node : Select_When_Part_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Select_When_Part'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Signed_Int_Type_Def

Type definition for a signed integer type (RM 3.5.4).

function F_Range (Node : Signed_Int_Type_Def'Class) Range_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Simple_Decl_Stmt

Statement wrapping a simple object declaration.

function F_Decl (Node : Simple_Decl_Stmt'Class) Object_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Single_Protected_Decl

Declaration for a single protected object (RM 9.4).

function F_Name (Node : Single_Protected_Decl'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Interfaces (Node : Single_Protected_Decl'Class) Parent_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Definition (Node : Single_Protected_Decl'Class) Protected_Def

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Single_Task_Decl

Declaration for a single task (RM 9.1).

function F_Task_Type (Node : Single_Task_Decl'Class) Single_Task_Type_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Task_Type_Decl

Declaration for a task type (RM 9.1).

function F_Discriminants (Node : Task_Type_Decl'Class) Discriminant_Part

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Definition (Node : Task_Type_Decl'Class) Task_Def

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Single_Task_Type_Decl

Type declaration for a single task (RM 9.1).

type Stmt_List

List of statements.

This list node can contain one of the following nodes: Pragma_Node, Stmt

type String_Literal

String literal (RM 2.6).

function P_Denoted_Value (Node : String_Literal'Class) Text_Type

Return the value that this literal denotes.

type Subp_Body

Subprogram body(RM 6.3) .

function F_Decls (Node : Subp_Body'Class) Declarative_Part

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Stmts (Node : Subp_Body'Class) Handled_Stmts

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_End_Name (Node : Subp_Body'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Subp_Body_Stub

Stub for a subprogram body (is separate) (RM 10.1.3).

function F_Overriding (Node : Subp_Body_Stub'Class) Overriding_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Overriding (Node : Subp_Body_Stub'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Overriding_Node
function F_Subp_Spec (Node : Subp_Body_Stub'Class) Subp_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Subp_Decl

Regular subprogram declaration (RM 6.1).

type Subp_Kind

Qualifier for a subprogram kind.

type Subp_Kind_Function
type Subp_Kind_Procedure
type Subp_Renaming_Decl

Declaration for a subprogram renaming (RM 8.5.4).

function F_Renames (Node : Subp_Renaming_Decl'Class) Renaming_Clause

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Subp_Spec

Subprogram specification (RM 6.1).

function F_Subp_Kind (Node : Subp_Spec'Class) Subp_Kind

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Subp_Kind (Node : Subp_Spec'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Subp_Kind
function F_Subp_Name (Node : Subp_Spec'Class) Defining_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Subp_Params (Node : Subp_Spec'Class) Params

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_Subp_Returns (Node : Subp_Spec'Class) Type_Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Anonymous_Type, Subtype_Indication

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Subtype_Decl

Subtype declaration (RM 3.2.2).

function F_Subtype (Node : Subtype_Decl'Class) Subtype_Indication

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Subunit

Subunit (separate) (RM 10.1.3).

function F_Name (Node : Subunit'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Body (Node : Subunit'Class) Body_Node

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Package_Body, Protected_Body, Subp_Body, Task_Body

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function P_Body_Root (Node : Subunit'Class) Basic_Decl

Return the body in which this subunit is rooted.

type Synchronized_Node

Qualifier for the synchronized keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Synchronized_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of SynchronizedPresent

type Synchronized_Absent
type Synchronized_Present
type Synth_Anonymous_Type_Decl

Synthetic anonymous type decl. Used to generate anonymous access types.

type Synthetic_Binary_Spec

Synthetic subprogram specification for binary operators.

function F_Left_Param (Node : Synthetic_Binary_Spec'Class) Synthetic_Formal_Param_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Right_Param (Node : Synthetic_Binary_Spec'Class) Synthetic_Formal_Param_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Return_Type_Expr (Node : Synthetic_Binary_Spec'Class) Type_Expr

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Synthetic_Char_Enum_Lit

Synthetic character enum literal declaration.

function P_Expr (Node : Synthetic_Char_Enum_Lit'Class) Defining_Name

Return the CharLiteral expression corresponding to this enum literal.

