Getting Started

General principles and common notions

GNATcoverage provides a range of coverage analysis facilities with support for a variety of coverage criteria, several output formats and consolidation features to produce aggregated reports out of partial results.

Actual coverage is always first computed out of trace files conveying what test programs have achieved. GNATcoverage works with two possible kinds of traces:

  • Binary traces, produced by an instrumented execution environement while running an unmodifed version of the program. Such traces contain low level information about executed blocks of machine instructions.

  • Source traces, produced by an alternative version of the program, built from sources instrumented to feed coverage dedicated datastructures.

Both kinds of traces can be used to assess so called source coverage criteria, where the entities subject to coverage assessment are defined in terms of source level constructs. The specific criteria that GNATcoverage supports are those defined by the DO-178B certification standard for civil avionics:

  • Statement Coverage, where the coverage metrics are respective to source level statements such as a variable assignment or a subprogram calls;

  • Decision Coverage, which, in addition to statement coverage, requires evaluating Boolean expressions (decisions in DO178B parlance) both True and False, then

  • Modified Condition/Decision Coverage, commonly known as MCDC, which requires testing particular variations of individual Boolean operands (conditions in DO178B parlance) within decisions.

A central notion to all the assessments performed with GNATcoverage is that of units of interest, which simply designates the set of compilation units of which we are aiming to assess the coverage. These typically include the code under test in a campaign, as opposed to, for example, the sources of the test harness infrastructure when one is used. The individual statements, decisions, or conditions of relevance within units of interest are referred to as Source Coverage Obligations or SCOs.

From binary traces, GNATcoverage is also able to produce object coverage reports, measuring the coverage of machine level instructions produced by the compilation toolchain out of the original sources. GNATcoverage supports two criteria of this kind:

  • Instruction Coverage, where we evaluate for each machine instruction whether it has been executed at least once or not; and

  • Branch Coverage, where, in addition, we evaluate for each conditional branch instruction whether it was only taken, or went fallthrough or both.

As the later parts of this manual with describe, the processes involved in producing binary or source traces differ in some ways. We don’t support mixing the two methods together in a single coverage campaign, so a particular scheme needs to be selected upfront for each project. We have however strived to maximize the commonalities between the two solutions, in order to facilitate transitions from one scheme to the other and ensure that the widest possible range of improvements (for example, to output report formats) benefit both schemes in a consistent manner.

Supported languages and environments

Object coverage analysis is essentially language agnostic and available for both native Linux/Windows applications and for cross environments where we can obtain binary traces. For such configurations, we would normally rely on GNATemulator or on hardware probes to produce the traces.

Source coverage analysis, on the other hand, is by nature defined in close association with each particular source language.

As of today, with binary traces, GNATcoverage supports all the variants of Ada and C supported by the compilation toolchain, for native Linux or Windows applications as well as for a number of cross configurations with Zero-Footprint or Ravenscar runtimes for Ada.

With source traces, obtained from instrumented source programs, only Ada is supported at this stage, in native or cross environments. A few limitations remain compared to binary traces, in particular:

  • The Short_Circuit_And_Or pragma is not handled by the source instrumenter: non-short-circuit and and or operators are always considered as intra-condition computational operators;

  • Separate analysis of generic package instances is not supported.

On the other hand, source traces allow coverage analysis on code running from shared libraries, which we don’t support for binary traces.

With both kinds of traces, the behavior on Ada 2012 case expressions is still subject to change, in particular regarding decision or MCDC analysis as the criteria definition aren’t yet well established for such constructs in general.

Selecting binary or source traces

A given coverage assessment for a project may not mix source and binary traces together. The choice of a trace format depends on a number of considerations.

The first aspect is the match between the project’s needs and what each format allows, as described in the Supported languages and environments section. For object coverage assessments, binary traces is the only option. For source coverage assessements, the matrix below summarizes the possibiliites:

Ada language

C language

Shared Libraries


Source or Binary

Binary only

Source only


Source or Binary

Binary only


When source or binary traces are both an option, the selection can be performed according to a balance between test execution performance and the setup conveniency/adquation with possible project organizational requirements.

