************ Introduction ************ Libadalang is a library for parsing and semantic analysis of Ada code. It is meant as a building block for integration into other tools. (IDE, static analyzers, etc.) Libadalang provides mainly the following services to users: * Complete syntactic analysis with error recovery, producing a precise syntax tree when the source is correct, and a best effort tree when the source is incorrect. * Semantic queries on top of the syntactic tree, such as, but not limited to: * Resolution of references (what a reference corresponds to) * Resolution of types (what is the type of an expression) * General cross references queries (find all references to this entity) Libadalang does not (at the moment) provide full legality checks for the Ada language. If you want such a functionality, you'll need to use a full Ada compiler, such as GNAT. Need #### The need for Libadalang arises from the conflation of different goals that we have while designing Ada tooling at AdaCore. Here are those goals: * We need to make tooling that is Ada aware, both at the syntactic and the semantic level. * We need to avoid repeating ourselves, that is to avoid duplicating the same code in dozens of places in our codebase, so we want to have a unified approach to this problem. * We need in some cases (such as IDEs) to make tooling that can work with incorrect and/or evolving Ada code. * We need a tool that can work incrementally, e.g. doesn't have to start from scratch if you change a variable name in the dependency of a file you want to analyze. Enter Libadalang ################ We are going to base our examples on this simple snippet of Ada code: .. code-block:: ada :linenos: procedure Test (A : Foo; B : Bar) is begin for El : Foo_Elem of A loop if not El.Is_Empty then return B.RealBar (El); end if; end loop; end Test; In the following examples, we will show how to accomplish the same thing with Libadalang, with the Ada API, and with the Python API. The Ada API is great for integration in existing Ada programs, and for situations where you need some speed and static safety guaranties. The Python API is a good fit for rapid prototyping of programs using Libadalang. We greatly encourage even Ada die-hard to try out the Python API for exploring the API, the tree structures and available accessors. They map directly to the Ada API, so the knowledge is shared. Parsing a file ************** Let's say we did put the content of the above Ada snippet in the ``test.adb`` file. Here is how you can parse the resulting file with Libadalang. .. code-block:: ada with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Libadalang.Analysis; use Libadalang.Analysis; procedure Main is Ctx : Analysis_Context := Create_Context; Unit : Analysis_Unit := Ctx.Get_From_File ("test.adb"); begin Unit.Print; Put_Line ("Done."); end Main; This snippet will create an analysis context, which usually corresponds to the context of your whole analysis - be it just one file, a whole project, or several projects - and parse our Ada file and return the resulting analysis unit instance. Calling the ``Print`` primitive on the instance will dump the resulting tree. .. code:: CompilationUnit[1:2-5:11] | body: | | LibraryItem[1:2-5:10] | | | is_private: False | | | item: | | | | SubprogramBody[1:2-5:10] | | | | | overriding: unspecified | | | | | subp_spec: | | | | | | SubprogramSpec[1:2-1:35] | | | | | | | name: | | | | | | | | Id[1:12-1:16] | | | | | | | | | tok: Test | | | | | | | params: ... continued Exploring the tree ****************** The first thing you can do with this is explore the syntax tree through simple accessors. .. code-block:: ada with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Libadalang.Analysis; use Libadalang.Analysis; procedure Main is Ctx : Analysis_Context := Create_Context; Unit : Analysis_Unit := Ctx.Get_From_File ("test.adb"); CU : Compilation_Unit := Unit.Root.As_Compilation_Unit; Bod : Library_Item := CU.F_Body.As_Library_Item; Subp : Subp_Body := Bod.F_Item.As_Subp_Body; begin Subp.Print; end Main; This code will access the ``Subp_Body`` node of the Test subprogram that constitutes the main element of our file. But as you can see, even if it is precise, this is not a very practical way of exploring the tree.