type Synthetic_Defining_Name

Synthetic DefiningName.

type Synthetic_Formal_Param_Decl

Synthetic parameter declaration.

function F_Param_Type (Node : Synthetic_Formal_Param_Decl'Class) Type_Expr

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Synthetic_Identifier

Synthetic identifier.

type Synthetic_Object_Decl

SyntheticObjectDecl is a declaration that holds a virtual object. This is for example used in type predicates to refer to an object of the enclosing type, as in:

subtype Odd is Natural with
   Dynamic_Predicate => Odd mod 2 = 1;

where we have to create an object named Odd, and of type Odd so that the name in the aspect expression refers to it and can be properly resolved to the type identifier.

This node has no existance in the Ada RM, it’s only used for internal name resolution purposes.

type Synthetic_Renaming_Clause

Synthetic renaming clause. Used to synthesize object decls with renamings. (See to_anonymous_object_decl).

type Synthetic_Subp_Decl

Synthetic subprogram declaration.

Is used to represent predefined operators. This should also be usable for synthesizing function attributes.

function F_Spec (Node : Synthetic_Subp_Decl'Class) Base_Subp_Spec

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Synthetic_Binary_Spec, Synthetic_Unary_Spec

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Synthetic_Type_Expr

Synthetic type expression. The designated type is already known at instantiation time and is to be given in the target_type field.

function F_Target_Type (Node : Synthetic_Type_Expr'Class) Base_Type_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Synthetic_Unary_Spec

Synthetic subprogram specification for unary operators.

function F_Right_Param (Node : Synthetic_Unary_Spec'Class) Synthetic_Formal_Param_Decl

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Return_Type_Expr (Node : Synthetic_Unary_Spec'Class) Synthetic_Type_Expr

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Tagged_Node

Qualifier for the tagged keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Tagged_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of TaggedPresent

type Tagged_Absent
type Tagged_Present
type Target_Name

Name for Ada 2020 @ (RM 5.2.1).

type Task_Body

Task body (RM 9.1).

function F_Name (Node : Task_Body'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Decls (Node : Task_Body'Class) Declarative_Part

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Stmts (Node : Task_Body'Class) Handled_Stmts

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_End_Name (Node : Task_Body'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Task_Body_Stub

Stub for a task body (is separate) (RM 10.1.3).

function F_Name (Node : Task_Body_Stub'Class) Defining_Name

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Task_Def

Type definition for a task type (RM 9.1).

function F_Interfaces (Node : Task_Def'Class) Parent_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Public_Part (Node : Task_Def'Class) Public_Part

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Private_Part (Node : Task_Def'Class) Private_Part

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function F_End_Name (Node : Task_Def'Class) End_Name

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

type Terminate_Alternative

terminate alternative in a select statement (RM 9.7).

type Type_Access_Def

Syntactic type definition for accesses.

function F_Has_All (Node : Type_Access_Def'Class) All_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_All (Node : Type_Access_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Has_Constant (Node : Type_Access_Def'Class) Constant_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Constant (Node : Type_Access_Def'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Subtype_Indication (Node : Type_Access_Def'Class) Subtype_Indication

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Type_Attributes_Repository

Synthetic node that contains the lazy fields for the attribute subprograms of a given type. The lazy fields are not directly on the BaseTypeDecl node itself to minimize its size in memory: with this indirection, a type for which no function attribute is ever synthesized will not waste any memory.

type Un_Op

Unary expression.

This encompasses several ARM expressions, because it is used for every unary operator in Ada. Those expressions are all documented in RM 4.4.

function F_Op (Node : Un_Op'Class) Op

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Op_Abs, Op_Minus, Op_Not, Op_Plus

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Op (Node : Un_Op'Class) Libadalang.Common.Ada_Op
function F_Expr (Node : Un_Op'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Unconstrained_Array_Index

List of unconstrained array indexes.

function F_Subtype_Name (Node : Unconstrained_Array_Index'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Lower_Bound (Node : Unconstrained_Array_Index'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

This field may be null even when there are no parsing errors.

function List_Child (Node : Unconstrained_Array_Index_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Unconstrained_Array_Index

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Unconstrained_Array_Index_List