On the one hand, binary traces are produced by execution monitors which incur a very significant execution slow down in native environments, in addition to requiring compilation options which restrict optimization in several ways. Their main advantage, however, is they operate without explicit additional data state or control flow deviations, since what gets tested for coverage purposes is built from the same sources as what will run in operational conditions.

Source traces, on the other hand, are produced out of an alternate version of the program, with sources modified to include coverage related additional data structures and code adjustments of multiple sorts to feed these structures at run-time. The performance impact is expected to be much lower than with binary traces, however, and the trace files are more compact as they convey much higher level information.

Process overview

Integration within GNAT Studio apart, the facilities offered by GNATcoverage are primarily exposed through the gnatcov command-line tool and a coverage assessment process always consists in the following high level steps:

  • Arrange to produce traces (source or binary) from test programs, then

  • Generate report(s) from the traces, either directly or via intermediate results latched in so called coverage checkpoint files.

Some aspects of these operations depend on the targetted coverage criterion, on the kind of trace involved or on the program target environment. A brief overview is provided in the following sections of this chapter and further details are available from more specific chapters of this manual.

A number of the following examples include a --level=<> command line switch. The intent is to convey a target coverage criterion when needed, where <> would be stmt, stmt+decision, or stmt+mcdc for source coverage criteria; insn or branch for object coverage criteria.

Quite a few example command lines also include as <units-of-interest> placeholder, which represents a set of switches conveying the set of units for interest for source coverage assessments. Project files provide the most elaborate mechanisms for this purpose, with switches allowing the specification of projects of interest starting from a root project file, and optional attributes in individual project files, allowing a fine grained description of which particular units are of interest there, if not all. See the Specifying Units Of Interest section of this manual for a detailed description of the available actual options.

Producing binary traces (gnatcov run|convert)

For binary traces, gnatcov relies on an instrumented execution environment to produce the traces instead of having to instrument the program itself with extra code and data structures soleley aimed at tracking facts of interest for coverage purposes.

For cross configurations, GNATemulator provides such an environment, offering support for coverage assessments directly on the target code. Hardware probes may also be used as trace producers, provided trace data is converted to the format gnatcov expects. Most Linux and Windows native configurations are supported as well, using Valgrind or DynamoRIO, respectively, as process wrappers to produce traces within the host environment.

We provide an outline of the steps involved here. More details are available in the Producing binary traces with gnatcov run separate chapter of this manual.

Programs are built from their original sources, only requiring specific compilation options. At least -g -fpreserve-control-flow -fdump-scos, possibly others depending on the target configuration and needs you might have for some amount of optimization. Once a program is built, producing traces involves either:

  • Using gnatcov run to execute the program within an instrumented environment on the host, like:

    gnatcov run <yourapp> [--target=<target>] [--kernel=<kernel>]
      [--level=<>] [<units-of-interest>]  (implicit -o <yourapp.trace>)

    or, if you rely on on-board execution and have a hardware probe we support,

  • Using gnatcov convert to convert the trace produced by the probe, like:

    gnatcov convert --trace-source=<probe-id> --exec=<yourapp>
      --input=<probe-output> -o <yourapp.trace>

Very briefly here:

  • --target selects the execution environment that will know how to produce execution traces, such as <target>-gnatemu for emulated configurations. This can also be achieved with a Target attribute in the project file designated by -P (see the Specifying the Target and language Runtime section of this manual).

    Absence of a target specification requests instrumented execution within the host environment, in which case command line arguments can be passed to the executable program, as described in the Execution environment section of this manual.

  • --kernel is necessary for cross configurations where an operating system kernel such as VxWorks is needed to load and launch your applicative modules on top of the bare machine execution environment.

  • --level states the strictest coverage criterion which will be assessed from the resulting trace afterwards. To gnatcov run, this is required for stmt+mcdc assessments only, in which case it is highly recommended, for efficiency reasons, to also state the <units-of-interest> on which such analysis will (or at least might) be conducted.

Producing source traces (gnatcov instrument)

The production of source traces is performed by an instrumented version of the program running in its regular execution environment. An alternative version of the program sources is generated for units of interest, with additional data structures and code statements solely aimed at tracking coverage related information. Coverage data is dumped out to source traces or some IO channel according to a user selectable policy, for which the program main unit gets instrumented as well.

