1. Sonar Ada Plugin

This SonarQube plugin loads the analysis of Ada projects by GNATdashboard.

1.1. ChangeLog 24.x

The Sonar Ada Plugin shipped with GNATdashboard now supports SonarQube 9.9 (LTS).

Because of that, it also drops support for old versions of SonarQube (i.e. all versions pre 9.9).

Follow SonarSource’s procedure to update SonarQube to a supported version.

1.1.1. SonarQube Scanner

SonarSource replaced SonarQube Runner by the new SonarSource Scanner to analyse a project.

GNATdashboard dropped support for SonarQube Runner, and is now compatible with SonarQube Scanner version 4.8, recommended as the default launcher for SonarQube 9.9 (LTS).

Install SonarQube Scanner make it available in your PATH prior to executing GNAThub on your projects.

1.1.2. AdaCore tools support

GNAT SAS, GNAT Check and GNAT Metric now better integrate with SonarQube:

  • a simplified Quality Profile called “GNATdashboard Way” is now the default for Ada projects and supports the latest additions to GNAT SAS;

  • GNAT SAS race condition messages are marked as BUG during the analysis while other messages remain tagged as CODE SMELL to match SonarQube jargon;

  • suppressed messages are now filtered out of the analysis so that SonarQube can mark them as “Resolved”;

  • GNAT Metric metrics are mapped to SonarQube metrics when they share the same definition, and custom metrics are better defined to allow SonarQube to qualify the trend of a project (“is the quality improving or not?”).