List of UnconstrainedArrayIndex.

function Unconstrained_Array_Index_List_First (Node : Unconstrained_Array_Index_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Unconstrained_Array_Index_List_Next (Node : Unconstrained_Array_Index_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Unconstrained_Array_Index_List_Has_Element (Node : Unconstrained_Array_Index_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Unconstrained_Array_Index_List_Element (Node : Unconstrained_Array_Index_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Unconstrained_Array_Index'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Unconstrained_Array_Indices

Unconstrained specification for array indexes (RM 3.6).

function F_Types (Node : Unconstrained_Array_Indices'Class) Unconstrained_Array_Index_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Unknown_Discriminant_Part

Unknown list of discriminants in type declarations (RM 3.7).

type Until_Node

Qualifier for the until keyword.

function P_As_Bool (Node : Until_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of UntilPresent

type Until_Absent
type Until_Present
type Update_Attribute_Ref

Reference to the Update attribute, which is a non standard GNAT attribute.

function F_Prefix (Node : Update_Attribute_Ref'Class) Name

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Attribute (Node : Update_Attribute_Ref'Class) Identifier

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Values (Node : Update_Attribute_Ref'Class) Base_Aggregate

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Use_Clause

Base class for use clauses (RM 10.1.2).

type Use_Package_Clause

Use clause for packages (RM 8.4).

function F_Packages (Node : Use_Package_Clause'Class) Name_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Use_Type_Clause

Use clause for types (RM 8.4).

function F_Has_All (Node : Use_Type_Clause'Class) All_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_All (Node : Use_Type_Clause'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Types (Node : Use_Type_Clause'Class) Name_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Attribute_Ref, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Qual_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Value_Sequence

The value sequence of a reduction expression (see ReduceAttributeRef). Ada 2022, RM 4.5.10.

function F_Iter_Assoc (Node : Value_Sequence'Class) Iterated_Assoc

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type Variant

Single variant in a discriminated type record declaration.

This corresponds to a when ... => ... section in a variant part.

function F_Choices (Node : Variant'Class) Alternatives_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Discrete_Subtype_Indication, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Others_Designator, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Components (Node : Variant'Class) Component_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function List_Child (Node : Variant_List'Class; Index : Standard.Positive) Variant

Return the Index’th child of Node, or null if Node has no such child.

type Variant_List

List of Variant.

function Variant_List_First (Node : Variant_List) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Variant_List_Next (Node : Variant_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Positive

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Variant_List_Has_Element (Node : Variant_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Standard.Boolean

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

function Variant_List_Element (Node : Variant_List; Cursor : Standard.Positive) Variant'Class

Implementation detail for the Iterable aspect

type Variant_Part

Variant part in a discriminated type record declaration (RM 3.8.1).

This corresponds to the whole case ... is ... end case; block.

function F_Discr_Name (Node : Variant_Part'Class) Identifier

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Variant (Node : Variant_Part'Class) Variant_List

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type While_Loop_Spec

Specification for a while loop (RM 5.5).

function F_Expr (Node : While_Loop_Spec'Class) Expr

This field can contain one of the following nodes: Allocator, Attribute_Ref, Base_Aggregate, Bin_Op, Call_Expr, Char_Literal, Concat_Op, Cond_Expr, Decl_Expr, Dotted_Name, Explicit_Deref, Identifier, Membership_Expr, Null_Literal, Num_Literal, Paren_Expr, Qual_Expr, Quantified_Expr, Raise_Expr, Reduce_Attribute_Ref, String_Literal, Target_Name, Un_Op, Update_Attribute_Ref

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type While_Loop_Stmt

Statement for while loops (while ... loop ... end loop;) (RM 5.5).

type With_Clause

With clause (RM 10.1.2).

function F_Has_Limited (Node : With_Clause'Class) Limited_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Limited (Node : With_Clause'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Has_Private (Node : With_Clause'Class) Private_Node

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

function F_Has_Private (Node : With_Clause'Class) Standard.Boolean
function F_Packages (Node : With_Clause'Class) Name_List

This field contains a list that itself contains one of the following nodes: Char_Literal, Dotted_Name, Identifier, String_Literal