We provide an outline of the steps involved here, illustrated for the case of a native configuration. More details are available in the Producing source traces with gnatcov instrument separate chapter of this manual.

The whole scheme requires the use of project files. The instrumented code relies on common data types and subprograms provided by a coverage runtime library, distributed in source form with GNATcoverage. The first thing to do for a given project is then to build and install this coverage runtime so it becomes available to the instrumented sources afterwards. The easiest way to achieve this consists in first making a copy of the coverage runtime sources, then build and install from there, as documented in the Setting up the coverage runtime library section of the aforementioned chapter.

Once the coverage runtime is setup, instrumenting a program is achieved with a gnatcov instrument command like:

gnatcov instrument --level=<> <units-of-interest>
  [--dump-trigger=<>] [--dump-channel=<>]

--dump-trigger and --dump-channel select the execution point at which the output of coverage data should be injected and the output medium, respectively, with a variety of possibilities to select depending on the runtime environment capabilities. This might involve two kinds of instrumentation: one on main units to output the coverage data after it has been gathered, and one on the units of interest to collect the coverage data in the first place.

After instrumentation, building the program using instrumented source is achieved with a gprbuild command like:

gprbuild -P<project> --src-subdirs=gnatcov-instr --implicit-with=gnatcov_rts_full.gpr

GPR_PROJECT_PATH should be set to designate the directory where the coverage runtime has been installed if that is not a place where gprbuild would search by default (such that the GNAT installation prefix).

The production of coverage data is then simply achieved by executing the program.

A general property of note here is that instrumentation works within the context of an existing project structure, just adding alternate versions of the sources in strategically chosen places. We do not replicate the entire project tree, not even project files. Instead, the --src-subdirs and --implicit-with options combine together to allow the entire instrumented build to proceed with the original project files.

Producing reports from traces (gnatcov coverage)

The production of a coverage report can most often be done directly from one or more traces with gnatcov coverage, like:

gnatcov coverage --level=<> --annotate=<>
  [<units-of-interest>] | [--routines=@<symbols-list>] <trace1> <trace2> ...
  • --annotate specifies the desired output report format (=report for a synthetic list of coverage violations, =xcov for annotated sources in text format, =dhtml for annotated sources in HTML format, with colors, sortable columns, and per-project indexes);

  • The <units-of-interest> options convey the set of units for which the analysis is to be performed;

  • --routines is specific to the object level criteria, and optional in this case. This conveys the set of object symbol names on which the analysis should focus, if any.

For source coverage criteria, this interface is the same with source and binary traces. The presence of multiple traces on the command line requests the production of a report which combines the coverage achieved by all the corresponding executions, a process we refer to as coverage consolidation. Consolidation can also be performed using partial/intermediate result files called coverage checkpoints, as explained in more details in the Coverage Consolidation chapter of this manual.

Example session, from sources to coverage analysis

We start from the very basic Ada package below, with a spec and body in source files named and ops.adb, exposing a set of very basic named operations over Integer objects:

package Ops is
  type Op_Kind is (Increment, Decrement);
  procedure Apply (Op : Op_Kind; X : in out Integer);
end Ops;

package body Ops is
  procedure Apply (Op : Op_Kind; X : in out Integer) is
     case Op is
        when Increment => X := X + 1;
        when Decrement => X := X - 1;
     end case;
  end Apply;
end Ops;

We will analyse the statement coverage achieved by the sample unit test driver below, in test_inc.adb, which exercises the Increment operation only:

with Ops;
procedure Test_Inc is
  X : Integer := 4;
  Ops.Apply (Ops.Increment, X);
  pragma Assert (X = 5);
end Test_Inc;

We will illustrate two basic use cases, one using binary traces produced by GNATemulator for a cross target, and one using source traces for a native environment.