When there are no parsing errors, this field is never null.

type With_Private

Qualifier for the private keyword in with private record clauses.

function P_As_Bool (Node : With_Private'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this is an instance of WithPrivatePresent

type With_Private_Absent
type With_Private_Present
function Is_Null (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this node is a null node reference.

function Is_Token_Node (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this node is a node that contains only a single token.

function Is_Synthetic (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this node is synthetic.

function "=" (L, R : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether L and R designate the same node

function Image (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.String

Return a short string describing Node, or None” if Node.Is_Null is true.

type Event_Handler_Interface

Interface to handle events sent by the analysis context.

procedure Release (Self : Event_Handler_Interface)

Actions to perform when releasing resources associated to Self

Callback that will be called when a unit is requested from the context Context.

Name is the name of the requested unit.

From is the unit from which the unit was requested.

Found indicates whether the requested unit was found or not.

Is_Not_Found_Error indicates whether the fact that the unit was not found is an error or not.


The interface of this callback is probably subject to change, so should be treated as experimental.

Callback that will be called when any unit is parsed from the context Context.

Unit is the resulting unit.

Reparsed indicates whether the unit was reparsed, or whether it was the first parse.

procedure Do_Release (Self : Event_Handler_Interface'Class)

Helper for the instantiation below

package Event_Handler_References is new GNATCOLL.Refcount.Shared_Pointers
package Event_Handler_References is new GNATCOLL.Refcount.Shared_Pointers
     (Event_Handler_Interface'Class, Do_Release);
Instantiated generic package:


type Event_Handler_Reference
No_Event_Handler_Ref : Event_Handler_Reference renames Event_Handler_References.Null_Ref
Object type:




function Create_Event_Handler_Reference (Handler : Event_Handler_Interface'Class) Event_Handler_Reference

Simple wrapper around the GNATCOLL.Refcount API to create event handler references.

type Unit_Provider_Interface

Interface to fetch analysis units from a name and a unit kind.

The unit provider mechanism provides an abstraction which assumes that to any couple (unit name, unit kind) we can associate at most one source file. This means that several couples can be associated to the same source file, but on the other hand, only one one source file can be associated to a couple.

This is used to make the semantic analysis able to switch from one analysis units to another.

See the documentation of each unit provider for the exact semantics of the unit name/kind information.

function Get_Unit_Filename (Provider : Unit_Provider_Interface; Name : Text_Type; Kind : Analysis_Unit_Kind) Standard.String

Return the filename corresponding to the given unit name/unit kind. Raise a Property_Error if the given unit name is not valid.

function Get_Unit (Provider : Unit_Provider_Interface; Context : Analysis_Context'Class; Name : Text_Type; Kind : Analysis_Unit_Kind; Charset : Standard.String; Reparse : Standard.Boolean) Analysis_Unit'Class

Fetch and return the analysis unit referenced by the given unit name. Raise a Property_Error if the given unit name is not valid.

procedure Release (Provider : Unit_Provider_Interface)

Actions to perform when releasing resources associated to Provider

Like Get_Unit_Filename, but return both the source file that Name/Kind designate (in Filename) and the index of the PLE root inside that unit (in PLE_Root_Index). If PLE_Root_Index is left to 0 upon return, discard the result and switch to the PLE root unaware Get_Unit_Filename function.

Like Get_Unit, but return both the analysis unit that Name/Kind designate (in Unit) and the index of the PLE root inside that unit (in PLE_Root_Index). If PLE_Root_Index is left to 0 upon return, discard the result and switch to the PLE root unaware Get_Unit function.

procedure Do_Release (Provider : Unit_Provider_Interface'Class)

Helper for the instantiation below

package Unit_Provider_References is new GNATCOLL.Refcount.Shared_Pointers
package Unit_Provider_References is new GNATCOLL.Refcount.Shared_Pointers
     (Unit_Provider_Interface'Class, Do_Release);
Instantiated generic package:


type Unit_Provider_Reference
No_Unit_Provider_Reference : Unit_Provider_Reference renames Unit_Provider_References.Null_Ref
Object type:




function Create_Unit_Provider_Reference (Provider : Unit_Provider_Interface'Class) Unit_Provider_Reference

Simple wrapper around the GNATCOLL.Refcount API to create unit provider references.

function Has_Unit (Context : Analysis_Context'Class; Unit_Filename : Standard.String) Standard.Boolean

Return whether Context contains a unit correponding to Unit_Filename.

function Has_With_Trivia (Context : Analysis_Context'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether Context keeps trivia when parsing units

procedure Discard_Errors_In_Populate_Lexical_Env (Context : Analysis_Context'Class; Discard : Standard.Boolean)

Debug helper. Set whether Property_Error exceptions raised in Populate_Lexical_Env should be discarded. They are by default.

procedure Set_Logic_Resolution_Timeout (Context : Analysis_Context'Class; Timeout : Standard.Natural)

If Timeout is greater than zero, set a timeout for the resolution of logic equations. The unit is the number of steps in ANY/ALL relations. If Timeout is zero, disable the timeout. By default, the timeout is 100 000 steps.

procedure Set_Lookup_Cache_Mode (Mode : Langkit_Support.Lexical_Envs.Lookup_Cache_Kind)

Set the lexical environments lookup cache mode according to Mode. Note: Mainly meant for debugging the default mode.

function Has_Rewriting_Handle (Context : Analysis_Context'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether Context has a rewriting handler (see Libadalang.Rewriting), i.e. whether it is in the process of rewriting. If true, this means that the set of currently loaded analysis units is frozen until the rewriting process is done.

function Get_Symbol_Table (Context : Analysis_Context'Class) Symbol_Table

Return the symbol table attached to this context. Useful for users needing their own symbolization and wanting to share it with their language frontend.

WARNING: EXPERIMENTAL & UNSAFE - The Symbol_Table exposes an unsafe API, that might be subject to some changes, use with caution.

procedure Reparse (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class; Charset : Standard.String)

Reparse an analysis unit from the associated file.

Use Charset in order to decode the source. If Charset is empty then use the context’s default charset.

If any failure occurs, such as decoding, lexing or parsing failure, diagnostic are emitted to explain what happened.

procedure Reparse (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class; Charset : Standard.String; Buffer : Standard.String)

Reparse an analysis unit from a buffer.

Use Charset in order to decode the source. If Charset is empty then use the context’s default charset.

If any failure occurs, such as decoding, lexing or parsing failure, diagnostic are emitted to explain what happened.

procedure Populate_Lexical_Env (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class; PLE_Root_Index : Standard.Positive)

Create lexical environments for this analysis unit, according to the specifications given in the language spec.

If not done before, it will be automatically called during semantic analysis. Calling it before enables one to control where the latency occurs.

Depending on whether errors are discarded (see Discard_Errors_In_Populate_Lexical_Env), raise a Property_Error on failure.

function Get_Filename (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Standard.String

Return the filename this unit is associated to.

function Get_Charset (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Standard.String

Return the charset that was used to parse Unit

function Has_Diagnostics (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Standard.Boolean

Return whether this unit has associated diagnostics.

function Diagnostics (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Diagnostics_Array

Return an array that contains the diagnostics associated to this unit.

function Format_GNU_Diagnostic (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class; D : Diagnostic) Standard.String

Format a diagnostic in a GNU fashion. See <https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Errors.html>.

function First_Token (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Token_Reference

Return a reference to the first token scanned in this unit.

function Last_Token (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Token_Reference

Return a reference to the last token scanned in this unit.

function Token_Count (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Standard.Natural

Return the number of tokens in this unit.

function Trivia_Count (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Standard.Natural

Return the number of trivias in this unit. This is 0 for units that were parsed with trivia analysis disabled.

function Text (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class) Text_Type

Return the source buffer associated to this unit.

function Lookup_Token (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class; Sloc : Source_Location) Token_Reference

Look for a token in this unit that contains the given source location. If this falls before the first token, return the first token. If this falls between two tokens, return the token that appears before. If this falls after the last token, return the last token. If there is no token in this unit, return no token.

procedure Dump_Lexical_Env (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class)

Debug helper: output the lexical envs for the given analysis unit.

procedure Trigger_Envs_Debug (Is_Active : Standard.Boolean)

Debug helper: activate debug traces for lexical envs lookups

procedure Print (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class; Show_Slocs : Standard.Boolean)

Debug helper: output the AST and eventual diagnostic for this unit on standard output.