Assuming we start from a temporary working directory, with the ops sources in an opslib subdirectory and the test sources in a tests subdirectory, we will rely for both cases on a couple of project files in the common working directory:

-- code.gpr
project Code is
  for Source_Dirs use ("opslib");
  for Object_Dir use "obj-" & Project'Name;
end Code;

-- tests.gpr
with "code.gpr";
project Tests is
  for Source_Dirs use ("tests");
  for Object_Dir use "obj-" & Project'Name;

  for Main use ("test_inc.adb");
end Tests;

If you wish to experiment with both modes, you should start from separate working directories to prevent possible intereferences of artifacts from one mode on the other, as the two schemes are not designed to work together.

Example production of binary traces for a bareboard target

We first use the GNAT Pro toolset for powerpc-elf to build, using gprbuild as follows:

gprbuild -p --target=powerpc-elf --RTS=zfp-mpc8641 -Ptests.gpr
 -cargs:Ada -gnata -cargs -g -fpreserve-control-flow -fdump-scos

In this particular case:

  • -p queries the creation of the “obj” object directory if it doesn’t exist. This is where the object, ALI, and executable files will reside.

  • --target and --RTS tell :command:gprbuild which target toolchain and runtime library to use. Here, powerpc-elf and a zero-footprint library tailored for the mpc8641 GNATemulator board.

  • -Ptests.gpr test_inc.adb designate the project file and the main unit to build.

  • -cargs:Ada sets the Ada specific compilation option and -cargs sets the more general ones in accordance with the guidelines stated earlier.

The build command produces a test_inc executable in the object subdirectory, and now we can do:

gnatcov run --target=powerpc-elf obj-tests/test_inc

This executes the program within the instrumented execution environment, via GNATemulator, producing a test_inc.trace binary trace in the current directory.

Example production of source traces for a native environmment

Assuming the coverage runtime is available, the first step consists in instrumenting the test main program together with its “code” dependency. Here we request the output of coverage data when the program exits:

gnatcov instrument -Ptests.gpr --level=stmt --dump-trigger=atexit

Building the instrumented program would then go like:

gprbuild -f -p -Ptests.gpr --src-subdirs=gnatcov-instr --implicit-with=gnatcov_rts_full.gpr

After which we can simply execute the test program as in:


to produce a test_inc.srctrace source trace in the current directory.

Example production of a coverage report

We can analyse the coverage achieved by either execution using gnatcov coverage, for example with:

gnatcov coverage --level=stmt --annotate=xcov <trace> -Ptests.gpr

… where <trace> would be either the source or the binary trace produced previously. Here, we request:

  • A source statement coverage assessment with --level=stmt,

  • An annotated source report in text format with --annotate=xcov,

  • For the complete set of units involved in the executable, per -Ptests.gpr and no specification otherwise in the project files.

This produces annotated sources in the project’s object directory, with ops.adb.xcov quoted below:

67% of 3 lines covered
Coverage level: stmt
 1 .: package body Ops is
 2 .:    procedure Apply (Op : Op_Kind; X : in out Integer) is
 3 .:    begin
 4 +:       case Op is
 5 +:          when Increment => X := X + 1;
 6 -:          when Decrement => X := X - 1;
 7 .:       end case;
 8 .:    end Apply;
 9 .: end Ops;

The analysis results are visible as + / - annotations on source lines, next to the line numbers. The results we have here indicate proper coverage of all the statements except the one dealing with a Decrement operation, indeed never exercised by our driver.

The command actually also produces reports for and test_inc.adb, even though the latter is not really relevant. Focus on specific units, excluding the test driver from the analysis closure for example, can be achieved by adding a Coverage package to the tests project file, by using --scos=obj-code/ops.ali instead of -P, or by adding --projects=code.gpr to the command line so units from only this subproject are considered of interest. For source traces, this could also be incorporated as part of the instrumentation step, as there is no point in instrumenting the test units for their own coverage achievements.

Going Further

Beyond the simple cases sketched previously, GNATcoverage supports advanced capabilities available for both source and object coverage criteria.

Two examples are coverage consolidation, computing results for a set of execution traces, and exemption regions, allowing users to define code regions for which coverage violations are expected and legitimate.

As another example, the handling of libraries with the instrumentation scheme requires particular care to prevent re-instrumentation of a library together with every different test that exercises part of it.

The following chapters in this manual provide many more details on such topics.