If Show_Slocs, include AST nodes’ source locations in the output.

procedure PP_Trivia (Unit : Analysis_Unit'Class)

Debug helper: output a minimal AST with mixed trivias

type Child_Record
type Children_Array

This iterable type holds an array of Child or Trivia nodes

function First (Self : Children_Array) Standard.Natural

Return the first child or trivia cursor corresponding to the children array. Helper for the Iterable aspect.

function Last (Self : Children_Array) Standard.Natural

Return the last child or trivia cursor corresponding to the children array. Helper for the Iterable aspect.

function Next (Self : Children_Array; Pos : Standard.Natural) Standard.Natural

Return the child or trivia cursor that follows Self in the children array. Helper for the Iterable aspect.

function Previous (Self : Children_Array; Pos : Standard.Natural) Standard.Natural

Return the child or trivia cursor that follows Self in the children array. Helper for the Iterable aspect.

function Has_Element (Self : Children_Array; Pos : Standard.Natural) Standard.Boolean

Return if Pos is in Self’s iteration range. Helper for the Iterable aspect.

function Element (Self : Children_Array; Pos : Standard.Natural) Child_Record

Return the child of trivia node at position Pos in Self. Helper for the Iterable aspect.

function Children_And_Trivia (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Children_Array

Return the children of this node interleaved with Trivia token nodes, so that:

  • Every trivia contained between Node.Start_Token and Node.End_Token - 1 will be part of the returned array.

  • Nodes and trivias will be lexically ordered.

type Aspect

Composite field representing the aspect of an entity (RM 13).

function Exists (Self : Aspect) Standard.Boolean

Whether the aspect is defined or not

function Node (Self : Aspect) Ada_Node'Class

Syntactic node that defines the aspect

function Value (Self : Aspect) Expr'Class

Expr node defining the value of the aspect

function Inherited (Self : Aspect) Standard.Boolean

Whether the aspect is inherited (it has been defined by a parent)

function Create_Aspect (Exists : Standard.Boolean; Node : Ada_Node'Class; Value : Expr'Class; Inherited : Standard.Boolean) Aspect
type Completion_Item
function Decl (Self : Completion_Item) Basic_Decl'Class
function Is_Dot_Call (Self : Completion_Item) Standard.Boolean
function Is_Visible (Self : Completion_Item) Standard.Boolean
function Weight (Self : Completion_Item) Standard.Integer

The higher the weight, the more relevant the completion item is.

function Create_Completion_Item (Decl : Basic_Decl'Class; Is_Dot_Call : Standard.Boolean; Is_Visible : Standard.Boolean; Weight : Standard.Integer) Completion_Item
type Completion_Item_Iterator

An iterator provides a mean to retrieve values one-at-a-time.

Resource management for iterators is automatic.

Currently, each iterator is bound to the analysis context used to create it. Iterators are invalidated as soon as any unit of that analysis is reparsed. Due to the nature of iterators (lazy computations), this invalidation is necessary to avoid use of inconsistent state, such as an iterator trying to use analysis context data that is stale.

function Next (Self : Completion_Item_Iterator; Item : Completion_Item) Standard.Boolean

Set the next value from the iterator in the given out argument. Return True if successful, otherwise False.

This raises a Stale_Reference_Error exception if the iterator is invalidated.

type Discrete_Range

Represent the range of a discrete type or subtype. The bounds are not evaluated, you need to call eval_as_int on them, if they’re static, to get their value.

function Low_Bound (Self : Discrete_Range) Expr'Class
function High_Bound (Self : Discrete_Range) Expr'Class
function Create_Discrete_Range (Low_Bound : Expr'Class; High_Bound : Expr'Class) Discrete_Range
type Discriminant_Values

Represent a set of values (as a list of choices) on a discriminant.

function Discriminant (Self : Discriminant_Values) Identifier'Class
function Values (Self : Discriminant_Values) Alternatives_List'Class
function Create_Discriminant_Values (Discriminant : Identifier'Class; Values : Alternatives_List'Class) Discriminant_Values
type Discriminant_Values_Array
type Doc_Annotation

Documentation annotation.

function Key (Self : Doc_Annotation) Text_Type

Annotation key

function Value (Self : Doc_Annotation) Text_Type

Annotation value

function Create_Doc_Annotation (Key : Text_Type; Value : Text_Type) Doc_Annotation
type Doc_Annotation_Array
type Accept_Stmt_Array
type Ada_Node_Array
function Create_Solver_Diagnostic (Template : Text_Type; Args : Ada_Node_Array; Location : Ada_Node'Class; Contexts : Logic_Context_Array; Round : Standard.Integer) Solver_Diagnostic
type Base_Formal_Param_Decl_Array
function Create_Shape (Components : Base_Formal_Param_Decl_Array; Discriminants_Values : Discriminant_Values_Array) Shape
type Base_Type_Decl_Array
type Basic_Decl_Array
type Compilation_Unit_Array
type Defining_Name_Array
type Expr_Array
type Generic_Instantiation_Array
type Param_Spec_Array
type Pragma_Node_Array
type Type_Decl_Array
type Logic_Context

Describes an interpretation of a reference. Can be attached to logic atoms (e.g. Binds) to indicate under which interpretation this particular atom was produced, which can in turn be used to produce informative diagnostics for resolution failures.

function Ref_Node (Self : Logic_Context) Ada_Node'Class
function Decl_Node (Self : Logic_Context) Ada_Node'Class
function Create_Logic_Context (Ref_Node : Ada_Node'Class; Decl_Node : Ada_Node'Class) Logic_Context
type Logic_Context_Array
type Param_Actual

Data structure used by zip_with_params, Name.call_params, GenericInstantiation.inst_params, BaseAggregate.aggregate_params, SubtypeIndication.subtype_constraints, and EnumRepClause.params properties. Associates an expression (the actual) to a formal param declaration (the parameter).

function Param (Self : Param_Actual) Defining_Name'Class
function Actual (Self : Param_Actual) Expr'Class
function Create_Param_Actual (Param : Defining_Name'Class; Actual : Expr'Class) Param_Actual
type Param_Actual_Array
type Ref_Result

Result for a cross reference query returning a reference.

function Ref (Self : Ref_Result) Base_Id'Class
function Kind (Self : Ref_Result) Ref_Result_Kind
function Create_Ref_Result (Ref : Base_Id'Class; Kind : Ref_Result_Kind) Ref_Result
type Ref_Result_Array
type Refd_Decl

Result for a cross reference query returning a referenced decl.

function Decl (Self : Refd_Decl) Basic_Decl'Class
function Kind (Self : Refd_Decl) Ref_Result_Kind
function Create_Refd_Decl (Decl : Basic_Decl'Class; Kind : Ref_Result_Kind) Refd_Decl
type Refd_Def

Result for a cross reference query returning a referenced defining name.

function Def_Name (Self : Refd_Def) Defining_Name'Class
function Kind (Self : Refd_Def) Ref_Result_Kind
function Create_Refd_Def (Def_Name : Defining_Name'Class; Kind : Ref_Result_Kind) Refd_Def
type Shape

Represent one of the shapes that a variant record can have, as a list of the available components.

function Components (Self : Shape) Base_Formal_Param_Decl_Array
function Discriminants_Values (Self : Shape) Discriminant_Values_Array
type Shape_Array
type Solver_Diagnostic

A raw diagnostic produced by a solver resolution failure. This contains as much information as possible to allow formatters down the chain to filter/choose which diagnostics to show among a set of diagnostics produced for a single equation.

  • Template is a string explaining the error, which may contain holes reprsented by the {} characters.

  • Args is an array of nodes, which are to be plugged in the holes of the template in the same order (i.e. the first argument goes into the first hole of the template, etc.).

  • Location is a node which indicates the location of the error.

  • Contexts is the array of contexts that were deemed relevant for this error.

  • Round is the solver round during which this diagnostic was emitted.

function Template (Self : Solver_Diagnostic) Text_Type
function Args (Self : Solver_Diagnostic) Ada_Node_Array
function Location (Self : Solver_Diagnostic) Ada_Node'Class
function Contexts (Self : Solver_Diagnostic) Logic_Context_Array
function Round (Self : Solver_Diagnostic) Standard.Integer
type Solver_Diagnostic_Array
type Substitution

Represent a substitution of a BasicDecl by a given value. This can then be used as part of an environment in the eval_as_*_in_env property. See the declaration of those properties for more details.

function From_Decl (Self : Substitution) Basic_Decl'Class

The declaration to substitute.

function To_Value (Self : Substitution) Big_Integer

The value by which to substitute the declaration.

function Value_Type (Self : Substitution) Base_Type_Decl'Class

The type of the substituted value.

function Create_Substitution (From_Decl : Basic_Decl'Class; To_Value : Big_Integer; Value_Type : Base_Type_Decl'Class) Substitution
type Substitution_Array
type Analysis_Unit_Array
type Unbounded_Text_Type_Array
type Token_Iterator

Allow iteration on a range of tokens corresponding to a node

function First_Token (Self : Token_Iterator) Token_Reference

Return the first token corresponding to the node

function Next_Token (Self : Token_Iterator; Tok : Token_Reference) Token_Reference

Return the token that follows Tok in the token stream

function Has_Element (Self : Token_Iterator; Tok : Token_Reference) Standard.Boolean

Return if Tok is in Self’s iteration range

function Element (Self : Token_Iterator; Tok : Token_Reference) Token_Reference

Identity function: helper for the Iterable aspect

function Token_Range (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Token_Iterator

Return an iterator on the range of tokens encompassed by Node

function Kind (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Ada_Node_Kind_Type
function Kind_Name (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.String

Return the concrete kind for Node

function Children_Count (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Natural

Return the number of children Node has

function First_Child_Index (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Natural

Return the index of the first child Node has

function Last_Child_Index (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Standard.Natural

Return the index of the last child Node has, or 0 if there is no child.

function Traverse (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Visit : access function (Node : Ada_Node'Class) return Visit_Status) Visit_Status

Call Visit on Node and all its children, transitively. Calls happen in prefix order (i.e. top-down and left first). The traversal is controlled as follows by the result returned by Visit:


The traversal continues normally with the syntactic children of the node just processed.


The children of the node just processed are skipped and excluded from the traversal, but otherwise processing continues elsewhere in the tree.


The entire traversal is immediately abandoned, and the original call to Traverse returns Stop.

procedure Traverse (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Visit : access function (Node : Ada_Node'Class) return Visit_Status)

This is the same as Traverse function except that no result is returned i.e. the Traverse function is called and the result is simply discarded.

function Sloc_Range (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Source_Location_Range

Return the source location range corresponding to the set of tokens from which Node was parsed.

function Compare (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Sloc : Source_Location) Relative_Position

Compare Sloc to the sloc range of Node

function Text (Node : Ada_Node'Class) Text_Type

Return the source buffer slice corresponding to the text that spans between the first and the last tokens of this node.

Note that this returns the empty string for synthetic nodes.

function Is_Keyword (Token : Token_Reference; Version : Language_Version) Standard.Boolean

Given an Ada language version, return whether Token is an Ada keyword.

Due to the way Libadalang works, every token added after Ada 83 is lexed as a regular identifier, and then treated specially by the parser in some circumstances (being akin to the notion of reserved word).

This function returns True for regular lexer keywords, as well as for those identifiers.

procedure Print (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Show_Slocs : Standard.Boolean; Line_Prefix : Standard.String)

Debug helper: print to standard output Node and all its children.

If Show_Slocs, include AST nodes’ source locations in the output.

Line_Prefix is prepended to each output line.

procedure PP_Trivia (Node : Ada_Node'Class; Line_Prefix : Standard.String)

Debug helper: print to standard output Node and all its children along with the trivia associated to them. Line_Prefix is prepended to each output line.

procedure Assign_Names_To_Logic_Vars (Node : Ada_Node'Class)

Debug helper: Assign names to every logical variable in the root node, so that we can trace logical variables.